After inheriting billions of dollars, I became popular by showing off

Chapter 149 Extra 2: Interview after National Day

Host: For this interview, we are honored to have Ms. Tan Chuwei Chuwei who sang "My Motherland and Me" on National Day.

Tan Chuwei: I am also honored to participate in this interview.

Host: If you had to add a prefix title to your name, what would Ms. Tan choose?

Tan Chuwei: Let’s be a teacher.

Host: Why a teacher? Ms. Tan's deeds and contributions in the field of medicine are worthy of being praised. Why would she choose a teacher who sounds most ordinary?

Tan Chuwei: Because I am not a god, just an ordinary person. Moreover, I think teaching is a great profession. There is a saying I like very much, veterans will never die and the fire will be passed down from generation to generation. The word teacher is shining with light. There have been countless people like me in Chinese history, and I am just the most ordinary one. I just don’t want to take everything I have learned and thought into the coffin. Even if one day I die, if these things are still remembered by others, then my soul has not died.


Host: In some subsequent reports, it was mentioned that Ms. Tan, you were illegally detained by Party M for 21 days, and you were unconscious when you were taken back. During those 21 days, what beliefs made you Grit your teeth and persevere?

Tan Chuwei: It’s the motherland. I know that my motherland will not give up on me. No matter whether I live or die, I will be taken back by my motherland.


Host: Someone said that your mood was similar but different the first time you sang this song on the show and the second time. What do you think about this?
Tan Chuwei: They are indeed similar but different. What is similar is that the heart has never changed. What is different is the state of mind. People grow because of experience.


Host: I heard that your health is still not in good condition right now?
Tan Chuwei: I have almost recovered, but my hands are a little inconvenient. It doesn’t matter if I don’t lift heavy objects and don’t let it work continuously.

...Moderator: You must also regret leaving clinical practice and pharmaceutical research, right?

Tan Chuwei: There must be some, but I am very satisfied to spread what I know, learn, and feel like I do now.


Moderator: xxx drugs have been included in the medical insurance, and the prices have been suppressed by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Can the current small profits be recouped?

Tan Chuwei: This is still uncertain, but the research and development of drugs is not for the purpose of earning wealth and hope.

Host: According to Ms. Tan, what is the significance of the research and development of new drugs?

Tan Chuwei: Because every medicine has to go through a process from weak to strong, from prosperity to decline. Then, when old drugs decline, they must be replaced by new drugs. Moreover, consumer demand is always developing. When consumers have new needs, they must be met by new drugs. Therefore, with the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing demand of people, the development of new drugs is of great importance. significance. New drugs represent the scientific research and production technology level of the pharmaceutical industry. The development of new drugs directly affects the quality and progress of disease prevention and treatment. The birth of an effective and good new drug not only marks the development level of the country's pharmaceutical industry, but can also fundamentally change the treatment of a certain disease.


Host: Our program will also be watched by many teenagers. Is there anything Ms. Tan would like to say to them?

Tan Chuwei: I would like to use our youth to protect China in this prosperous age. The sky is blue and the earth is yellow. There are eight deserts across the country. Even though it lasts for eternity, the future is like the sea and the days to come are long.


Host: Finally, Ms. Tan, is there anything else you want to say?
Tan Chuwei: I will not regret entering China in this life, and I will be reborn in the Chinese family in the next life.

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