Chapter 62 Tea House
Lan Chuchu ordered a pot of tea, and seeing Li Ying staring eagerly at the fruit on the next table, she ordered the same fruit cake.

There were not too many people on the first floor of the teahouse. Lan Chuchu listened to the chats of other guests while eating the fruit.For a while, there was no gain.

The main guests of this tea house are ordinary people.Although Qingshui City is a city where immortal cultivators and ordinary people live together, the status of immortal cultivators is much higher than that of ordinary people. Occasionally, the two classes are mixed, but immortal cultivators completely crush ordinary people in terms of ability, age, and even appearance. Not too much.Therefore, no immortal cultivator is willing to condescend to visit such a public place where there are many mortals.

This situation is not only in Qingshui City, but also in this human world, and even in the human world where Lan Chuchu lived before, whether it is the Cumulus Mountain Range, Jiju City, or the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

Not only is the boundary between immortals and mortals so clear, but among immortals, the class division is even more obvious.In the world of immortal cultivators where power is paramount, high-level monks generally disdain to interact with low-level monks, and even if they do, they are less afraid of doing things, and they are more likely to act recklessly and do whatever they want.

Therefore, when Lan Chuchu was Li Xiaohua in her previous life, her abilities were low. The early stage was mainly Qi training and foundation building stage. Xuanyuanzheng, who was able to achieve the Great Perfection in the alchemy stage, and Yebai, who was able to adore Yebai in the early stage of Yuanying, were also the heterogeneous among the heterogeneous. , extremely rare.

In her previous life, when she was Li Xiaohua, she was born in a mortal farmer's family. She was pure and kind by nature, indifferent to things outside her body, and lived alone for cultivation.Those who are familiar with her, such as Mei Jishuang, commented on her as simple and silly.

Only such a mind can impress Xuanyuanzheng and Yebai, who are rare in the world, potential top-level powerhouses who have gone through countless lives and deaths and darkness.The so-called wants to make up for what is lacking. These people fight out of the darkness, and the most scarce thing is the quality of truth and kindness in Li Xiaohua.

And the disciples of the Qi training period and foundation building period who are similar to Li Xiaohua's class, have a lot of contempt, envy, and jealousy towards Li Xiaohua, but very little love.Even if there is a person of the same class who can understand her and admire her, he dare not show it easily.This is also something she slowly realized from her previous life until later.

But Xuanyuanzheng and Yebai treated her completely differently.

Xuanyuan is treating her right, and Hershey is naturally excellent.But when the critical moment came, the idea of ​​a high-ranking strong man doing whatever he wanted was naturally revealed.

Even, under the oppression of his absolute strength by Master Yebai, he vented all his humiliation and anger on himself.

Therefore, in the previous life, when she and her master fled back to the Cumulus Mountain Range from numerous interceptions, and returned to the Lingquan in Fenglei Valley to heal their wounds, Xuanyuanzheng indiscriminately accused her of having an affair with his master.Although he never beat the master but was imprisoned by the master, after the master left, he used humiliation to force himself.

Afterwards, he sincerely apologized, confessed his body and mind, and confessed himself.

As he said, he loves himself wholeheartedly.This is as true as loving him wholeheartedly.But this love lacks respect and trust.Respect and trust from the heart.

She looks stupid, but as Master said, she is as wise as a fool, and she can always see the essence of affairs clearly.

It's not that she doesn't want to commit herself to Xuanyuanzheng.After all, it was the man she fell in love with for the first time, and the man who proposed to her the fourth time she met was the man she was willing to love with all her heart and with her life.But is this kind of love that lacks the respect and trust of the other party really love?Can unequal love really last?
If only that's the case.She also planned to marry him and manage their love and marriage with heart.

But what happened later, she no longer let her go, pushing her heart away from Xuanyuanzheng step by step.

Even if he could explain, it was to protect her from being persecuted by her elder brother Xuanyuanjian, so he got engaged to other women and publicly announced that he had severed ties with him; it was to protect her that he and Ye Leli died together on the surface, but in fact Jin Chan escaped her shell and went to Xuanyuan A secret space of the family to practice in order to condense the Nascent Soul.

However, he didn't communicate with her at all, didn't reveal even a little bit to her, and he didn't want or bother to listen to his own inner voice.

She knew that although Xuanyuanjian had caught her, he let go of herself and the child in her womb, and even sent someone to protect her; she wanted to tell him about her pregnancy and everything else, but he didn't give her the slightest chance.

He was so cold and distant that she didn't want to speak again for a while, and she even wondered if this Xuanyuanzheng was the same Xuanyuanzheng she was in love with at the beginning, they were really different people before and after.

He resisted everything alone, but he also pushed her farther, so far that she suspected that the so-called love between them was just a matter of taking what they needed under special circumstances:

She is pure and lonely, and needs a perfect lover in her fantasy to fill her empty emotional life;
He has a complicated experience, and what he needs is a person who is safe and controllable enough to satisfy his inner security needs.

So, before she saw Xuanyuanzheng and Ye Leli exploded to death together, her heart was already dead, and her love had died.

Master Yebai's love for her is completely different from Xuanyuanzheng's.

This love includes love between men and women, master's care and love for apprentices, and some family affection.But the most precious thing is that absolute respect and trust.

This kind of respect and trust is not obedience, nor is it careless care and care.

"Mom, mom, there's someone watching us."

Lan Chuchu's thoughts were interrupted by the soft and waxy voice of the baby's voice.When she came back to her senses, it turned out that it was Li Ying who was talking, and she looked at Li Lin while speaking.

Lan Chuchu smiled.After getting along for more than a year, Li Lin already has a certain amount of trust in her, but this does not mean that he is willing to really call her mother.Lan Chuchu looked in the direction that Li Lin occasionally glanced at. Sure enough, there were a few luxuriously dressed middle-aged men who were looking at them carelessly, as if they were still discussing them.

She pricked up her ears and listened carefully.Although it is now a mortal body, Lan Chuchu was once a monk of alchemy after all, and the sensitivity of the soul body is much stronger than that of mortals.

"Nowadays, the world is really going downhill. This poor family with orphans and widows dares to come to the teahouse for entertainment! I guess I can't stand loneliness and want to find another family?"

"How do you know that they are orphans and widows? Maybe their husband is doing business nearby, so let them wait here. They don't wear filial piety on them."

"You can tell just by looking at her appearance. Look at that young woman, she is so beautifully dressed, even from our family, she is not as good as her."

"Take a look, he's become lustful."

A burst of wretched giggling and teasing voices came over.

(End of this chapter)

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