Lan Chuchu didn't get too entangled in this.Instead, the brothers and sisters Li Lin and Li Ying were mentioned again.

Xiao Jinci was straightforward: "Since this child's fate is ill-fated, Xiao is willing to do his best to accept him as a handyman disciple and teach him carefully."

Lan Chuchu was overjoyed, and immediately got up to salute: "Thank you, Senior Xiao, for your compassionate heart! Chu Chu thanked Senior Xiao for Li Lin. Chu Chu's ability is too weak to repay, I just hope that if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay Senior Xiao's great favor!"

Xiao Jinci waved his hand: "Miss Chuchu, you are too polite!"

"Li Lin's younger sister..."

"That little girl, let her live with his brother."

Lan Chuchu had nothing else to say, she was very grateful to Xiao Jinci.

Li Lin, a poor child whose mother is dead and his father doesn't love him, if he can get the protection of Yunxianzong, and Xiao Jin, the number one Mahayana, resigns, at least he will be safe for a while.As for cultivation, the child's spiritual root has been destroyed. Although there are paths such as the tool spiritual root to choose from, he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

Li Ying is young and has no spiritual roots, so it is impossible to cultivate immortality.It would be good if he could spend his life safely under the protection of Yunxianzong.

Although Lan Chuchu and his brother and sister have only lived for more than a year, but after all, they are the mother of the two, and after getting along, some feelings of admiration will inevitably breed.She couldn't stay in this world for a long time, so she could only entrust them with a safe place.

Wanting to come to Xiao Jinci as the number one Mahayana in this world, he will never renege on his promise and become fat.

At this point, it was supposed to be a time of leisure, but Xiao Jinci obviously still had something to say.He looked at the ancient sword behind Lan Chuchu, hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Lan Chuchu took the initiative to ask: "Senior Xiao, is there anything wrong with this ancient sword?"

"That's not true. Xiao observed a huge vision in this world a few months ago, and it finally concentrated over the Qingshui City. Originally, it was expected that either a cross-boundary creature would descend, or a spirit treasure from another world would appear here boundary.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a spirit treasure from another world, and had a chance relationship with Miss Chuchu. "

Lan Chuchu was a little embarrassed: "I'm really sorry about this matter. Chuchu broke into the forbidden area after being hit by accident, and accidentally got in touch with this ancient sword. I don't know if Senior Xiao has any way to let me and This ancient sword is disconnected, so that this ancient sword can stay in Yunxianzong and play some role in the growth of the human race."

Xiao Jinci was overjoyed, but he didn't show it on his face, he just pondered for a while and said: "This..."

Lan Chuchu went on to say: "Chu Chu came to this world with a soul body, and cannot bring the ancient sword back to the underworld. I also ask Senior Xiao to help Chu Chu, so as not to leave fetters in this world."

Xiao Jinci no longer refused, but said: "Then Xiao tried his best."

In the next few days, Lan Chuchu and Feng Yi lived in Yunxianzong, and cooperated with Xiao Jin to try to break the connection between Gu Jian and Lan Chuchu.

This time, Feng Yi used the corpse to revive his soul, a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he had a mission.

It's just that he was thinking about Lan Chuchu, who hadn't heard from him for more than a year, and he specially chose this mission in this world. He ran to look for Lan Chuchu as soon as he returned from the corpse, but unexpectedly, he was in vain.Later, I wanted to try my luck to find someone in Qingshui City, but how could it be so easy?
Lan Chuchu was a mortal after being resurrected with a dead body, her aura changed drastically, how could she be found out quickly in the vast crowd?

Just when he had no idea, he found that the Zhao family in Qingshui City was shining brightly, so he came to have a look.

That golden fairy mask, that ball of will-o'-the-wisp, which one is it, if it's not Lan Chuchu?

There was a Mahayana monk at the scene, and it didn't work at all to attack the mask outside the ancient sword.

Feng Yi couldn't help feeling a little funny.Mahayana monks are powerful in this world, but that ancient sword is obviously strange. Even in the fairy world, it is a rare treasure. How could a high-ranking monk in the human world break its shield?
In addition, the golden light celestial mask outside Chu Chu's soul is not something this Mahayana monk can do anything about.It's a pity that Chu Chu didn't know what kind of stimulation she had received, she seemed to have passed out and lost her personnel.

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Yi revealed a fairy aura, which aroused Xiao Jinci's attention to him, and proposed that he could open the shield; the request was that Xiao Jinci protect the safety of Lan Chuchu and others.

Although Lan Chuchu has a fairy mask, she still has two mortal children in her arms, and it is not a solution to be trapped here. The longer the time drags on, the more powerful people in this world will come, and the trend of things It's out of control.After all, human nature is too greedy to take risks.

As for the ancient sword, Feng Yi has the same idea as Lan Chuchu, whoever wants to give it to whom, they are only souls to do the task, these things can't be taken away, even if they are taken away, they may not be able to keep them with their current strength .

"You can possess the Nascent Soul cultivator?!"

Lan Chuchu was taken aback!Her rank is too low, and she can't see the rank of high-ranking monks clearly.

It seems that in the past year or so, Feng Yi has been doing tasks and training, and his soul body level has improved a lot, and he can possess the Nascent Soul cultivator!

You must know that even mission envoys have very high requirements for ghost cultivators.The higher the level of ghost cultivator, you can possess the corpse of a human cultivator of the corresponding level. Otherwise, you will not be able to grasp the corpse of a human cultivator after possessing a body, and it will also cause great damage to the soul of the mission envoy.

For example, the Nascent Soul cultivator, after the death of the body, the Nascent Soul in the body either escaped or was killed.To master the body of a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is necessary for the possessed ghost cultivator to have similar cultivation results as the Nascent Soul.

In ghost cultivation, wandering souls are equivalent to monks in the Qi training period of human cultivation, fierce ghosts are equivalent to monks in the foundation establishment period, evil ghosts are equivalent to monks in the alchemy formation period, and ghosts are equivalent to monks in the Nascent Soul cultivation period.

It took Feng Yi more than a year to enter the wandering soul class of ghost cultivator, and it took only more than a year to cultivate to the ghost stage? !

He was transformed by the divine consciousness of a celestial being, so how can he practice so fast? !

Feng Yi pretended to cough, but did not explain too much about the speed of his cultivation.It's just that he came across something similar to energy stones by chance while he was doing the task, so the advancement speed was faster.

Lan Chuchu didn't get to the bottom of it either.

This guy is not a human being at all, he is a mortal with the consciousness of a god.She also didn't want to inquire about Feng Yi's secrets, anyway, knowing that Feng Yi had no bad intentions for her, that was enough.

Unfortunately, Xiao Jinci struggled for a month, tried various methods, but failed to unravel the connection between Gu Jian and Lan Chuchu.

For this reason, he even found a warm female corpse, let Lan Chuchu use the corpse to revive her soul, and then tried to untie the connection with the ancient sword. Unfortunately, this method was still useless.

Lan Chuchu was quite satisfied with her new body.This physical body has a beautiful face and a graceful figure, not worse than her original physical body.It's just that this physical body seems to be quite charming, and it seems to have a lot of love in life.

Lan Chuchu was taken aback when she succeeded in possession.The female corpse may have died too suddenly, and there were still some fragments of memory in her mind, which happened to be received by Lan Chuchu, and she blushed.

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