Chapter 100
There are four people in their dormitory, except for the two of them, the other two are now political figures.

"As we get closer to success, there will only be more and more people staring at us." Ludwig sighed, and lay on the rocking chair with the fat cat in his arms.

Fat Cat: Are you polite?call dawn!

For some reason, Tan Chuwei always felt that his mentor seemed to have experienced some bad things, he was a person with a lot of stories.

In fact, everyone either didn't know anything about his past or kept silent about it. After so long, Tan Chuwei only knew part of the news about his wife, and didn't know what he experienced when he left school and here.

He seemed to come back here after his wife left, but his heart also died in Jiangnan, beside his wife.

Later, he devoted himself to research, and in the past few years, he even went to the point of not eating or drinking.

Tan Chuwei sat beside him, "Teacher, when it's over, we'll go to Jiangnan and settle there with dawn. Although Lao Tan doesn't have an old castle there, there are still gardens."

There is no such thing as an ancient castle in China.

Lao Tan had already prepared everything, the residence, the laboratory of the research institute, as if as long as they were willing to go back, they were willing to prepare everything.

Tan Chuwei also knew that Jiangnan was the place where Huaxia could best retain Ludwig's mentor, the place where his wife lived for decades.

Many times, she also has many puzzles, such as why the tutor and the teacher's wife have been separated in a different place for so many years, and why the two have no children.

Obviously mentor Ludwig has the ability to give his wife a home here, and he can also live with his wife in Jiangnan, why has he been in a foreign country.

From Ludwig's mouth, she knew that the two had been keeping in touch with each other through emails and phone calls, but it seemed that it was too late when he knew that his wife was sick.

Teacher's wife's illness is "terminally ill". Maybe she also knows it well, and she doesn't want to distract Ludwig, who is far away in another country, who is concentrating on experiments, so she resists silently.

Now Tan Chuwei seems to have understood something. Mentor Ludwig has always participated in major experiments. Perhaps at that time, it was because of the control and restrictions that he and his wife could only maintain this super long distance.

At this time, she suddenly had a guess.

At the beginning, Ludwig's mentor voluntarily or was forced to participate in an experiment. Perhaps the news that the teacher's wife was seriously ill was intercepted by someone, just to let Ludwig concentrate on the experiment at the last moment.

And the reason why Ludwig didn't bring his mistress was because he knew very well that once his mistress came, she would become a hostage in various critical situations.

If she were Ludwig's mentor, she would also choose to leave the other half in a safer place, even if it was a little farther away, as long as it was safe.

Maybe he thought so too at the beginning, but it's a pity... the world is impermanent.

Tan Chu turned his head slightly to look at the little old man who was teasing the cat. He is actually lonely, right?Yeah, how can you not be alone.

"Why are you looking at me with that strange look." The person next to him didn't speak, and Ludwig glanced at her inadvertently, but met her eyes.

Hmm, very strange feeling.

What is this person thinking in his small head?Ludwig squeezed Dawn's cheeks, why is he getting fatter and fatter, eating a spoonful a day, how can he be so fat, is it possible that he has a physique that makes him fat even after drinking water?
But fat is also cute.

(End of this chapter)

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