After inheriting billions of dollars, I became popular by showing off

Chapter 103 Born under the Red Flag, Grow in the Spring Breeze

Tan Chuwei sat there, playing with his mobile phone seemingly carelessly, but he didn't read anything in the mobile phone, and his mind was crazily replaying the words Mentor Ludwig said the night before.

Now this situation is really a bit incomprehensible.

Tan Chuwei alone waited here for an hour and a half, and the originally tense strings began to relax slowly, and the door opened with a "click".

She turned her head to see the professors from just now.

Except for the dean, the other four people came.These four are leading representatives of the medical school.

"Everyone, sit down." The middle-aged man in a suit nodded slightly to them with a stern expression.

Looking at the expressions of the other students, they were all indifferent, as if they knew everything about the next development.

"Presumably your tutors have mentioned about this early graduation and the source project experiment more or less."

"The people sitting here are all high-achieving medical students in recent years. Everyone should be aware of the importance of this experimental project authorized by the state. The hospital intends to incorporate nine of you into the experimental project staff, and the four of us and the external professor together.

Due to the importance of this matter, everyone is called together to discuss it today. The above means that all personnel participating in the project should be incorporated into Chinese nationality. The experimental plan is expected to last for three to five years, during which it will be strictly controlled.

I know this may be a bit difficult for you, after all, you have to give up your original nationality and temporary freedom, but you have to think about the pros and cons in the future.

Regardless of whether this plan is successful or not, you will all enjoy the support of the state and the hospital, which will only benefit you and not harm your country, as the largest country..."

The professor babbled on for a long time, and for some reason, the more Tan Chuwei listened, the more he felt a sense of seeing Xie teaching, and he almost said the five words "Believe me, I will live forever".

Give up your nationality?What are you thinking about?

After he finished speaking, his eyes subconsciously fell on Tan Chuwei. An apprentice of a weirdo like Ludwig might be a weirdo again.

According to the dean, Tan Chuwei must be retained, not entirely because of her grades in school, but because of various considerations, such as the drug research she is currently participating in, and her family background.

At this time, his assistant came up with a dozen documents and sent them one by one.

"If you don't have any objections, just sign this agreement. After signing, you will officially become a member of Project Yuan's the future..."

Looking at the people next to him flipping through the documents with different expressions, Tan Chu was as motionless as a mountain.

She looked up and met Professor Shang's gaze, "Tan Chuwei? Do you have any concerns?"

Tan Chuwei was also very straightforward, "Professor, I don't have any worries, because I don't plan to join at all."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

The expressions of the professors were not very good, and she looked very much like that weird Ludwig back then.

But they didn't know that Tan Chuwei was not only weird, but also rebellious.One hundred catties of weight, eight hundred catties of anti-bone.

"Joining the plan is only good for your future, not bad, the future..."

"Professor." Seeing that he still wanted to brainwash himself, Tan Chuwei stood up and interrupted him very politely, "Nothing can make me give up my nationality. I live under the red flag and grow in the spring breeze. We have In a word, I am a Chinese person and my death is the soul of China. I never want to betray my country for a moment.

So, forgive me. "

"You are young, this matter will affect your future development..." Another professor also began to help for some unknown reason.

Thank you Miss Qianyue for your reward!

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