Chapter 64
Lan Chuchu inevitably had a bold guess in her heart:

Could it be that Master ascended to this world back then, and then ascended to the fairy world from this world?
Lan Chuchu was extremely excited in that moment!
If this is the case, will there be some traces of Master's past in this world? !

Before going to the underworld, Xuanyuan, who came to Jiju City, asked her if she wanted to know about Master Yebai, but she stubbornly shook her head and denied it.In fact, she just didn't want Xuanyuanzheng to be sad, why didn't she want to know?

Lan Chuchu's eyes scanned the chaotic teahouse in front of her inch by inch.Did Master come to such a teahouse to inquire about news back then?
Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu felt that this ordinary tea house suddenly became much more cordial.

Perhaps, separated by time and space, she and the master are actually sitting opposite each other drinking tea.

She burst into tears.

The so-called missing to the extreme does not need to meet or hear from him.But as long as he thinks that he may have been here, he seems to feel his presence.

Li Lin had already returned to his seat, and the guests in the teahouse slowly returned to their original positions, and the atmosphere returned to before the Zhao family's children appeared on the street.

Li Lin also seemed to be preoccupied. He glanced at Lan Chuchu, who had red eye circles, and didn't say much.

After Xiao Li Ying finished eating all the fruit and cakes on the table, and finished drinking the tea, the mother and son left the teahouse and headed towards their home outside the city.

Lan Chuchu and Li Lin had no intention of robbing at this time.

Lan Chuchu felt ashamed.If Master was here, knowing that he was so poor that he wanted to rob a few ordinary people, would he laugh at himself?

No, he won't make jokes, he just throws himself a storage bag full of spirit stones and various treasures, allowing himself to play freely.

Why is Li Lin so preoccupied? Lan Chuchu is not in the mood to ask now.She just wanted to take a closer look at this street, this city wall, and this big tree.Master, would he also have passed through here?
When I got home, it was just after noon.Because they ate and drank some in the teahouse, the three of them were not hungry. Li Ying rubbed her eyes and seemed to be sleepy.

Lan Chuchu then told both brothers and sisters to take a rest.

Li Ying was still clamoring to sleep with Lan Chuchu.Li Lin didn't object either.Lan Chuchu took Li Ying to lie down, thinking about her own thoughts quietly, and unconsciously fell asleep.

Dreams are sweet.She and her master met in that teahouse, they didn't speak, they didn't even smile, they just looked at each other, sat quietly opposite each other, and occasionally took a sip of the tea in front of them.

Between them, there is no need to say more and do more.

When Lan Chuchu woke up, she only saw Li Ying sitting on the bed playing quietly.Seeing Lan Chuchu woke up, Li Ying crawled over, put her arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.Some saliva smeared on Lan Chuchu's face, she smiled slightly, and raised her hand to wipe it away gently.

It was almost dusk outside the window.

There was no sound of Li Lin practicing martial arts outside the house.Lan Chuchu got up and looked around, but Li Lin was not there.The food is ready, it's just left cold.

This sensible child, if he is asleep or busy at ordinary times, he will prepare the meals without making people worry at all.

Lan Chuchu warmed up the food, waited left and right, it was already dark, and Li Lin was still missing.

Lan Chuchu got up and went to dig under a big tree outside the door.There was nothing underground where a low-level treasure should have been hidden, only the traces of newly turned soil.

Lan Chuchu always knew that Li Lin had hidden a low-level treasure.It is this treasure that ensures that Li Lin's mother's body remains intact and does not rot when there is no ghost.When it was mentioned that treasures are needed to cultivate the spirit root of the weapon, this child with a city mansion did not say that he had treasures.Later, she didn't talk about Qi Linggen anymore, and he didn't take the initiative to mention this treasure.

But when he buried the treasure under the tree after moving to the new home, he didn't shy away from her too much.

Lan Chuchu knew that although the child had some trust in her, the level of trust was far from enough.She won't take the initiative to expose this matter, who doesn't have a secret yet.

Li Lin is gone, and so are the treasures.Especially after the child is so emotionally abnormal.

Lan Chuchu felt a little regretful. In the afternoon, she should not just be immersed in the emotion of missing Master, and forget to take care of this poor child.

Lan Chuchu didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the bamboo basket and put Li Ying on it, stuffed some dry food into Li Ying's hands, grabbed the dry food herself, packed up her self-defense weapon - a short knife, and hurried out.

When she first arrived in Qingshui City, Lan Chuchu found out where the Zhao family was.Although it was already dark, it probably wouldn't take long to arrive at Zhao's house.I hope that when she arrives, Li Lin will still be alive.

She has confidence in body training, but Li Lin is young after all.The highest-ranking monks of the Zhao family are still in the foundation building period, but now it seems that there are Mahayana monks who want to come to his house. It could kill Li Lin.

When Lan Chuchu ran to the gate of Zhao's house panting, before she could inquire, a mortal dressed as a servant stopped her, dragged her inside without saying a word.

Along the way, the extremely well-behaved Li Ying asked childishly, "Mom, where is this? It's so beautiful!"

Although it was already night, the round moon filled the garden with light.After all, the Zhao family is a family of cultivators, and the gardens are very spectacular and beautiful.

"Mom doesn't know, let's go find brother."

The servant who was leading the way turned his head and frowned, and whispered unhappily: "Please don't talk, you two, I will take you to find the young master."

After finishing speaking, he looked around in the empty garden, as if he was afraid of being overheard.

"Little master?"

Lan Chuchu couldn't help wondering.Didn't it mean that Li Lin's father was dead?

Lan Chuchu remembered that the mission introduction did not say that Li Lin lost his father.It was only a year ago that the two mortal killers said that Li Lin's father, Li Shaoyou, was dead.

Could it be that Li Shaoyou is still alive, he is a child of the Zhao family?

Lan Chuchu secretly sneered in her heart.How could the children of the Zhao family be named Li?How can I think wildly.

The son-in-law will not have the surname Li, but can the disciple or son-in-law be named Li?
Li Shaoyou said before that he was a disciple of a sect, but it seems unlikely that he is a disciple of the Zhao family.Then it should be the son-in-law of the Zhao family.

It seems that Li Shaoyou became the son-in-law of the Zhao family, and then sent two mortals to slaughter the poor wives and children who lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests.Unexpectedly, the massacre failed, but his wife and children came to Qingshui City, and the son even went to Zhao's house to look for him.So Li Shaoyou sent his confidant servants to sneak in his wife and daughter who had chased him.

What are you bringing in?Naturally, it is not that husband and wife recognize each other and share wealth.

Lan Chuchu smiled coldly in her heart, it seemed that a fierce battle was inevitable tonight.

I also hope that poor girl Li Lin can withstand the blows, and don't obliterate the goodness in her heart, and eventually become a big devil.

(End of this chapter)

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