As soon as Xiao Hei came up, he sat on the ground and only slapped his chest. It's really not a human thing. How could anyone come up with such a bad move!

If he hadn't asked for something, his little black master would have yelled at him, he was so unkind, and almost scared his soul out.

Xiao Hei's trembling legs were even softer now. Every time he takes a step, he has to test whether the board is strong or not.

Even this did not stop the fate of being teased.

Xiao Hei walked a few steps in a row and was fine. Just after he relaxed a little, something happened again.

Two boards appeared in front of him, and looking back, the previous boards were all complete.Then, of these two boards, there must be a mechanism in it.

Xiao Hei hesitated for a long time, and finally chose the one on the left. As soon as he stood on it, the rest of the bridge deck began to fall to one side.

Good guy, if you choose this part of your feelings, just go and don't think about it.Xiao Hei gritted his teeth and stood on the board on the right.

As soon as he stood up, the storm hit again, Xiao Hei lost his grip and was blown to the same place by the wind...

At this moment, Xiao Hei felt that he had the heart to kill someone. He had lived for 15 years, and this was the first time he was being played like a monkey! ! !
The werewolf couple looked at Xiao Hei who was blown to the ground by the wind in mid-air, out of breath from laughing, and lamented that this little guy is really an idiot.

Chi Mubei twitched the corners of his mouth. He also had a deep understanding of the wicked taste of these two wolves.From this point of view, Wen Hao's level is really the easiest.

Xiao Hei waited angrily for a long time, then shook his sleeves and went on the bridge again.After the strong wind passed, Xiao Hei learned to be smart this time, and stepped on the wooden plank in front of him tentatively with his foot, and he fell down.

Xiao Hei cocked his mouth, sneered, and jumped confidently to a plank behind him.In the end, the board was still empty, and he fell into the net again...

Xiao Hei crawled out of the net bag in embarrassment, really underestimating these two worthless wolves.

After walking a few steps, it came to the stage of choosing one of the two again. Xiao Hei was ready to be blown by the wind and chose the right side.But he stepped on it and nothing happened...

Xiao Hei is really smart this time, since nothing happened this time, then there must be fraud in the next step.

Jiang Qian looked at Xiao Hei who was being teased, and felt a little funny in his heartache.

I saw Xiao Hei taking a step cautiously, but nothing happened...there is a ghost.

A rustling sound came from behind, and a bridge full of snakes was crawling towards him quickly.

"Ah—" Xiao Hei let out a scream, and ran forward without stopping, fearing that he would be swallowed alive by snakes if he was too slow for a second.

But humans, how can they run past snakes without supernatural powers.Xiao Hei tried his best to run forward, but was still bitten by the snake on his ass.

"Aww! It hurts!" Xiao Hei screamed and fled while holding his butt, but he couldn't run to the end of the bridge, which was clearly close at hand.

Xiao Hei collapsed, begging his grandpa and grandma to beg for mercy from the werewolf.

The werewolf couple looked at Xiao Hei's extreme cool run with a smile on their faces, and they didn't want to help at all.

Asking for others is better than asking for oneself, and after being bitten a few more times, Xiao Hei decided to find the agency by himself.

Enduring the extremely painful wound, Xiao Hei calmed down and observed if there were any unusual places around him.

After looking for it, he was found by him.

The bridge deck is constantly changing, but the fence is always the same, so he is standing still now?No wonder those stinky snakes caught up with him so quickly and couldn't get rid of him.

Xiao Hei touched the fence with one hand, and continued to run forward, but he really stopped spinning in place, and gradually the snakes were also left behind by him.

After reaching the other side of the bridge, the werewolf couple happily let Xiao Hei out.

As soon as Xiao Hei came out, he hugged Jiang Qian, wiping his nose and tears everywhere, "Senior Sister, they are too bullying, look at the snake bites on my body, all of them are blood holes."

Jiang Qian gently patted Xiao Hei on the back, "Thank you, Junior Brother, you have really worked hard."

Xiao Hei wanted to show Jiang Qian his wounds, but after searching for a long time, his whole body was in good condition, not even scratching his skin.Obviously, he was in pain in the space, so why did he have nothing when he came out.

"Don't look for it, you idiot. It's all fake. If you get injured in the space, you'll be fine once you come out."

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