don't try to kill a black lotus

Chapter 102 Why Follow Me

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and took a look at Xie Qingzhou. The expression on his face was light and unwavering, as if what they were discussing was not his father.

Yuan Xuan shook his head: "I don't know, I'm afraid we will have to go deep into Fumo Mountain to find Di Xin, so let's send a letter back to the masters first."

After finishing speaking, he took out the crane and was about to send the letter back. Using his finger as a pen, the white light gathered into characters one by one, and finally formed a line of characters.

When Yuan Xuan folded the crane and was about to release it, the crane wobbled and flew towards Fumo Mountain in the distance, and finally fell into the hot magma.

"It seems that near Fumo Mountain, our abilities will also be affected, so we can only go forward first."

After Yuan Xuan finished speaking, he was about to move forward, but Ren Jinjin stopped him: "Didn't the brother in charge send a letter saying that Babao Liuli is nearby?"

There is no place to hide treasures near here, and the Babao Glaze should not be in the ground, and there may be a lot of magma underneath, so why did Tianquan send a message saying that the Babao Glaze is near Fumo Mountain?

"Brother Lu?!"

Jiang Zhuyi grabbed Ren Jinjin and pointed to a stone slab in the distance. Directly above the slate, Lu Yunqian was tied to the rope with his backhand, with his head bowed, which could only be seen from the shape of the clothes. It should be that Lu Yunqian is right.

"The position of that stone slab is too dangerous, and it's a bit difficult to fly with Yujian."

Ren Jinjin comforted the anxious Jiang Zhuyi. Lu Yunqian on the slate lowered her head and couldn't see her face clearly. She was a little worried that this might be Di Xin's trap that Yan Ji said.

"Then what should we do now? Little Senior Aunt, I know your worries, but if it's really Brother Lu, I, I really can't ignore it."

Jiang Zhuyi burst into tears of anxiety, Senior Brother Lu used to protect her, but now Senior Brother Lu is in danger, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, she will go to rescue Senior Brother Lu.

"Don't worry, let's find a way."

Ren Jinjin thought about all the things in her storage bag, and found that the only thing that could be used was the black ice ball sent by Kang Mao and the others.

Just when they were thinking about countermeasures, Xie Qingzhou behind him closed his eyes and felt a splitting headache. This place is too close to Fumo Mountain, and the devilish energy in his body seems to have found liberation here, and it ran wild in his body.

Those spiritual powers were not enough to suppress them. When he opened his eyes again, Yuan Xuan, who happened to be facing Ren Jinjin, naturally saw the red eyes of Xie Qingzhou behind her. He clenched his hands tightly, obviously attracting people Once here, Tianshu's true face can be exposed immediately, why is his heart a little panicked?
"A Zhou?"

Ren Jinjin's hand hanging on one side was held by Xie Qingzhou, she turned her head and called him, and saw his red eyes and delicate side face.

"what happened to you?"

She asked a question, but Xie Qingzhou didn't answer her. He let go of her hand and looked at her with deep eyes: "Don't follow, I will save Lu Yunqian."

Yan Ji said that Di Xin has set up a net here, as long as he gets close, he will die without a place to bury him. The Fumo Mountain in the distance is his burial place, but he has to go to Fumo Mountain. Only with Di Xin can he find a way to remove Qian Yuan's seal and get Qian Yuan back.

"I will go with you."

Ren Jinjin took his hand again, she couldn't let him take risks alone, let alone knowing that there was danger ahead.

"Need not."

This time, Xie Qingzhou let go of his hand and walked over the suspension bridge connecting the two places. Below is the magma flowing down from above. Although there is not much, even people with practice like them have to go halfway. Life.

The suspension bridge was wobbly, as if it was about to break in the next second. When Ren Jinjin wanted to follow up, the long-lost pain hit again. She fell to the ground, and then a long-lost voice came from her mind.

"Girl, long time no see."

It was the person who guided her to get the magic bone when she first entered this world. She didn't speak, but the old voice said again: "Your life has entered the countdown, and there are only three months left. If you still can't get it after three months Demon bone, then your soul will also be wiped out, and by then, you will no longer exist."

When his voice fell, Ren Jinjin heard a hint of urgency from it. She suddenly thought that no one should believe what Tianxin said that day, only Xie Qingzhou could believe it.

At this time, something different came to her mind. Could it be a conspiracy at the beginning? Why did all the spearheads point at Xie Qingzhou and want him to die?

She clutched her heart, looked up at Xie Qingzhou who had already passed the suspension bridge not far away, when the gushing fire was about to engulf his figure, she stood up and followed.

No matter how Yuan Xuan and Jiang Zhuyi behind him called her, this time she followed without hesitation. With that inexplicable courage, she ran over and held his hand firmly.

When the footsteps sounded behind him, Xie Qingzhou also stopped. He turned around and looked at Ren Jinjin behind him, with some reproach in his red eyes, he said, "Go back, it's very dangerous here."

"Ah Zhou, I haven't answered your question that day, I choose you, no matter when, I will choose you."

She wanted to live and approached him with an impure purpose, but from the beginning, Xie Qingzhou did nothing wrong, so when that person told her that she only had three months, she also wanted to It's clear, take a gamble and tell Xie Qingzhou her purpose, she doesn't want to lie to him anymore.

"I don't want to lie to you anymore. When we leave Fumo Mountain, I will tell you my purpose from the beginning."

There was a smile on Ren Jinjin's face again, with a relaxed attitude, whether it was a magic bone or a life-changing golden pill, she wanted to ask Xie Qingzhou's opinion.

"Ren Jinjin, you are really fickle."

Xie Qingzhou didn't say much, he just held her hand, and there was a hint of smile on that expressionless face. Originally, he was still thinking about how to make Ren Jinjin stay in the house willingly. Broken Kong Mountain, unexpectedly, she jumped into it by herself.

"I'm not very fickle, but I suddenly figured out one thing. As a selfish person, I was just for myself at first, but now, I don't think so anymore."

She held his hand back, and the two walked towards the stone slab. She put down her hand covering her heart. If Xie Qingzhou chooses to use the magic bone to save her, then she will exchange it with the golden pill, and when she has it A healthy body, two people can be together.

At that time, she will come to teach this big devil who doesn't understand love what it means to like and what it means to be a lover.
In the Wanxiang Kongshan Mirror, Yaoguang looked at the villain in his hand and touched her head with his fingertips. The last golden pill was lost by her forcible use of magic, and now he can only give her another one. The formation can't be delayed any longer, otherwise Xie Qingzhou can't be suppressed.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about whether Xie Qingzhou will enter the formation. What he should worry about is that a radish that was carved by himself and given life actually wants to be with this devil.

"It seems that by then, I still need to do it myself."

"Uncle Master!"

As soon as Yaoguang finished speaking, he heard Tianquan's footsteps, and then he called his uncle and said, "The person behind him is actually Senior Brother Tianshu, and the jade flute of Elder Tianxin is missing."

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