Before Lan Chuchu's face showed any joy, she saw the third brother's cold and menacing eyes swept towards her and Xiaolei, and the warning in his eyes was ready to come out.

Lan Chuchu seemed to be poured a bucket of ice water from head to toe, and the coolness pierced through her heart.Even though there is a natural prohibition against ghost cultivation here, the third brother and Princess Li'er are too different from her realm, and the other party is the prince and princess of the Qin Guang Palace. Various magic weapons and methods must come out endlessly. As long as they think together, It probably takes an instant to crush myself to death.

Still don't act rashly, wait for the development of the situation first, and wait for the right time to escape.

Lan Chuchu had already planned several escape routes in his mind based on the geographical conditions of this place, but his face was still in a dazed state, and he held Xiaolei's hand gently as before.

Xiao Lei didn't think too much about it, anyway, just follow Chu Chu.The quarrelsome ghosts in front of him had nothing to do with him at all, he didn't worry about that at all, he looked around boredly, and he didn't even have the gossip mentality to watch the excitement.

The third brother saw that Lan Chuchu and Xiao Lei were fine, so he turned his head and stared at Yu Wuqi intently, who knew when the other party would suddenly attack.As for the little ghosts and little beasts behind him, he can finish them off at any time before he finds Feng Yi.They know too much and have no reason to live.

Princess Li'er looked back at Lan Chuchu from time to time between her speeches.Her mood is somewhat complicated.Feng Yi has the grace to save her life, and is so beautiful, he has already become her dream lover, if ghosts can dream.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, she is not willing to kill Feng Yi's sister and little beast.Because if she and Feng Yi become husband and wife and stay together forever, there will definitely be a disturbance when Feng Yi knows that his sister and the little beast were killed by her.

But today Yu Wuqi suddenly appeared, and the two sides revealed their old secrets again. If Lan Chuchu told Feng Yi with a big mouth, would Feng Yi be afraid of Qin Guang's palace and refuse to marry her?In this way, for safety's sake, it's better for Lan Chuchu to disappear.At this time, they were about to fight Yu Wuqi, so they couldn't let her escape carelessly.

"Yunqian and I are clearly in love with each other, and we fall in love with each other. How could it be a hypocrisy in your mouth?! If you Qinguang Palace hadn't been ruthless and cruel, how could Yunqian die for me? It's all you I want to avenge Yunqian!" Yu Wuqi seemed to be stabbed in the sore spot, and suddenly lost his demeanor, became furious, his eyes cracked, and he opened his hands slightly downwards, hoping for luck Do it!
"Brother Wuqi, please be safe and don't be impatient!" Seeing that Yu Wuqi really wanted to make a move, the third brother immediately stopped him.Although he is brother and sister at this time, this place is extremely unfavorable to ghost cultivators. Although Yu Wuqi's primordial spirit is sealed and his whole body exudes ghost aura, he was once an earth immortal after all, so who knows how many strange tricks he has.Instead of going all out here, it's better to be soft first, and then settle the score with him later.

"The past cannot be admonished, but the coming can still be pursued. When the events of the past happened, Yun Chi and I were traveling abroad, and Li'er was still young. The two of us have no deep hatred with Brother Wu Qi. Why bother to fight to the death here, instead Let those who caused Brother Wuqi's death in Qin Guang's Mansion laugh at you." The third brother Yun Chi's tone was less lazy and cold than usual, and more sincere.

"Yunchi was brought up by sister Yunqian when he was young, and sister Li'er also received many benefits from sister Yunqian. Rather than being enemies, the three of you and I might as well become..., uh, it's better to form partners and seek common interests." Three Ge Yunchi originally wanted to say that turning hostility into friendship, but remembering that this was what turned Yu Wuqi's face just now, he immediately changed his words.

"You and I can conspire together? What interests can we conspire with?" Yu Wuqi continued to sneer, with his hands folded behind his back, it seemed that the two sides still had something to talk about.

Yun Chi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: "Brother Wuqi, you also know that there are endless internal struggles in my Qin Guang Palace, and my elder brother and second brother always want to kill me. My elder brother and second brother were also among those who framed you back then. We The enemy is the same, why can't we seek common interests?"

"What do I have to do with the infighting in the Qin Guang Palace?!" Yu Wuqi spoke extremely impatiently, and spread his hands by his sides again, as if Yun Chi didn't say a key point, he immediately made a move.

"Sanshengshi!" The third elder brother Yunchi hurriedly yelled!

Yu Wuqi was stunned for a moment, and surprise flashed across his face: "The Sansheng Stone is not a property of your Qin Guang Palace, so how can your little Jiang Yunchi get his hands on it?"

"Although I, Jiang Yunchi, can't get my hands on it now, what if I become King Qin Guang in the future? You also know that in the underworld, except for the king of reincarnation, who would dare not sell the face of King Qin Guang? As long as I ascend to the throne of King Qin Guang in the future, I can find anyone who wants to be king of Qin Guang." This is an excuse to use the Sansheng Stone for brother Wuqi to study, wouldn't that fulfill your original wish to go down to the underworld?"

Yu Wuqi groaned silently, his complexion fluctuating.Although he was a first-class earth immortal in the fairy world, there were too few believers enshrining him, and the power of faith he gained was too weak.After the last place of faith was taken away by other earth immortals and he was seriously injured, he had no choice but to go down to the underworld to search for the Sansheng Stone, trying to find a chance to change his life against the sky.

There is a three-life stone in the fairy world, which records the past life, present life and future life of the fairy.But the Sansheng Stone in the fairy world has long disappeared, and the fairy emperor in charge of the Sansheng Stone has not been heard from for tens of thousands of years.

If that's the case, Yu Wuqi will accept his fate.

However, someone told him that there is also a three-life stone in the underworld, which records the past, present and afterlife of mortals, beasts and demons.The most important thing is that this person told him that the three life stones in the underworld and the three life stones in the fairy world came from the same source, and they were cast in the same furnace by the same fairy, but one was used for immortals and the other was used for mortals.Moreover, there is an inductive connection between the two three-life stones. If one can obtain the three-life stone of the underworld, one will be able to find the three-life stone of the fairy world.
He did not believe these words.After all, the person who told him the news didn't even want to reveal his true face, but just conjured up a mysterious voice to communicate with him.He also asked, if this is the case, why don't other immortals go to the underworld to find the Sansheng Stone, so as to change their lives against the sky?
He thought that the mysterious voice would explain one thing or two, but who knows that the mysterious voice just said: "If you believe it, you will have it, if you don't believe it, you will not have it", and there is no more news.

He couldn't verify the authenticity.After much hesitation, I decided to go to the underworld to try it out.Anyway, he now has nothing and is seriously injured, so it is extremely difficult to survive in the fairy world.

Not long after arriving in the underworld, he met Princess Yunqian, the fourth princess of Qin Guang Wangfu.Although both parties contacted and tried again and again with the intention of making use of each other, they still slowly developed a bit of sincerity.Especially Princess Yunqian, who was willing to block the fatal blow for him at the critical moment, but she was completely lost.

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