Chapter 60

Qin Yan:?
She flushed the last bit of foam down, raised her hand to smell it again, the fishy smell was gone, and then she stood up slowly.

Team leader Zheng Jianxun has already walked to the door wondering.

"Liu Er, what are you calling, can't you say something well?"

"I'll talk about it! Can I talk about it! Captain, look for yourself, my baby's braid is gone! It's been cut! It's the braid that he has left since he was born! It's gone if he doesn't! It's all to blame That Zhiqing Qin, what are you doing so badly? You even beat my son's scalp like this!"

"See for yourself! You see!"

Liu Er pulled his son's arm and dragged him to the captain, and then held his head, showing the captain, wishing that the captain would put his eyeballs on his son.The captain took a step back in disgust, and said perfunctorily.

"I saw it, I saw it."

"Qin Yan, what's going on? You cut his son's pigtail? Do you know him?"

He looked up at Qin Yan.

"I just met him today. I didn't cut his braids. He was fine when he left."

Of course Qin Yan couldn't admit that he didn't do it himself.

"Captain, I..."

Seeing this, Sheng Manjiang stood up again, frowning, but was abducted by Qin Yan, motioning him to shut up.

It doesn't matter, she will make a move.Leave it to her to fight against the parents of bear children, she has experience, let her do it!Seeing that she was full of interest and ready to fight, Sheng Manjiang smiled helplessly and shut up.

"Say it, why don't you say it? Are you guilty? Sheng Manjiang, I really misjudged you. You are such a big man, why are you still fussing with a child? What happened to our Xiaoyu? You beat me up again. His ass, let Qin Zhiqing cut off his braid again! You two are so ruthless!
Didn’t he just bump into the two of you catching fish by the river? Why, are you afraid that people will find out that you stole the team’s collective property, or are you afraid that everyone will find out about your sneaky tryst?It's really nothing, you guys! "

Liu Er pointed at the two of them and shouted angrily. His wife also had the same attitude and echoed loudly.

"Exactly! What do you think about today's matter! My son's pigtails for eight years are gone, and you can't do it even if you pay us all the hair!"

"First, as I said, I didn't cut your son's pigtails. If you say I did, please show evidence. Second, Sheng Manjiang and I went to the riverside in an open and aboveboard way. A bunch of people saw it. What, why, we are not allowed to catch a fish in broad daylight? This is called a tryst? Even if it is a tryst, what does it have to do with you? Are young people not allowed to have sex in the team or what?"

"Thirdly, you can open your eyes to see if you have stolen the collective property of the team. We all came to the captain with fish. What should be handed over, what should be bought with money, where did you steal it? You can’t just see everyone like you when you have a dark mind, can you?”

"In the end, Sheng Manjiang did spank your son's ass, why don't you ask your son why? Because he pushed me. Oh, I know you must ask why your son pushed me, because I was in vain, He laughed at me, and then I laughed back, and he got angry, so he pushed me, what did I do wrong?

Please point it out to me. "

Qin Yan was neither humble nor overbearing, he asked each mouthful, he was well-organized, and his tone was calm, which made people very convincing.When the captain heard it, he understood it, it was simple and clear.

"Did you hear that? They said they didn't cut it, and it was Xiaoyu who moved first and pushed him. It's normal for Sheng Manjiang to beat him twice. As for the braids, is there some misunderstanding? Xiaoyu, come here, tell me, Who cut your braids, tell me, don’t lie, those who lie have no meat to eat.”

The captain grabbed Liu Yu's arm and asked seriously.

When Liu Yu heard that there was no meat to eat, he became anxious, stretched his neck and hesitated, but he was a brat, how could he be intimidated by this difficulty, so he shook his head resolutely, pointing at Qin Yan.

"I'm not lying, it's her, she cut my pigtail!"

The captain suddenly had a headache.



"Captain, what do you mean? Why do you keep asking my son, my son is so young, can he lie? She must have done it. She cut my son's braids. Give me back my son's braids!"

Liu Er snatched his son back from the captain's grasp, pointed at Qin Yan and cursed indignantly.Well, everyone sticks to their opinions, this is going to be an unsolved case. Although the captain knows that Liu Yu is usually a bear, but now there is no evidence to clear Qin Yan's suspicion. He looks at Qin Yan in embarrassment.

"Okay, you said that I cut your son's braid, then I'll ask him a few questions and see if he can answer them. You won't even allow this, are you just teaming up with your son? Slander me?"

Qin Yan raised his eyebrows and blocked his words.Liu Eryu concluded, he thought for two seconds, and agreed.

"Okay, you ask, if he can answer, I will beat you to death! Who do you think you are, do you know how important my son's pigtail is, whoever has nothing to do will cut off the pigtail to slander you!"

He is confident in his son.

"Okay, then Liu Yu, let me ask you, where did I cut your pigtail?"

Qin Yan took two steps closer and looked down at this brat.

"It's right by the river! You don't like me, you want to kill me, you cut my braid!"

"Answer specifically, where is the river, is it at the big rocks by the river, or at the intersection by the river, or where specifically."

"The river, the crossing by the river!"

Liu Yu thought hard, and then chose a place at random.

"What did I use to cut your braid?"

"Use scissors! Such a big pair of scissors cut off my braids with one click! You want to cut off my scalp too, you are a villain!!!"

Xiongzi's performance is very exciting and very immersive.

"Okay, scissors, right? What about the braids? Where is the cut braids? I want to see them."

Qin Yan sneered and made another request.

"Here, what else to see, what else to see! No matter how many questions you ask, you will not escape today! I will shave your hair and make pigtails for my son! You have to pay my son!"

Liu Er snatched the braid from his wife and threw it on Qin Yan's body.Qin Yan was not annoyed, he bent down to pick it up and looked at it, the cuts were uneven, and it was not easy to connect with the small piece left on his head, there must be some broken pieces.It is estimated that this brat cut it himself. Adults can't even use scissors, and they can cut this virtue.

Qin Yan had a clue in her heart, and she looked at Liu Yu with a half-smile.

"Since it was cut at the crossing by the river, let's go to the crossing by the river to have a look. There may be some broken hairs on the ground there. It's impossible to cut hair without losing any broken hairs, right?"

Liu Yu pouted, not very happy to go.

"I do not want to go."

"Go as soon as you say, even if there are broken hairs, they will be blown away by the wind. If there are no broken hairs, you are still going to beat them up, right?"

Liu Er was not happy to refute, Qin Yan smiled mockingly, and suddenly asked Liu Yu again.

"Where did you get the scissors you used to cut your hair?"

"I got it at home."

Liu Yu was caught off guard and told the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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