"Ninth brother and sixteenth brother, although Chu Chu has been in the underworld for more than a year, most of the time is spent on missions, and I don't know anything about the underworld at all. I hope that ninth brother and sixteenth brother can give Chu Chu the general situation of the underworld. Let me introduce, Chuchu is very grateful."

Li Jiu and Li Sixteen were taken aback, and asked in unison: "A task? You can actually do a task?"

Seeing that their reaction was too big, Lan Chuchu couldn't help feeling guilty: "What's wrong with this?"

"The task you mentioned is the task of the task department at Master Li San?"

"Exactly, Chu Chu just handed in the task today and brought back the soul essence."

Li Jiu and Li Shiliu were amazed, and looked at Lan Chuchu and Xiao Lei again, but their eyes were full of envy, respect, and even a little jealousy.

She was able to be a mission envoy to do missions just after she came to the underworld!

You know, this mission envoy is almost the fattest job in the underworld, and it is also the job with the most intense competition among ghost cultivators!

However, each Yasi has a limited number of mission envoys. Only when something happens to the previous mission envoy, such as being deposed or dead, can a new position be vacated, and the head of the Yasi will appoint a new mission envoy.

Of course, there is room for manipulation to whomever this appointment is given. Generally, if you want to become a mission envoy, you need to pay the contribution of a hundred spirits.This is still the market here, Mr. Wenmeng. In some other rich areas, the number of filial piety is estimated to have to increase.

Li Jiu and Li Sixteen had accumulated too little soul essence to become mission envoys.Their way out is to go to some dangerous places to find some opportunities. If they really get the opportunities, they may be able to advance to the evil ghost stage. In the future, they may be able to become the head of a government office, just like the current Lord Wenmeng.

Even if you can't become the head of the Yasi, you will be able to accumulate more soul essence if you become more capable. In the future, if you accumulate enough filial piety, you can become a mission envoy, which is also a good way out.

It seems that Lord Wenmeng is really optimistic about this charming girl in front of him, so he actually made this newcomer human girl a ghost cultivator and a mission envoy!
The sincerity of Li Jiu and Li Shiliu's hearts inevitably increased to another level. After all, even Lord Wenmeng valued Ghost Cultivator, so what reason did they not value?What's more, this lovely girl is kind, humble and generous.

Li Jiu said sincerely: "Miss Chuchu is such a great opportunity. Li Jiu is very impressed. Not everyone can be an envoy for this mission. Master Wenmeng really values ​​the girl very much!"

Lan Chuchu nodded and said yes, Lord Wenmeng was really kind to her, and if she had the opportunity in the future, she would have to repay her.

"As for the general situation of the underworld, although our brothers have stayed in the underworld for more than 100 years, our level is too low, we have been to too few places, and our knowledge is shallow. Li Jiu will try his best to introduce what he knows about the underworld to Miss Chuchu. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please ask Ms. Chuchu to find another way to confirm, and don't be misled by the two of us."

Lan Chuchu nodded, the kindness in Li Jiu's words was very obvious, it seems that Li Jiu is really a ghost with good character.

According to Li Jiu, the underworld has a huge area, and it mainly manages the places where dead people, beasts, demons, etc. in the human world return to after death.

However, the immortals, gods, and Buddhas in the fairy world, as well as the demons in the demon world, where their spirits go after death, are not under the jurisdiction of the underworld. Probably in these fields, there are places similar to the underworld.

There are tens of thousands of human interfaces managed by the underworld.In fact, a low-level ghost cultivator like Li Jiu doesn't know how big the underworld is.

I have only roughly heard that according to the natural geographical location, race, belief, etc., the underworld is actually divided into many territories, and there are very few exchanges between the territories.

As for the territory where Lan Chuchu and the others are now, the supreme rulers are the ten ghost kings.The cultivation base of ghost kings is generally equivalent to that of Mahayana monks who practice human cultivation.

The ten ghost kings seem to be appointed by the fairy kings and emperors of the fairy world.

The top ten ghost kings have different divisions of labor.

Among them, King Qin Guang manages the guidance of the souls of dead humans, beasts and demons from the human world to the underworld, and judges the good and evil in life, and then classifies the souls and sends them to the yamen under the jurisdiction of other ghost kings.

The king of reincarnation manages the reincarnation of souls.

The remaining eight ghost kings are mainly in charge of the underworld hells.

Lan Chuchu asked aloud: "Then which ghost king is under the jurisdiction of the office we work in?"

"It is mainly under the jurisdiction of King Qin Guang. Master Wen Meng will report to King Qin Guang's residence every 50 years."

"So that's the case. It seems that King Qin Guang is extremely powerful!"

Li Jiu drank a big mouthful of tea before retorting: "No, no, if you say that the power is great, it is naturally the king of reincarnation who is the most powerful! Only life can lead to death! And although the mansion of the reincarnation king occupies a huge area, ghosts can't bear it." There are so many, but the efficiency is still low, and many ghosts dissipate in the underworld before the day of reincarnation. Alas, it is also because of this that the gloomy atmosphere of the underworld is getting heavier and heavier!"

Li Shiliu didn't interrupt the whole time, and immediately said: "If you want to say that this place with a strong gloomy atmosphere, the dark abyss is naturally the first place in the underworld."

Li Jiu quickly put down the teacup, hinting wildly at Li Sixteen with his eyes, as if to prevent him from continuing the introduction.

But Li Shiliu said unconvinced: "Ninth brother, Miss Chuchu is so generous to you and me, why do we bother to hide from her? Besides, other people may not know this dark abyss, instead of letting Miss Chuchu come from someone else's mouth It’s been heard in China, why don’t we tell her.”

Lan Chuchu saw that Li Jiu and Li Sixteen were arguing, so she hurriedly said, "It's okay, if it's a secret, Chu Chu doesn't want to listen."

Li Jiuyi couldn't save his face for a while, so he pondered for a while before saying: "It's not about secrets, but this dark abyss is an extremely dangerous place. Miss Chuchu is of low rank. If she is tempted to go there rashly, she may be in danger. Miss Chuchu treats my brother The two of you are so generous and sincere. If we put the girl in danger, wouldn't we know what to do?"

As soon as this remark came out, it aroused Xiaolei's curiosity, and he finally asked, "What dangerous place?"

Seeing Xiaolei's curiosity, Lan Chuchu said, "Ninth Brother, don't worry. Chuchu has a lot of thoughts about herself, and she won't be willing to take strange risks for the sake of things outside her body. Besides, even if I go, I will definitely do something about the dangers." We will never blame Ninth Brother or Sixteenth Brother."

Seeing that the words had come to this point, Li Jiu had no choice but to say: "Then Sixteen, please tell Miss Chuchu."

It was rare for Li Shiliu to have room to play, so he naturally spoke very hard: "The dark abyss is said to be the most dangerous place in our underworld, and it is also the most secret place for treasure hunting.

In the hell under the jurisdiction of the eight ghost kings of the underworld, countless obsessions of resentful ghosts have accumulated. After accumulating over time, these obsessions of resentful ghosts will eventually flow into the dark abyss.The dark abyss is the place where ghosts in the underworld accumulate the most and the deepest resentment. "

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