"Afterwards, Xiaofeng has been healing your injuries in the pool, and even heated the pool to make you recover faster."

"Then was he injured? Did he heal himself?"

"I don't know. The injury must have been suffered, and he didn't care about healing. But that spiritual spring should also help his injury!"

Xiaolei's own injury was healed by soaking in Lingquan, Chuchu was the most injured and recovered the slowest.Feng Yi looks fine, how could he be injured so badly all of a sudden?

Yeah, how could he be hurt so badly all of a sudden?Could it have something to do with his new body?
Lan Chuchu was worried.But it was useless for her to worry.It's such a bad feeling to feel helpless.

She must practice hard in the future, become strong, and protect the people around her!

Xiaolei seemed to see her annoyance: "Let's go, let's give flowers to Xiaofengcai. Xiaofeng said, put the flowers by the pool when you wake up, and you will be able to see them when you wake up. Your mood will be better and your injuries will recover quickly." will be faster."

No wonder there were so many flowers and plants beside the Lingquan just now, it seems to be Xiaolei's masterpiece.

Lan Chuchu was moved, and Xiaolei went to pick a lot of flowers and plants, and covered the three floors and the outer three floors around the Lingquan where Fengyi was located.Fortunately, these flowers will not wither anytime soon.

When Feng Yi opened his eyes, Lan Chuchu and Xiao Lei were placing new flowers by the pool.

Seeing that Chu Chu's face was calm and slightly worried, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that he got a blessing in disguise, and Chu Chu is no longer angry with him.

His eyes followed Lan Chuchu's figure all the time.

Lan Chuchu saw that Feng Yi was awake, her expression was still calm.She just got up and approached the Lingquan, as if she was about to go down into the pool.

Feng Yi hurriedly stopped: "Chuchu, you can't come down! This is the fairy spring, there is a lot of fairy energy in it, you and Xiaolei can't absorb too much, or you will explode and die!"

Lan Chuchu was taken aback, and squatted by the pool.He just looked at Feng Yi seriously: "I want to practice Chaos Taoism."

Feng Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled brightly like a star: "Okay."

He meditated for a moment, raised two fingers and meditated for a moment, then raised his finger to Lan Chuchu's forehead.

A large section of content appeared in Lan Chuchu's mind.She was a little dizzy and sat down on the ground.

"Chuchu!" Feng Yi was worried that he had input too much content at once and hurt Chuchu, so he got up from the fairy spring and wanted to come out.

"It's okay," Lan Chuchu stopped Feng Yi, "I'll be fine for a while."

There is indeed a lot of content.It is much more detailed than the chaotic way taught to her by the remnant soul in the ring space.Lan Chuchu simply meditated on the spot, reading and comprehending these contents slowly.

Seeing that Chu Chu was fine, Feng Yi also sat back and continued his practice.Fortunately, this fairy spring is not deep, and the water in it just reaches the chest, so there is no need to worry about choking the water.

As for the water temperature, only Feng Yi knows.Looking at his occasional frown, it is estimated that the taste is not too pleasant.

Lan Chuchu sat for more than half a year without opening her eyes.

Feng Yi often opened his eyes, looked at Chu Chu, and at Xiao Lei who came back from time to time.His figure didn't move at all.

Lan Chuchu finally opened her eyes that day, and she stared at the fairy spring water thoughtfully.

"You want to refine this immortal energy?" Feng Yi's voice has returned to its usual warmth.

"Yes, I want to try." Lan Chuchu said calmly.She has recently learned this chaotic Taoism, and she has already become familiar with it.The thin demon energy and ghost energy in the air have been refined by her.She also tried a little bit of immortal energy, although refining it is extremely difficult, but it is also rewarding!

Immortal energy refinement's enhancement effect is too obvious!It is of great benefit to the promotion of cultivation.

It's a pity that the immortal energy in the air is too thin to capture, so she came up with the idea of ​​immortal spring.

"Okay." Feng Yi smiled slightly, worked a little, and a drop of fairy spring flew from the pool to Lan Chuchu.

Lan Chuchu didn't rush to absorb the water drops of the fairy spring, but stared and observed first.

After her eyes were flushed with liquid spirit energy, she could see more things.For example, she can now see traces of aura escaping from the water droplets in front of her, it seems that this is immortal energy.The thin fairy energy in the air should come from this fairy spring.

Lan Chuchu didn't hesitate any longer, opened her apricot mouth slightly, and sucked the water droplets into her body in one breath.

Her delicate body suddenly shook!
Feng Yi couldn't sit still anymore, so he immediately got up and went ashore, and sat face to face with Lan Chuchu.If anything happens to her, he can save her in time!

Lan Chuchu's face was pained.A big lump kept protruding from her chest and back, as if some monster was wreaking havoc inside her!

Feng Yi showed a nervous expression, and carefully observed every subtle change of her whole body.He didn't want to destroy her cultivation too early, and he was also afraid that if he acted too late, it wouldn't be able to prevent her from exploding to death after failing in refining!

Lan Chuchu tried her best to suppress the drop of fairy spring that she inhaled into her body.Although some of the fairy energy had dissipated in the air, it was still many times stronger than the fairy energy she absorbed from the air!
Immortal energy is different from the gentleness of spiritual energy, it is extremely domineering and rages around in her body.If she hadn't tempered her body, and was tempered by the pure magic energy of the monster a while ago, she would have exploded and died by now!

Lan Chuchu has no control over this domineering immortal energy, and can only let it run around.

Fortunately, it seems that this ball of fairy energy has been explored enough in the body, and it actually took the initiative to plunge into Lan Chuchu's dantian, and rushed towards her chaotic golden core that was tumbling incessantly!

Oops!It seems that Xianqi regards the golden elixir as a tonic and wants to devour the golden elixir!
The golden core is destroyed, and my own way of practice is afraid to be ruined!

Never let this domineering immortal energy come true!
Lan Chuchu's heart swelled, and she tried her best to activate the golden core, but the golden core actually cracked open, and the immortal energy slipped in!

Lan Chuchu immediately closed the golden pill tightly, and burned it carefully with the pill fire, so that although the surface of the golden pill was surging, there was no crack at all!

Now is the critical moment to test the will!

Immortal energy and golden core, either you die or I die!

Lan Chuchu silently recited the chaotic Taoist formula, the whole body's spiritual energy flowed rapidly, and kept flocking to Jindan for support!

The surrounding sky changed color, which was caused by Lan Chuchu absorbing more and more aura from the heaven and earth!

The aura condenses into a liquid, wrapping the golden elixir layer by layer. If the later aura cannot get in, it squeezes the previous liquid aura, and then the liquid aura is forced into a solid aura. The golden elixir gets bigger and bigger, stretching The dantian is full!
No, there is not enough space in the dantian!

The fairy energy inside is still raging in the golden core, it seems that it has broken through the first barrier!
There was an explosion at the dantian!
Lan Chuchu almost lost consciousness!

Suddenly, a rather soothing warm current came from the body, flowing slowly along Lan Chuchu's body.

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