Is it because there are not enough materials to build extra rooms, or is it because Feng Yi doesn't want Xiao Lei to be an eyesore at all?
Lan Chuchu felt that the latter possibility was more likely.

This Si Fengyi, it seems that his covetous heart for him is clearly revealed!
Lan Chuchu let out a foul breath slowly.She doesn't want to stay in this Yufengzhu at all!
She had just released the Yufengzhu, thinking that her physical body was still inside!I can't walk away like this.There is no other good place to store the physical body other than this Yufeng Orb.Unless he repairs the damage to his soul and body, he can return to the human world as soon as possible.

It is more important to repair the damage to the soul and body first, so as to completely get rid of this perverted Feng Yi!What's more, this Yufeng Orb is actually his own.Security is in your hands.

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu reluctantly returned to the space inside Yufengzhu, entered the practice room, intending to absorb the soul essence to repair the soul body first.As soon as she sat down, she saw another futon in front of her. She was so angry that she condensed the legs of her soul body and kicked the futon out of the practice room!
Ghost Grass doesn't know how to use it to repair the soul body.

Lan Chuchu picked up the box containing the ghost grass in the practice room, and found that there was a piece of paper under the box, which said how to use the ghost grass.It seems that this is also left by Feng Yi, he is really careful.

Lan Chuchu didn't intend to use the Ghost Grass, but she didn't accept his favor!

She took the soul essence and began to practice.She completely forgot that the soul essence was not her own, it was left by Feng Yi; she also completely forgot that there was an angry little Lei waiting for her to coax him.

After all the soul essence was used up, Lan Chuchu mended half of the cracks in the soul body.This is still due to the fact that there are enough spirits in the practice room.Lan Chuchu made a rough estimate, and the sum of soul spirits seemed to cost nearly a thousand dollars.

Where did so many spirits come from?Of course she didn't earn it, the 300 yuan of soul essence she earned has been spent to only a few yuan.It seems that this is what Feng Yi accumulated. I don't know what he used to accumulate these spirits?She accidentally spent it all on others.Lan Chuchu felt a little guilty.

But when she saw the piece of paper on the ground, she thought again, she got his order to use it in a fair and honest way!

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu simply used the ghost grass she bought and the ghost grass left by Feng Yi together.

I don't know if it's because the ghost herbal medicine is too strong, or if the foundation of refining a large amount of soul essence is too good, Lan Chuchu only feels that the dark ghost energy in the soul body is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems to make the soul body bigger and bigger.Some soul qi passed through the place that had been shattered.

Lan Chuchu felt that her whole body was swollen and swollen, and she was very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the golden light fairy air mask outside, she would have suspected that her soul would be burst.

After a period of extremely difficult time, the swelling feeling in the body finally slowly dissipated, and the body returned to normal.Lan Chuchu inspected the soul body, the soul body was much thicker than before, and some liquefied soul energy was still flowing slowly.

It seems that I have advanced to the ghost stage of ghost cultivation, which is equivalent to the foundation building stage of human monks.

It took a while to consolidate, and after practicing the ghost cultivation spells such as Soul Condensation and Soul Refining, Lan Chuchu opened his eyes again.

It seems that ghost cultivators can progress much faster than human cultivators as long as they have enough soul essence and other auxiliary materials to support them.

But the most difficult thing for Guixiu is to get enough soul essence and materials, and I don't know where Feng Yi got so many soul essence.

Feng Yi himself has advanced to the ghost stage in just over a year. I don't know where and what kind of opportunity he encountered?
Lan Chuchu went to Fengluxuan to look around, but Feng Yi still didn't come back.

Let's go and see Xiao Lei first, I don't know if his anger has subsided.

After getting out of Yufengzhu, Lan Chuchu realized that Xiaolei was gone, and so was the ring.

The protective array in Xiaolei's room is still intact, it seems that no one has forced his way in.

Could it be that Xiao Lei ran to the dark abyss by himself?

Lan Chuchu was so frightened that her whole body became cold.She immediately sensed the spiritual connection between her and Xiao Lei, and she found that Xiao Lei's location was to the north.

She put the Yufeng Pearl into the storage bag, left a note and immediately went out, running all the way north.

Fortunately, she has advanced to the ghost stage, and her action speed is more than double that of the previous wandering soul stage.At this speed, it is estimated that they will arrive when the dark abyss opens.

Although Thunder Beast is born to be the nemesis of ghosts, Xiaolei is mentally incomplete after all. If he encounters a high-level ghost cultivator and falls into a trap, he may also encounter danger.

At this time, Lan Chuchu hated herself for being too careless and didn't coax her well first, and secondly hated her level for being too low, so she wondered if she could protect Xiaolei when she went.

I just hope that Feng Yi will come back soon and go to the dark abyss to pick them up!

After running wildly for more than half a month, Lan Chuchu didn't meet many ghost cultivators, maybe the ghost cultivators who were going to the dark abyss had already set off.Even if he met the ghost cultivator, he was heading north, and the speed was much faster than her. The eagerness was evident, probably the ghost cultivator who had been delayed.

Lan Chuchu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the so-called money can make ghosts grind, and money can move people's hearts. Once there is interest to attract, what is the difference between a person and a ghost?
Suddenly, Lan Chuchu felt a black shadow flicker in front of her eyes. She was startled, and before she could see what it was, she couldn't stop and bumped into it.

She wasn't very worried at first, if the other party was also a ghost, it would be like fog bumping into fog, and they would just float over.Who knows, what kind of fog is that black shadow? It seems to be a wall, so strong that even ghosts can't pass through it. Lan Chuchu only felt that she was hit with gold stars, dizzy, and her soul was shaken back. a few steps.

She was secretly glad that some cracks in the soul body had just been repaired, otherwise, some soul body fragments might have been shaken off.

Lan Chuchu was still in dizziness, but a few voices came to her ears.

"It's just a low-level ghost, is it necessary to ask her?" It sounded like a lazy male voice.

A gentle young female voice replied: "Although she is just a ghost, she looks different from other ghosts."

"What is the difference?"

The female voice paused for a moment before saying: "I can't tell you the specifics, it seems to be more similar to the feeling he gave me."

The lazy voice complained: "Li'er, have you really taken a fancy to him? It's not worth looking for him from thousands of miles away, but you actually think he looks like him when you see a ghost? You don't even look at it, this ghost is a female ghost, what do you think?" The one in front of me is a male ghost, and men and women will not mistake genders when taking on tasks."

The young female voice argued shyly: "Third Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? It's just that he saved my life back then, and Li'er just wanted to repay it. Why did you say you fell in love with him?"

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