Different from the essence and blood of human cultivators, the pure cultivation base of ghost cultivators is all condensed on the soul.The spirit is extremely difficult to cultivate, and it takes many years of cultivation to condense a little bit.This time, their lives are at stake, and ghost cultivators are extremely suppressed here, and they have nothing else to rely on except their spirits.

Yu Wuqi seemed dissatisfied with whether they were killed or not, he frowned and shook his head.He flew back and jumped twenty feet.It might have been because the chop was crooked just now that it didn't break the barrier and kill them, come again!

Yu Wuqi raised his hands again and pointed at Jiang Yunchi, he spoke plausibly for a long time before shouting, "Disease!"

A lightning bolt that was almost double the size just now struck straight at the barrier!

Jiang Yunchi and Princess Li'er were not idle, they hurriedly summoned more spirits and sprayed them on the barrier!

After the loud noise, the area within a radius of thirty feet or so was completely scorched black.Even Yu Wuqi was stunned by the electric shock, his white clothes were torn, his face was covered with black ashes, and even the beard on his chin was burnt by the lightning.

If Yu Wuqi knew that this beard was one of the reasons why Princess Li'er didn't like him, would he be happy about it?
Yu Wuqi inspected himself, and couldn't contain his surprise!


He burst into laughter!
Jiang Yunchi inside the barrier was shocked!

A powerful coercion pressed towards the barrier, rubbed against the barrier fiercely, and there was a burst of strange noises that made the ghost's soul tear apart!

Jiang Yunchi immediately sat cross-legged, holding his breath and concentrating on doing his best to resist the abnormal noise!
On the other hand, Princess Li'er's complexion was pale, and a ghostly aura spread from her mouth and nose to her whole body. It seemed that she had suffered serious internal injuries!

Fortunately, this coercion subsided within a short time, and the abnormal noise disappeared immediately, otherwise, Princess Li'er would have lost her wits on the spot!
The source of this powerful coercion is Yu Wuqi.He didn't expect that an accidental thunder and lightning would split most of the ghost's seal on his primordial spirit!
He laughed wildly with great joy, and the coercion was released according to his will.

It's just that his primordial spirit has been sealed for too long, and his celestial power is lacking. Otherwise, the two little ghost cultivators in front of him would be reduced to ashes just by the coercion alone!
Yu Wuqi stopped laughing, moved himself five feet in front of Jiang Yunchi, and began to raise his hands to attract thunder.

The casting time is longer this time, and the thunder and lightning are twice as thick!
Yu Wuqi smirked and raised his hands to the air!
Let the thunder and lightning come more violently!Split the ghost repair seal!Kill the ghost prince and daughter!
After the loud noise, Yu Wuqi fell to the ground!His white clothes had been completely scorched, and his body was covered in pitch black with numerous wounds, and immortal energy flowed out from the wounds!
"No! How is this possible?! No!" Yu Wuqi yelled in panic, completely unable to accept the facts in front of him!

The thunder and lightning chopped off the seal of Ghost Cultivator, but it also gave him countless wounds all over his body. A huge wound even slanted from his right shoulder to his lower left abdomen. It was bottomless. If it was deeper, his primordial spirit would probably be killed. Split in half and cancel the account directly!

The injury was so serious that Yu Wuqi didn't care about anything else, so he hurriedly ran towards a forest in the distance, he wanted to heal quickly!Fortunately, there is a lot of immortal energy here, if he is in the underworld, he probably won't last long and will have to cancel his account!
I almost hacked myself to death, this is no one else!
Ordinary immortals know their own fairy arts very well, and they won't make a fuss about killing themselves.

However, Yu Wuqi has lost his immortal body for more than 2000 years, so he is relatively new to immortal arts if he hasn't practiced for a long time.In addition, he has practiced ghost cultivation spells, part of his soul is a ghost body, and he is most afraid of the power of thunder and lightning.There was a ghost repair seal from the Qin Guang Palace before, and this part of the primordial spirit was not harmed.This time, the Ghost Cultivator's seal was completely split open, under the force of lightning, it's no wonder he wasn't seriously injured!
This was also due to Yu Wuqi's lack of clarity of mind.If he is as pure as he is in the fairy world and concentrates on cultivation, he may not be able to discover this problem.Hiding in the ghost world for many years, his state of mind is far worse than before. A moment of ecstasy washed away his rationality and prudence, and eventually caused himself to be seriously injured.

As for Jiang Yunchi and Princess Li'er, he didn't care about it at all.

It turned out that the ground was a piece of burnt ash. After being struck by lightning many times, the ground was filled with choking smoke several meters high, and it was difficult to see clearly what was happening a foot away.

However, the power of thunder and lightning is so fierce, the barrier between Jiang Yunchi and Princess Li'er must be split, and they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

After a long time, the choking smoke slowly dissipated.Amidst the scorched blackness, there was a thin transparent shield. Inside the shield, the grass was still green, and a male ghost and a female ghost were lying on the ground.

The male ghost wakes up leisurely.He immediately stood up and looked around.There was nothing but smoke and dust all over the place.

He woke up Princess Li'er, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, unexpectedly escaped with his life!
Princess Li'er also looked around for a while, and then carefully looked at the transparent shield that was still supporting in front of her.

The transparent shield is the same as before.But before she fainted, she was pleasantly surprised to find that in addition to this transparent shield, there was another layer of transparent immortal energy shield!

The reason why she dared to say it was a fairy qi shield was because this kind of shield was different from the ghost cultivator's passport and the human cultivator's shield.A ghost cultivator's shield always has a ghostly aura, while a human cultivator's shield has aura, and this shield's aura is obviously different from ghost aura and aura.

When her life was hanging by a thread in the human world, this kind of protective shield saved her, and now such a protective shield appeared again, which surprised and delighted her.

Could it be that he saved himself again?
But this shield is gone, was it shattered, or was it just his own fantasy?

Princess Li'er was thinking wildly while looking around, and had to follow the third brother to leave the place quickly.

Whether it was him or not, the most important thing was to find a safe place first.

According to the relevant information of Qinguang Palace, after walking through this vast grassland, over a few mountains, and across a wide river, the natural prohibition that suppresses ghost cultivation will disappear.At that time, even if Na Yu Wuqi came to kill him again, they would not be afraid anymore.

"Li'er, what are you looking at?" Seeing Princess Li'er looking around, Jiang Yunchi couldn't help asking.

"No, it's nothing." Princess Li'er didn't intend to tell third brother her guess.The third brother betrothed himself to Yu Wuqi without opening his mouth, it was impossible for her not to be angry.

At any rate, he was favored in front of his father, although he didn't know how long this favor could last, the third brother didn't take himself seriously at all, and he might sell himself at any time!

Such a third brother, what is there to respect?Where is it worth telling him what's on your mind?

Princess Li'er even regretted telling Feng Yi to the third brother.But if this is not the case, the third brother will definitely not want to help him find it, even if he helps, he will deal with it hastily.I am alone and alone, how difficult it is to find a ghost cultivator who wants to hide from me in the vast underworld!

Princess Li'er sighed inwardly.If he saw his beautiful face and his sincerity, would he accept himself?
After all, Jiang Yunchi is a ghost spirit who has cultivated for thousands of years, so he guessed it at a glance.

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