Chapter 20 Inventory
Perhaps because of the memories of the past, a smile slowly appeared on Lan Chuchu's face: "But at that time, I was too poor to afford restaurants, and you loved meat buns the most.

Once when I was naughty, I ate some meat buns from others, and was chased and beaten by the shopkeeper!
Fortunately, I just handed over the clothes to the tailor shop, and I have some copper coins in my hand, so I saved you from the shopkeeper.

But I don't want to be ripped off by the store and pay three times the price!It caused me to be hungry for several days, and I still have to go to the river to fish for you!

So you have to pay for the meal and drink today!I'm sorry if you don't pay! "

"Don't you have spiritual power? Why do you still need to eat?" Elder Ye was a little surprised.Although these things did not happen to him, they were somehow related to him, so he couldn't help being curious.

"It was originally there, but it was injured and fell to the realm, and then your spiritual power was sucked dry by you."

Lan Chuchu sighed, "You don't know where you learned the evil secret technique. As soon as I touched you, you sucked up all my spiritual power. But because of this, you turned from a coma to a big one. A living person, although only a few years old with an IQ."

Elder Ye's heart beat violently.This secret technique is one of his life-saving trump cards. The unconscious state will automatically absorb the spiritual power of others.He obtained this secret technique from the secret realms of other continents, and it only exists in his own mind, and it is absolutely impossible for others to know it!

If the strength of Feng Yi Shangxian last night made him recognize the reality, admit that Lan Chuchu and the others have the strength to destroy him, and it is impossible to lie to him, then today's words made him already tell Lan Chuchu what he said No more doubts.

He suddenly felt that this is not a good place to chat, so he suggested: "Since we are full of wine and food, let's go back!"

At this time, the sky was getting dark outside, and the evening mist was sinking.

After the two returned to Elder Ye's cave, Lan Chuchu said, "There are a lot of things under the bed that you can use right now, so you can check them first. What's missing on the list seems to be there."

Elder Ye nodded and followed Lan Chuchu into the bedroom.

Lan Chuchu first put the ring on her hand into a storage bag, sealed it firmly, and put it in another empty clean room before returning.

He also explained to Elder Ye: "This is your thing. My cave space doesn't seem to be able to stop their spiritual consciousness. It would be bad if they see so many things and take advantage of the money."

Elder Ye naturally understood that they were referring to the thunder beast and the immortal named Feng Yi.

Elder Ye was a little moved.

"I haven't moved anything here, you can check it out slowly."

Lan Chuchu was about to leave, but Elder Ye kept her: "Help me check and sort it out together. If you hadn't found it, I wouldn't have known these things existed, so you have a share of the credit."

In fact, he was already prepared for these things to be looted by Lan Chuchu and the others, but he didn't expect that he could return them intact.

Since the other party is so kind, why don't you be generous, anyway, it was by chance.

Lan Chuchu didn't care.

After Elder Ye started looking through the storage bags under the bed one by one, he was really surprised!
The things here are enough to double his already rich net worth several times!

After roughly checking, he couldn't help taking out two jugs, one for Lan Chuchu, and said excitedly: "Chuchu, you are such a lucky star! Let's celebrate and drink this jug to the brim!"

Lan Chuchu wasn't as generous as Elder Ye, but he drank most of the pot in a timely manner.The energy of drinking in the afternoon has not yet dissipated, and at this time, she drank more than half of the pot, and Lan Chuchu was already a little drunk.

Elder Ye can drink quite well, but because he is really excited, his eyes are bright at this time, which is completely different from the calm and murderous look before.He picked out some items that he could use now, divided the remaining storage bags into two, pointed to one of them, and said to Lan Chuchu:

"Chuchu, these things belong to you. If you hadn't discovered this mechanism, I'm afraid I would not be able to find these things myself!"

"What do I want these things for? I just do it occasionally. If it wasn't for me, your apprentice might not be able to find these things later."

Lan Chuchu lacks interest, she doesn't care much about the promotion of cultivation, and the wealth of Lingshi is all outside the body, so it doesn't matter if you have it or not.

"That's true, but for me, this opportunity fell on you." Elder Ye continued to insist. Although he had believed in the past life, the current past was basically consistent with what Lan Chuchu experienced in the previous life, but in In this world, Lan Chuchu itself is a variable, so how can the future opportunities and the direction of things be completely the same?

Just like now, Lan Chuchu, who had no previous life in front of him, has been close to his demon, and has been lingering in his heart for five years.

Lan Chuchu didn't know this, and smiled lightly: "If you have to thank me, why don't you tell me about that Fairy Yunyao?"

Elder Ye looked at Lan Chuchu who was half sitting on the ground beside the bed in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Yunyao is a female cultivator I met by chance in the early days of my cultivation. We were attacked by monsters together, and by accident, we became male and female."

"that's it?"


"I can rest assured that."

"Relax what?"

Lan Chuchu smiled brightly: "Don't worry, I'm the only one in your heart!" She shook her head again, but her blushing face could not conceal her happiness and sweetness: "No, it's not you, it's him."

Elder Ye looked at Lan Chuchu with a happy face, but felt strange in his heart, as if a little sour.

"Since you are so deeply rooted in love, why don't you practice ascending to reunite with him?"

Lan Chuchu sighed: "Of course I don't want to embarrass him, and I don't want to embarrass myself either. Before I got married, he and Fairy Yunyao had formed a dual cultivation partner, and Fairy Yunyao also practiced day and night, and later she also ascended through the tribulation. to join him."

"Why didn't you become a double cultivation partner with him? Marry someone else instead?"

"Originally, we went to other continents, intending to live a good life together. Who knew that I was secretly given a secret technique by the old devil Hehuan, and I will die soon. Later I heard that only the Xuanyuan family has the solution to this technique.

Moreover, Xuanyuanzheng has become King Xuanyuan, running around the world just to find me, saying that I am his fiancée.At that time, demon cultivators ravaged the entire continent, and if King Xuanyuan had no intention of governing, the entire continent would be in dire straits.He sent me back and quickly married Yunyao, but he didn't know where he went. "

"My biggest wish in my previous life was to be his wife, have children together, and live a peaceful life.

Since I can't do it, it's not bad to be a competent apprentice, so I worked hard in my previous life to eliminate demons and maintain the stability of this continent. "

Lan Chuchu recalled the past with a smile on her face and talked eloquently.

"Life is like a dream, and one of them is still in Jiangyue."

Lan Chuchu raised the jug in her hand as a gesture, and drank it down in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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