Chapter 24
Elder Ye smiled slightly, raised his glass as a signal, and drank a big glass himself.

"It seems that I found a good treasure today?"

"No, the financial problem can finally be resolved. No, there is a preliminary plan."

"How to solve it? You are a dignified alchemy cultivator, and you still need to sell talismans to make money?"

"How do you know? You overheard our conversation?"

Lan Chuchu was startled.She did.Talisman seals are low-cost and in great demand, and are most suitable for accumulating funds in the early stage.

"Do you still need to eavesdrop? That's what you did ten years ago. It's your job."

Elder Ye didn't show his face, but he was a little ashamed in his heart. He had indeed eavesdropped. Who told me to break your soundproof restriction?

"Liu Yuan and the others are only in the early stage of foundation building, and they can't hold good things. Selling talismans and seals is cheap and safe, although accumulation is slower."

"I can teach you a way to get rich, do you want to listen?"

"Farewell, I owe someone karma, and I will have to pay it back sooner or later. I don't want to get involved with your karma. If I don't want to return your 10,000+ spirit stones, how can I use it for the talisman business."

Elder Ye didn't speak.

Lan Chuchu didn't say any more, she lowered her head and ate the food.

The two finished their meal in such a dull manner, and returned to the cave.

Before parting, Elder Ye took out a jade box, opened it, and handed it to Lan Chuchu.

"This, it can be regarded as compensation for searching your soul last time."

Lan Chuchu glanced at the things in the jade box, her beautiful eyes widened in an instant, after looking for a long time, she stared at Elder Ye brightly again: "Where did this come from?"

"The one I took today looks a bit like the rock you knocked over the roof before, so I just bought it."

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Lan Chuchu took the jade box, feeling very excited!
that is really good!
She looked at Elder Ye and said, "I'll take you into my cave first, and then I'll explain it to you."

She stretched out her hand to grab Elder Ye's arm, thinking together, the scene changed, but the two fell into the lake, soaking wet.

Finally climbing to the shore in a hurry, Lan Chuchu said very sorry: "I'm really sorry, I've never brought someone as heavy as you, and accidentally fell into the wrong place, and your clothes were wet."

Elder Ye just looked around and said flatly, "It's okay."

Two people came running from a distance.No, to be precise, it's one beast and one soul.

At first, the Thunder Beast showed its main body running, but when it got close, it turned into a little boy again.

Feng Yi is still floating like a ghost.

The faces of these two were gloomy, especially for Elder Ye, the look in their eyes was like facing a robber who broke into their own house.

Elder Ye remained calm, cupped his fists and saluted, "I've met you two, Yebai."

Feng Yi's expression was sour, he refused to even pretend to be a smiling tiger.

Xiao Lei said in a childlike voice, "Your name is Yebai? It's normal to be called Xiaobai. Isn't it easy to know your name is Xiaobai?"

Lan Chuchu didn't care about the wet clothes, stepped forward to hug Xiaolei, and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Some people know his surname is Ye and his name is Bai, but they might not dare to call him Xiaobai."

Xiao Lei felt badly stained by Lan Chuchu's wet clothes, twisted and fell to the ground, and then asked: "Why didn't you dare to scream?" He asked Elder Ye instead.

"I don't know either. Maybe I have never been close to people." Elder Ye frowned, but did not remain silent.

Lan Chuchu didn't care so much, walked up to Feng Yi, held up the jade box, and opened her mouth to speak.

Feng Yi pulled Lan Chuchu to turn around, and walked a few steps away, wrapping his arm lightly around Lan Chuchu's shoulder, as if they were whispering to each other, discussing some secret.

"This can be used, but I still need Chu Chu to refine it for me." Feng Yi whispered softly.

"No problem." Lan Chuchu agreed.

She walked back to Elder Ye and said, "Thank you Elder Ye this time. Feng Yi's body can be tamped down again."

Lan Chuchu was full of gratitude, looked at the drenched Elder Ye, and said:

"Xiao Lei, let Elder Ye borrow your room and let him change his clothes, okay?"

"No! I am a Thunder Beast's room, and I cannot be used by others!"

Xiao Lei refused.It seems that he is still quite hostile to Elder Ye.

Lan Chuchu said with some embarrassment: "Then, I have to wrong Elder Ye and use my room to change clothes."

Elder Ye followed Lan Chuchu, walking all the way, looking at him all the way.There are grassy beaches, forests and lakes, blue sky and white clouds. The environment is very good and the atmosphere is very comfortable.Except for that Thunder Beast with a hostile face, and that white fairy figure named Feng Yi.

Especially Feng Yi, not only hostile, but also a declaration of sovereignty.Not only did he pull Lan Chuchu away, the two whispered to each other, the man even put his arms around Chuchu's shoulders!
He couldn't help feeling sour for a while.

Such a figure transformed by the divine consciousness of a celestial being has something wrong with Lan Chuchu? !
He was caught off guard last time, but now he may not have the strength to handle Feng Yi.

This is Chuchu's boudoir?Pink curtains, pink sheets and bedding, very warm and girly.

"My preferences are a bit special, please don't dislike Elder Ye."

"Very warm." Elder Ye boasted casually, "Just like you."

"I'll just say it! You still have vision, and I feel so warm too. It's just that broken soul, and that beast, who always look down on me, really!"

"Do you have any clothes with you? That's good, you change first."

Lan Chuchu turned out of the room and closed the door, but with a smile on her face, she didn't move for a long time.

"He praised me for being sweet! He praised me! He never praised me!"

A little joy rippling in my heart, filled my face, the corners of my eyes and eyebrows, all of them.

"Chuchu, why are you smirking, why don't you go change your clothes!" Xiao Lei shouted untimely.

Seeing the black face of the beast and soul, Lan Chuchu rolled her eyes, went straight to Feng Yi's room and closed the door to change clothes.

I was supposed to go to Xiaolei's room, but he refused to let anyone use it!Who made himself human!
After quickly changing her clothes, she came out and saw that the beast soul was still in the hall, so she said: "You go about your business, I will take Elder Ye for a stroll, and we will leave."

Elder Ye had already changed his clothes, but began to visit the room.

The room was a bit messy, obviously, Chu Chu usually lives here.No wonder his bedroom still looked deserted and unpopular.

There is a kind of Lan Chuchu's unique atmosphere here, which is warm, peaceful and comfortable.

He wanted to reach out and touch the bedding on the bed, but held back.

The quilt that was randomly piled up next to it was tidy on one side and slightly messy on the other. It could be seen that Chu Chu hadn't had time to tidy up after getting up.

"Elder Ye, have you changed?"

"All right."

"I'll show you around my cave space."

"It's not yours, it's mine! My cave space!"

Xiao Lei protested.

"Okay, it's yours, and it's yours in the future. It's still mine now! Hurry up and go."

Lan Chuchu was a little angry, glared at Xiaolei, and went out with Elder Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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