Chapter 16 The Truth
Lan Chuchu was taken aback.But there seemed to be someone behind him.

She turned around abruptly, was shocked, and couldn't help shouting: "Master!"

Elder Ye looked at Lan Chuchu in shock.

Lan Chuchu also looked at Elder Ye in surprise.

Time seemed to stand still.

"Chuchu, Feng Yi is a bad guy! He..." A figure fell to the ground, it was a five or six-year-old boy.

"Xiao Lei, why are you in my master's cave?" Lan Chuchu helped the little boy up, looked into Xiao Lei's eyes seriously, and said, "Xiao Lei, am I dreaming, right? Slap me and see See if it hurts. Dreaming doesn't hurt..."

With a snap, Lan Chuchu's face was in severe pain, but luckily it didn't swell up.

"Isn't it a dream? Could it be that my memory is confused? Did I confuse my memory?" Lan Chuchu said to herself.

"It's not a dream, it's this bad guy who brought you here." Xiao Lei said, pointing at Elder Ye.

Elder Ye had calmed down, he looked at Xiao Lei and said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Lie Kong!" Xiao Lei put his hands on his hips, puffed out his small chest, and looked at Elder Ye arrogantly, with an air of contempt for the world.

"Are you a monster?!" Elder Ye looked him up and down, then took a few steps back, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

"What monster?! I'm a Thunder Beast!" Xiao Lei was a little annoyed. This bad guy doesn't respect beasts, it's so irritating!
Lan Chuchu also slowly calmed down.The voice replied coldly: "He is my little friend Liekong, the thunder beast in the cloud mirror.

Elder Ye, what did you take me to your cave for?We neither steal nor rob. We just want to live in peace and contentment.

But you, pestering me again and again, driving me into a state of insanity, time is running out, are you satisfied? "

Elder Ye's eyes turned back and forth on Lan Chuchu and Xiaolei several times, and finally fell on Lan Chuchu. The attack in his own cave caused a lot of losses. It is better to pay attention first and then fight.

"I just want to know, how did you, a little monk in the Qi training period, make such a shocking movement!
You actually know everything about my cave.

Who are you? "

When Lan Chuchu heard this, she pulled a chair over and sat down.

She organized her words and said: "I once had a dream. I dreamed that I was your apprentice Li Xiaohua. I learned the water spirit technique and the bone quenching sky thunder technique. You taught me many things, but I don't know anything. , I will only make some clothes to repay you. Later," Lan Chuchu paused,
"Later, something happened to you, and you were wounded by the demon cultivator, sealed your soul, and locked the Nascent Soul. There is a way to counter these demon cultivators in the Tuotian Demon Art. So I want to follow the instructions in the dream, Mind you. That's all."

"That's all? You don't have any selfishness?"

Elder Ye sneered, he didn't believe that someone could really understand the situation of his cave just from a dream.

He was born as a casual cultivator, experienced too many dark killings, and has always been cautious. If not for this, he would not be alive now.

"If you have to say that you have selfishness, it's not that you don't have it."

Lan Chuchu's voice was calm, but she only spoke half.The air was quiet, and everyone was waiting for her to finish speaking.

"Selfishness is, I don't want you to be trapped, rescued by another woman, and then fall in love with her.

I only hope that you will only love me forever and ever. "

Lan Chuchu's voice became a little higher, and she stared at Elder Ye dissatisfied, but her eyes were wet with tears.

Elder Ye's face remained unchanged, his pair of jet-black starry eyes flickered, and he stared at Lan Chuchu again.Seeing her acting like this, I couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while.

"Is he the Xiaobai you mentioned?" Xiaolei interjected untimely, and asked in a low voice near Lan Chuchu.

"Xiaobai? You actually know Xiaobai?" Elder Ye was shocked again.Only his parents called him that when he was young.

"Chu Chu told me that a few days ago! She loves you so much, but you made her shattered and almost died. You really don't know what to do!" Xiaolei was filled with righteous indignation!
"Chuchu, tell me again, why don't you love your husband, but love him instead? He is not as handsome as your husband, and he is so fierce!"

"Don't worry about it, go back to the cave space!" Lan Chuchu was extremely troubled by the question, thinking together, Xiaolei disappeared, wondering if he had entered the cave space.

Seeing Elder Ye's surprised expression on the opposite side, Lan Chuchu pointed to the ring on his hand and said, "This ring is a cave space. I bought it by accident. It was a stone that toppled the roof many years ago. When I touched it, it The roof was overturned. It was also bought in one piece.

As for these things, they may be too bizarre, believe it or not.Believe it or not, just pretend that I never existed and live your life with peace of mind.

Not only will you succeed in becoming a god in the future, but you will also ascend to other interfaces.So the future is bright, don't worry about being delayed by me.

Is there anything else you don't understand?Feel free to ask, and I'll make it clear. "

Elder Ye was silent for a while, then asked in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

Lan Chuchu was silent.She thought for a long time, and then said quietly: "I used to be Li Xiaohua, your apprentice, Xuanyuanzheng's fiancée, wife, queen, cultivator at the transformation stage, the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the guardian of this continent. I was more than 2000 years old, and then sat down. After that, I don’t know if the people in the Palace of the Underworld didn’t give me Mengpo soup. I was reborn as Lan Chuchu, but I still have the memory of the previous life. So it’s like this.”

"Is there really a palace of the king of hell?"

Elder Ye reached out and grabbed a chair from somewhere, sat down at the door, and planned to have a long talk.

"It should be, I haven't been there."

"There really is the Palace of the King of Hell. If Fellow Daoist Ye is interested, you can go to the ghost world with us and witness it with your own eyes."

A peaceful voice came out.An elegant white figure appeared, it was Feng Yi.

Elder Ye immediately stood up. "and who are you?"

He had the impression that he had seen this white figure when he searched for Lan Chuchu's soul five years ago.

Lan Chuchu also stood up, just about to speak, but was stopped by Feng Yi.

"In Xiafengyi, it turned out to be a ray of consciousness of a golden fairy in the fairy world, trapped in a book called "The Secret Book of Ninth Level Body Training". I don't know how many thousands of years I was trapped, but I came to the The lower realm. I have stayed in the Book Collection Pavilion of your Cumulus Sect for more than 1 years. If Fairy Lan Chuchu hadn’t borrowed this book ten years ago and unsealed the book’s seal, I don’t know how long it will take. to get out of trouble."

"A wisp of divine consciousness can actually conjure up a figure?" Elder Ye continued to question.

"Spiritual consciousness is just transformed into form, why not? The time is long enough, and the spiritual consciousness can also be cultivated and formed into a brand new person. Friends Ye, the world is full of strange things and intricate, you can open your mind to cover everything.

However, Miss Chuchu was forcibly searched for her soul by you last time, and her soul was severely damaged.After a while, I want to take her to the ghost world to find the secret technique of nourishing the soul and help her recover.

If night friends feel guilty, or if you have the courage to see the ghost world, you can go together.

Fellow Ye Daoist, would you like to go together? "

(End of this chapter)

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