After inheriting billions of dollars, I became popular by showing off

Chapter 14 Show off skills?See if I don't dazzle you to death.

Chapter 14 Show off skills?See if I don't dazzle you to death.

Could this be the power of the legendary capital?

As far as these two points are concerned, Tan Chuwei understood in an instant.

"I want to see who wants to step on me." It depends on who else joins.It is impossible to say that there is no unhappiness. I just want to be a salted fish in peace and contentment, so someone has to come out and step on me?
You can see if I stab you or not.

The barrage took off in the live broadcast room.Seeing the number of Chuwei votes getting higher and higher, many fans panicked.

Tingle: What's the situation? Why is the number of votes for Chu Chuzi getting higher and higher? No, this is a vote-making process, right?
How lonely and arrogant Bamboo Chanting Wind: There must be an inside story. Chu Chuzi clearly said on the Chu stage that he can't do it, and the number of votes paid is sky-high. The program group is going to use Chu Chuzi's traffic to sacrifice to the sky, right?
Zuo Pingyi's domestic sweetheart's gentle dramatist: Director, do you know how to do talent shows?

Whispering in the South Country, North Pavilion, Salted Fish looking for a good book to read: Yes, I want to see which little thing made this.

When someone fights an injustice, someone will add insult to injury.

Luanluan Xiaojiu: No way, no way, fans at the beginning of a certain period are too conspiratorial, it’s like everyone wants to harm your master, isn’t it the number one in online betting, if you don’t have the strength, you might be eliminated in the next round up.

The bustling end: That's right, if you don't have the strength to still be here, how dare you.

Sure enough, the first person whose name was announced was Tan Chuwei. She stood up with a cold face. All the people present were fine people, and there were many people who couldn't be deceived by the entanglement here.

The second person to be voted out was old acquaintance Feng Annan.Then there were three young ladies who Tan Chuwei had no impression of.

As soon as Feng Annan's name was pronounced, Tan Chuwei understood it in seconds.

It's not just Tan Chuwei who understands in seconds, Shen Yue Feng Ying who is beside her also subconsciously frowned, "Wei Wei..."

"It's okay." Tan Chuwei comforted the two of them with a firm look, and then she stood up.

Several people stood up one after another and were taken by the staff to choose musical instruments.The person responsible for guiding her is also an honest person, Ms. Song Jiajia who followed the film before.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" It's strange, this young lady doesn't do follow-up anymore?Seeing her empty hands, Tan Chuwei was a little curious.

Zai Zai still remember me! ! !Song Jiajia covered her mouth excitedly, blushing, "Well, that camera is too heavy, I, the director, the director arranged for someone else."

That's right, it's a bit wasteful to let such a cute young lady carry the camera. "Uh-huh."

"Zai Zai, I secretly hid a finger piano for you. It's the simplest thing. Would you like to try it? And the guitar, what do you think you know, I'll try my best to get it for you."

Still have this kind of operation? "I can try the guitar."

"That's good, that's good." Hearing that, Song Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief, "There's no way, that person has a strong background, and the father of the gold master wants to force the scene, and the director can't do anything about it."

As she spoke, she pointed to the princess dress in front of her with her eyes. "Zai Zai, stay away from her in the future, the people in Longxing Entertainment are very bad."

Dragon Star Entertainment?Didn't Feng Annan participate as a personal trainee?Besides, since Yueyue is going to be used as a springboard, it should be Yueyue's company.

How could it be this Dragon Star Entertainment? "Long Xing? Isn't she a personal trainee?"

"On the surface, it was actually sent by Longxing Entertainment, because the big boss of Longxing Entertainment has sponsored a lot of our program group, and is the biggest sponsor. It may be to avoid suspicion, so it was not put on the surface. "She has figured out the inside story of the program group, and Song Jiajia swears by it.

Tan Chuwei was shocked but also a little curious, "Miss sister, how do you know so much?"

"Actually, I'm a related household, Director Feng is my relative, hehehe. Let's not talk about it, it's the front." A few people came to a tent, the tent door was opened, and the furnishings inside could be seen from the outside .

No, it's not a display, but seven or eight musical instruments.

"The corner on the ground on the left." As soon as she entered, Song Jiajia slowed down and followed behind her to remind her in a low voice.

Sure enough, following her description, Tan Chuwei saw that corner and it was a guitar placed on the ground.

There is something.The guitar was originally placed in the corner, and the color is so similar to the background that it can't be seen unless you look carefully.

Tan Chuwei walked towards the guitar, stood still in front of her, and stretched out her hand.

"Oh, this one still looks good." Suddenly, Feng Annan, who appeared out of nowhere, quickly grabbed the headstock of the guitar one step ahead of her.

As he said that, the look in Tan Chuwei's eyes couldn't be called friendly.

Obviously targeted.I saw Princess Dress took the guitar away by herself and smiled provocatively at her.

As soon as Tan Chuwei came in, Feng Annan noticed her, and it turned out to be a guitar in the direction she was walking.Of all these instruments, the guitar is the most accessible.

Since he is determined to embarrass her, Feng Annan will not give her any chance.

The violin that was originally selected was left behind by her.She has seen it just now, guitar, violin, piano, zither, lute, cello and flute.She didn't believe that Chu Wei had other choices.

Feng Annan almost laughed out loud at the thought of waiting for her to make a fool of herself.

Unexpectedly, Song Jiajia was even angrier than Tan Chuwei, "What the hell, I asked for the violin, now come and grab my guitar."

The meaning of this targeting is so obvious, Song Jiajia has the heart to curse others.How dare you wrong my family, ah, ah, ah, you think I'm dead.

"How about...finger piano?" The lesson can be said later, the competition is coming soon.

Tan Chu shook her head slightly, "Actually... I also know a little bit of guzheng." She said with a mysterious smile, "Miss sister, watch me perform."

"Hiss—" Song Jiajia gasped, suddenly realizing whether her son was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The performance was from the back to the front, maybe because of marketing, the program crew put Tan Chuwei last, but what they didn't expect was that Feng Annan still chose the violin when he appeared on stage.

It seemed that she didn't know how to play the guitar, and she was just trying to find fault with herself.Now, for the sake of security, or the capital for security, she finally chose the violin.

One thing to say, this guy is pretty good at playing the violin, but Kuaishou...he hasn't practiced well yet.Tan Chuwei stood behind and watched Feng Annan's performance.

At the end of the song, Feng Annan bowed to everyone. The smile on his face was not sure whether he was happy because he was going to win, or because he knew that Tan Chuwei and others would be ashamed.

"Feng Annan, you are too happy to show off your skills? Let's see if my sister doesn't show you off."

When Tan Chuwei came out, the staff helped her arrange the seat and the guzheng. When she saw this instrument, Shen Yue, who was a little worried just now, suddenly became nervous.

"It's okay, looking at Wei Wei's expression, I'm afraid she is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

(End of this chapter)

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