Rebirth: An Alternative Road to Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 47 The Entrance to the Ghost Realm

Chapter 47 The Entrance to the Ghost Realm
There was a warm current in her heart.After all, they have been husband and wife for nearly a thousand years.He treated her as always, but she cheated him with a false promise.

"You should take good care of yourself in the upper realm. Although I haven't been to the upper realm, I think that there is also a place where the weak prey on the strong, and the strong survive. You must not come across the realm like this again, and you will eat yourself back, and there will be endless troubles."

Lan Chuchu's tone was no longer so cold, nor tense, it was a normal tone.

Xuanyuanzheng was greatly encouraged!She finally returned to the attitude she had before his ascension, caring for him!
Xuanyuan was so excited that he took a big step forward, wanting to hug Lan Chuchu into his arms.

But she fell to the ground, frowning tightly, her face full of pain.

"Xiaohua, what's wrong with you?"

Xuanyuan was immediately grabbing Xiao Hua's wrist, and a beam of light shot into Xiao Hua's body to scan.

"Why are you so damaged?! Who is it? Who did it to you?"

Xuanyuan was holding hands non-stop, and a powerful fairy force wrapped Lan Chuchu's soul tightly, preventing her from being shattered for a while.

"it's okay no problem."

Lan Chuchu quickly comforted Xuanyuanzheng.If Xuanyuanzheng had a celestial wrath at this time, I'm afraid that all the living beings here would be ruined.

"I practiced too impatiently, and accidentally got injured. I also sought revenge from Hehuan Laomo, and was beaten even worse by her."

Xuanyuanzheng didn't doubt it.Their first child was refined in the abdomen by the secret technique performed by the old devil He Huan, which helped Xiao Hua advance to the golden core stage.

But he didn't know at the time that in order to prevent the pursuers of the Great Xia Dynasty from continuing to persecute Xiao Hua, he deliberately got engaged to another woman and announced in public that he would sever ties with Xiao Hua.

This made Xiaohua, who had just advanced to the golden core stage, almost break her golden core.Immediately afterwards, she witnessed the death of herself and Ye Leli, which finally caused the golden core to shatter and cut off the avenue of cultivation.

He later learned that after Xiaohua regained her memory, she had always held a grudge against Old Demon Hehuan, and wanted to kill him with her own hands.So in this life, she came to seek revenge from Old Demon Hehuan, which is easy to understand.

"I will train a clone as soon as possible and put it into this world to help you restore your soul. You wait for me."

"Don't be so troublesome. The ghost world has secret techniques to repair the damage of the soul. I am looking for the entrance to the ghost world here."

"I will open the entrance to the ghost world for you."

Without saying a word, Xuanyuanzheng slid his hands and struck with all his strength.The dark hole next to the platform instantly turned into a huge abyss.

The world shook violently!
After a while, a thick black ghostly aura surged out.

Xuanyuanzheng manipulated again and set up a barrier at the entrance of the cave.

"This hole leads directly to the ghost world, and only you and your belongings and people can enter and exit. You wait for a few days and wait until I make arrangements there before you go in."

Although he has only advanced to the rank of Golden Immortal not long ago, when he was still a real immortal, he also traveled into the ghost world in search of Xiaohua's soul.Although Xiao Hua has not been found, but I have also met some friends, and it is still possible to entrust the ghost friends to take care of her for a while.

After Xuanyuanzheng finished telling the details one by one, she found that she was just looking at him fixedly, with distant and complicated eyes.

"Ah Zheng, the relationship between you and me in the previous life has ended, I am Lan Chuchu, I am no longer Li Xiaohua, I am not your wife."

Xuanyuan was taking a deep breath, slowly suppressing the rage in her heart, restraining the coercion that was pressing her down until wounds appeared on her face.

"Okay, you are Lan Chuchu." He will not admit that she is not his wife.No matter how many identities she changed, she was the only wife of his.

Lan Chuchu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.In any case, she must draw a clear line with him.As long as he admits that she is Lan Chuchu.

"Thank you for your kindness of healing today, and for helping me open the entrance to the ghost world. I will try to repay you when Chuchu is able in the future."

"You and I..., why are you so out of touch." Xuanyuan Zheng swallowed back the words "husband and wife are one body".

It doesn't matter, although she refuses to admit it now, as long as she is willing to ascend, he will always be able to chase her back in the endless years to come!
Lan Chuchu looked at Yebai Yuanying in his arms, and hesitated to speak.She wanted to ask Xuanyuan Zheng to release Yebai Yuanying's imprisonment, but she was afraid of offending him, so she destroyed Yebai in a fit of anger.

Xuanyuanzheng sneered, raised his hand again, and a white light entered Yebai Yuanying's body.

"As long as you enter the ghost world, his imprisonment will be automatically released."

Some manipulations, especially the one blow to open the passage leading to the ghost world just now, consumed most of Xuanyuanzheng's immortal power projected into the world.

Xuanyuan was opening his mouth, but he didn't know whether to call her Xiaohua, lady, or something else, so he could only say: "I'll be waiting for you in the upper realm."

Lan Chuchu looked into his eyes and said, "I will try my best to ascend to the upper realm."

I only said my best, but I didn't say sooner.

Xuanyuanzheng didn't care about these verbal tricks, his life span was long enough to afford to wait for her.As long as it is not such a mortal world with extremely thin spiritual power and extremely strong interface suppression, he can find her, even in the ghost world.

Xuanyuan nodded, put a protective cover on Lan Chuchu's body, and then disappeared.

After a while, it began to rain heavily in Jiju City with a radius of thousands of miles.The rainwater is contaminated with a special immortal technique, which can erase all related memories of those who have experienced the coercion of the immortal just now.

Because Lan Chuchu had Xuanyuanzheng's protective cover, her memory was not washed away by the special immortal method.

Without saying much, she took Yebai's body and Nascent Soul into the cave space.

In the space of the cave mansion, Feng Yi and Xiao Lei looked like they were waiting for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Just now Xuanyuanzheng's coercion and spiritual consciousness also invaded this cave space, because the two of them had a strong aura of Lan Chuchu, Xuanyuanzheng did not do any harm.

But such coercion and spiritual consciousness also made Feng Yi and Xiao Lei walk through the gate of hell.

Needless to say Xiaolei, the difference in realm is really huge.Although Feng Yi is also a ray of divine consciousness, after all, he has been wandering outside for tens of thousands of years, and he has already lost contact with his main body. His immortal power has been scattered for many years, and there is not much left. How can he compete with the golden immortal consciousness that has directly broken through the boundary? .

Obviously, Xuanyuanzheng also recognized Feng Yi's ray of divine consciousness, and took special care of him. Although Feng Yi's body did not become weaker, his consciousness was damaged to a certain extent. I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover.

"Feng Yi, help me see, how is Yebai?"

Yebai's Nascent Soul was separated from his body, and both his body and his Nascent Soul were unconscious.Although Xuanyuanzheng said that he would release his imprisonment, he did not kill him, but if he ruined his foundation and cut off his way of cultivation, that would be an extremely serious event.Feng Yi, as an immortal divine consciousness, must know Xuanyuanzheng's immortal art better than her.

Feng Yi checked and remained silent.Under Lan Chuchu's repeated urging, he reluctantly replied:
"He is fine for the time being, and needs some conditioning before he can recover."

"How to fix it?"

"In the next few days, I will make arrangements."

"Okay, then thank you Fengshangxian!"

Feng Yi gave Lan Chuchu a complicated look.She called him Fengshangxian again.When we first met, she called him Fengshangxian, then she called him Fengyi when we got to know him well, and then called him Xiaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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