Chapter 27
On a dark and windy night, in a deserted wilderness in the Cumulus Mountains.Three figures, two big and one small, were walking around, as if looking for something.

"Xiaofeng, you won't make a mistake again, right? There's nothing here!" Xiaolei complained, pouted.

"Look again!" Feng Yi also frowned, looking around.

"It's fine if you can't find it. How can it be so easy to find the entrance in this ghost world, let's enter as soon as we say it." Lan Chuchu sat cross-legged lazily, holding a flagon, drinking comfortably.It's a pity that the sky is too dark and there is no moon to admire.

"That Yebai is really not a good person, he brought Chu Chu to his knees and turned into an alcoholic!" Xiaolei sat down beside Lan Chuchu very unhappy, grabbed the jug from her hand, and took a drink himself.

Lan Chuchu sneered: "Children can't drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol will make them grow taller and become stupid."

Xiao Lei said unconvinced: "That's your human child, our Thunder Beast child can't!"

"Xiao Lei, how old are you this year?"

"I don't know. I've lived in that dark hall for as long as I can remember."

"Then you haven't seen other Thunder Beasts, so how do you know that baby Thunder Beasts won't become stupid after drinking?"

"Hmph! So cute!"

"Our Little Thunder is the smartest and most handsome little Thunder Beast in the world. Even if we become a little bit stupid, we are still much smarter than other Thunder Beasts!"

"That's about the same! Chuchu, I think Xiaofeng is really stupid. He couldn't even find the entrance to the ghost world, which caused us to travel so many places for nothing."

"He may have been trapped in the book for too long, and he has been trapped stupidly. Let's not bother with him. Besides, if you go around more, you can play for a while. If you go to the ghost world, maybe it won't be so fun."

"Someone is coming." Feng Yi suddenly whispered.

One person, one beast and one soul moved quickly and cooperated closely.One beast and one soul quickly entered the cave space, and Lan Chuchu activated the invisibility cloak.

Lan Chuchu specially asked Yebai to enchant the invisibility cloak with the invisibility cloak. It is very easy to use, and it has been tried repeatedly before.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Lan Chuchu saw that the surroundings had been very quiet, and her not-so-powerful consciousness did not detect anyone around, so she withdrew the invisibility technique of the cloak.

However, she felt that something was wrong, the surroundings were too quiet, so she didn't stay any longer and continued to go south.According to Feng Yi's speculation, the next possible entrance to the ghost world is in the south.

Lan Chuchu has been on the road non-stop for several days, but still feels that she is being watched.This kind of tail that can't get rid of makes people feel too uncomfortable.

But she simply didn't worry, and joined a group of monks who were traveling together.

There are [-] monks in the team, mainly monks in the foundation building period, and only two monks in the alchemy period.It is said that most of these monks are casual cultivators, and the main purpose of traveling together is to go to Jiju City in the south.Seeing that Lan Chuchu was a female cultivator of the first class, and she was also an alchemy cultivator, she allowed her to accompany her.

After all, there are many people with great power, and if they encounter robbery, they can still have some self-protection power.

After another two days, a middle-aged male cultivator who was also in the early stage of alchemy also applied to join the team.When Lan Chuchu saw this monk, she lowered her head slightly to hide the strange look in her eyes.

The middle-aged male cultivator deliberately lowered his cultivation, but did not hide his appearance.

Lan Chuchu had only met this person once in her previous life, but she left a very deep impression on her.

This person is none other than Xuanyuanzheng's master, Ye Leli, the only surviving middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator in the western part of the Yongling Continent, and the current actual ruler of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The Great Xia Dynasty is located in the west of the Yongling Continent, and it is the most famous holy place for cultivating immortals on the entire continent.The Cumulus Mountains, as the earliest origin of cultivating immortals on the Yongling Continent, are far less prosperous than it.

If Xuanyuan was the catastrophe of her previous life, then Ye Leli was Xuanyuanzheng's catastrophe.

Although Xuanyuanzheng was the second prince, he was raised as the successor of the Great Xia Dynasty from birth.At the age of one hundred, he began to try to condense the Nascent Soul for the first time.In this era when ordinary monks are five hundred years old and condensed Nascent Soul, he is definitely a genius among geniuses.Ye Bai can be regarded as a genius in the world of cultivating immortals, and he is also a Nascent Soul that was only condensed at the age of more than 300 years.

But at the critical moment when Xuanyuanzheng condensed the Nascent Soul, Xuanyuanzheng's sweetheart fell into the arms of Xuanyuanzheng's elder brother, and was discovered by Xuanyuanzheng just in time.Naturally, the demons invaded and failed to condense the Nascent Soul.

Not long after, Xuanyuanzheng encountered another assassination arranged by his elder brother, so he fled alone. His master died to save him, and before he died, he told him not to return to the Mansion Dynasty.

Decades later, Ye Leli, who had been resurrected from the dead, appeared in the Cumulus Mountains in the east of the Yongling Continent, before Xuanyuan, and wanted to kill this former proud student himself.

It's just that Lan Chuchu remembered that in his previous life, Ye Leli had to come to the Cumulus Mountains to assassinate Xuanyuanzheng two years later.Why did this world come here so early?

Is it because of her appearance that things have changed from the previous life, or is it because he often haunts the Cumulus Mountains?
However, this person is by no means a kind person. I am afraid that he did not intend to let them live by showing his true face like this.

Lan Chuchu acted as low-key as possible, thinking hard about a way out.

They were near Wandan Gate at this time.

After Lan Chuchu and the others quietly left Cumulus Sect, they first headed north, searching for the entrance to the ghost world for a while, but failed.Later, seeing a large number of monks starting to go to Jiju City, they went south again and continued to look for the exit of the ghost world.

Later, I heard that the large troop of the Cumulus Sect had set off for Jiju City, and Elder Yebai was one of the elders leading the team.Lan Chuchu breathed a sigh of relief, and acted more freely.

In fact, she was still worried that Yebai would come to her and insisted on going to the ghost world together.The ghost world is unpredictable, and it is very likely that there will be no return. She does not want Yebai to take risks with her.It was worthwhile for her to live two lifetimes, but Yebai's wonderful life has just begun.

But Yebai remained silent, saying that it was impossible for her not to feel lost.After all, not long ago, he said that he liked her, but in the blink of an eye, he forgot about it.

But she can also understand, after all, what she loves is Yebai from her previous life.For Yebai in this world, they didn't get along much, and they couldn't say how affectionate they were.The so-called Xinyue is just a euphemism for being interested in sex.To put it in detail, it was her old cow who ate tender grass, and Yebai was the one who suffered.

Lan Chuchu recalled Ye Bai's gentleness and carefulness, and couldn't help but feel a warm current in her heart.After all, for such a confident person like him, he treats her so cautiously, it's impossible not to be moved.

When Lan Chuchu woke up from the memory, the monk Ye Leli had disappeared.

Could it be that Ye Leli is here for the Wandan Gate?
Now is the golden time to get out!
(End of this chapter)

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