Lan Chuchu was going to the dark abyss, but being coerced and going there on her own initiative are two different things.What if the two of them kill her to vent their anger if they don't find Feng Yi?
But the difference in strength was so great that she couldn't say no, so she had to follow the male ghost and the female ghost honestly.

Along the way, the male ghost and the female ghost did not communicate too much, maybe they were worried about saying something that should not be said, in case Lan Chuchu was really Feng Yi's younger sister, the relationship would not be easy to get along with in the future.

Although she was coerced to go, Lan Chuchu also felt a benefit, that is, she flew into the air with her, and her speed increased several times!
Originally, there were still five or six days to go, but it was only a few hours away!
The entrance to the abyss has been opened, and there are still many ghost cultivators queuing up to enter.

The male ghost led Lan Chuchu to look down in the air, looking for them one by one, while the female ghost flew in the air by herself, looking from the other side.

Lan Chuchu knew that there must be no Feng Yi here, but there might be Xiao Lei.She stared wide-eyed to search for a while, and sensed the connection between her soul and soul for a while. After a lot of busy work, she finally found Xiao Lei's fleshy and round figure in the dark ghost cultivation.

"Xiao Lei! Xiao Lei!"

Xiao Lei seemed to hear someone calling him amidst the noise, so he turned his head to look around, but found two ghosts in the sky, one black and one white.I don't know the black one, but the white one is exactly the sweetness he has been thinking about all the time.

Xiaolei happily jumped three feet high: "Chuchu! Chuchu, I'm here!"

Seeing this, the male ghost swooped down and picked up Xiaolei, and flew to a nearby mountaintop before stopping.

Chu Chu's IQ was online at this time, and instead of blaming Xiao Lei for the first time, she hugged Xiao Lei: "Xiao Lei, I finally found you! I'm so worried!"

Xiao Lei pursed his mouth, and some tears filled his big eyes: "Chu Chu!"

He felt that this was the first time he had been away from Chuchu for such a long time.

After coming out of Yunjing, he followed Chu Chu and Feng Yi to travel north and south, and even went down to the underworld. Because of Chu Chu and Feng Yi, he was never really afraid.

Even if Chu Chu and Feng Yi were on a mission, they also set up a protective formation for him, leaving two spaces in the cave, and there was Chu Chu's physical body to accompany him, so he didn't feel lonely, but often felt bored.After all, Chu Chu lay there physically motionless, neither talking to him nor smiling at him.

As for whether Feng Yi was there, he didn't think much about it.He felt that as long as Chu Chu was there, Feng Yi would not be far away.

This time Chu Chu attacked him in front of outsiders, although he was angry, he still gave Chu Chu a chance.He deliberately threw the Ghost Grass and Yufeng Pearl on the ground to let Chu Chu know that he was very angry, and waited for Chu Chu to coax him.

However, he waited and waited, even refining the energy in the abyssal ore, and Chu Chu didn't come to coax him!
He is very angry!
The Yufengzhu was lying beside the ring, and the ghost grass on the ground was gone. Chu Chu must have come back, so it should be in the Yufengzhu.He didn't want to take the initiative to find her, and he didn't want to bow his head and admit his mistake!
Insisting on making Chu Chu worry, he purposely went all the way north, towards the dark abyss.

Along the way, he deliberately walked slowly, waiting for Chu Chu to catch up with him and coax him back.But instead of waiting for Chu Chu to come, a few ghost cultivators came instead. They looked at him maliciously, muttering in secret, and they didn't know what bad idea they were discussing.

He wanted to leave this group of ghost cultivators, but these guys refused, and took him all the way to the gate of the dark abyss.

Chu Chu, whom he had been waiting for, did not come.Does she not want herself?

Xiao Lei was very sad.I turned out to be a poor little helpless and no one cared about me!What's the point of going back like this?
Until he heard someone calling his name, he knew it must be Chuchu!It's his Chuchu, she never gave up on herself!
She cares about herself all the time!
Xiao Lei was so excited that he was about to explode!
He is the happiest person in the world right now!No, the happiest beast!

Chu Chu wiped away tears for Xiao Lei, and said proudly: "Our Likong family is great! After walking so far alone, we found the entrance to the dark abyss!"

Xiao Lei opened his eyes wide: "Really? Do you really think I'm great?"

Lan Chuchu nodded and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the male ghost in black: "Don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up and ask Feng Yi's whereabouts!"

Lan Chuchu naturally knew that Feng Yi was not here, but she still asked deliberately: "Lie Kong, do you know where Feng Yi is?"

Xiaolei was still immersed in the joy of being praised by Lan Chuchu, and he opened his mouth: "He is not..." Before he finished speaking, Xiaolei looked at the male ghost in black, and then at Lan Chuchu who had a slightly serious face , paused and continued, "Didn't he already go in?"

The male ghost frowned and asked, "Where did you go in?"

"There!" Xiao Lei pointed to the gate of the dark abyss with his small hand.He looked back at Lan Chuchu triumphantly, and found that Chuchu lowered her head, unable to see the expression on her face clearly for a while.

It is estimated that if he saw it, he would change his words immediately.

Lan Chuchu actually has no way to get out at this time. In any case, it is estimated that the male ghost and female ghost are unlikely to let her go, unless Feng Yi really married the Princess Qin Guang named Li Er.

But even if Feng Yi is really married, if Princess Li'er finds out that she had a one-night relationship with Feng Yi in the future, she probably won't let her go.

It was all caused by this Sifengyi!Not only did he bully himself, but he also provoked the other princess, which made him almost lose his life now, life and death are at stake!
Obviously, the damage to my soul is almost healed, and I can return to the human world, but I just ran into such a mess!

The dark abyss is the dark abyss!Maybe I can really find some opportunities, and my realm will be greatly improved, so maybe I can escape with a chance?

Thinking of this, Lan Chuchu calmed down, and her face returned to her usual calmness.

Xiao Lei was praised by Chu Chu, and his self-confidence suddenly burst, and his IQ immediately improved several levels.

He could see that the male ghost in front of him was not friendly, and Chu Chu was a little restrained, so he deliberately said that Feng Yi had entered the dark abyss.When the male ghost goes in to find Feng Yi by himself, he can go back home with Chu Chu.

Unexpectedly, that male ghost called another female ghost over, saying that he was going to the dark abyss, and that he would take him and Chuchu with him!Didn't know he was still a child, didn't know that place was dangerous?

However, Xiao Lei quickly calmed down when he saw the calm expression on Lan Chuchu's face.

It was Chu Chu who said that this place is dangerous, she is not afraid, what is there to be afraid of in my class as a Thunder Beast?

It's a pity that Feng Yi is not here, otherwise he could have a good look at the majesty of my thunder beast!
But where did Feng Yi go?Chu Chu didn't even know where he had gone.

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