Chapter 18 Recruiting the Great Buddha

Fortunately, although the schedule of this program will not be disclosed to the outside world, the future will be kept secret, but as the president of Shenghuang Entertainment, a giant in the entertainment industry, they still have to give him a little bit of face, so he doesn't need to find any reason at all, and contacted him directly chief director.

"Hi, I'm Sun Quan, President of Shenghuang Entertainment."

These few words are worth as much as a thousand pieces of gold.Yaoshou, Yaoshou.

Director Feng is a rising star in the entertainment industry.Sun Quan can be said to be one of the people he "saw" at the top of the entertainment industry. Such a person suddenly called him?

When Shenghuang Entertainment sent the two trainees in, they said that they didn't need special care.Everything is fair, just and open, but now none of the two are among the top three, so he probably came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

"Hi, I'm Director Feng."

Alas, I didn't expect that Director Feng's name was Director Feng, and his father was a director. When he had him, he determined to let him inherit his mantle, so he named him Director Feng directly.

At this moment Director Feng only felt regretful.It really is that he is too simple in life, if people say don't take special care of him, they really don't take special care of him.

Now it is good that the top of the pyramid personally calls him to inquire about the crime. He is the most unworthy of this kind of role. How dare a person like himself who is chosen by capital dare to offend capital. Isn't this just hitting a stone with an egg, "Mr. Explanation."

At this moment, Director Feng felt that a [-]-word manuscript was running through his mind, but he was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth.

"That trainee named Chuwei from your program group arranged for me to meet up, can you do it at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning?"

What I didn't expect was that the other party's tone didn't sound like asking a teacher for a crime, wait for Chuwei?He wants to see Chuwei?

It's not that he hasn't heard of the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry. Although it is rumored that Mr. Sun is a self-conscious person and doesn't mess around, who knows what's going on in private.

Could it be that he fell in love with the little girl Chuwei?Director Feng felt a little regretful.I brought this girl into this industry by myself, so don't hurt her, "Mr. Sun, what do you mean?"

Director Feng just felt that he couldn't bear it now. He was sitting on the ponytail while he was standing carelessly. He thought in his heart, according to the routine, should he spend money later? 50 is wrong, 100 million? 200 million?
Chuwei, Chuwei, my little conscience is worth too much money, don't worry, I will never sell you.

"I said Chu Wei, can I arrange to meet her?" Sun Quannai repeated in a temper, the director seemed to be out of his mind.

He has heard of this person. He has been lukewarm in the past few years. Last year, he suddenly produced a popular variety show, and his status instantly rose.

"Sun is always like this. Although I have just entered the circle, I still have a bottom line."

As soon as Sun Quan heard this, he knew that the other party was thinking wrong.At the same time, I can't help but feel a little angry. I have maintained a clean and self-sufficient image for so many years, but this sentence broke my defenses. "Don't think about it, I didn't mean that. She is our company... It's me, a distant relative of mine. She ran away from home a few days ago. Suddenly, my family saw her live broadcast on TV and were looking for her , do you understand me when I say this?"

Sun Quan organized the language and changed the wording. "Is ten o'clock okay?" he repeated.

It is estimated that it will be early in the morning to drive there. It seems that it is not good to disturb people's sleep in the early morning. Girls must have a beauty sleep.

"Okay, let's arrange it right away!" Only then did Director Feng realize that he wanted to make a mistake, and he agreed while rubbing his nose in embarrassment.

After hanging up the phone, he realized that his back was covered in sweat.

After two or three minutes, Director Feng slowly recovered.

He recalled what Sun Quan said just now, and hearing his tone just now, it was not as simple as a distant relative.Those who are worthy of his coming in person are either the daughters of the company's senior leaders or his relatives, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be distant relatives.

Director Feng who can survive in the entertainment industry is not a fool.It seems that I accidentally recruited the Buddha to the show.

What is he going to do this time?It must be taking people away.Thinking of this, Director Feng felt a little melancholy, and sighed that he really couldn't keep it.

He sighed resignedly, and I said how could this temperament and image be an ordinary person.Sure enough, my temple is too small to accommodate this big Buddha.

Thinking about it, he moved his numb left leg, first made a phone call, and then walked outside slowly.

At the same time, Song Jiajia, who was watching the fun in the front row, answered the phone. She was puzzled at first, then puzzled, and finally looked at Tan Chuwei who was eating skewers.

After hanging up the phone, he had no choice but to walk over and watch her walk into the camera lens.None of the staff dared to stop her, and subconsciously moved the camera away to make sure not to capture her. Tan Chuwei, who was immersing herself in grilling skewers, suddenly felt someone pat her on the shoulder.

She turned around, huh?It was that lovely young lady, "Sister, what's the matter?" She blinked her big eyes, still holding her skewer in her hand.

"Cub, come out, the director has something to do with you."

"The director has something to do with me?" He didn't regret it, did he?Her first reaction was that the director might have changed his mind, and she felt bad with a thump in her heart, and the skewers didn't taste good in an instant. "Brother Ying, help me look at the eyes, I will come as soon as I go."

The Brother Ying she was talking about—Feng Ying was a little confused, but subconsciously nodded.

As a person who knows how to grill everything, Feng Ying, who is originally a neutral and neat short-haired boyfriend who is full of strength, is happy to mention a new nickname today.

The one who called it that first was another young lady in the group who was very small and too young. After more than half an hour, this nickname began to spread widely, not to mention this "good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles", Feng Feng Ying only felt that it seemed that just like that, half of the program crew knew her nickname.

Although Song Jiajia deliberately lowered her voice, as a member of the program team, she walked in suddenly and attracted the attention of many people. People far away may not be able to hear it, but the few people around her can hear it more or less. Director, what's the matter? keywords.

Along the way, Tan Chuwei followed Miss Sister, panicked, "Miss Sister, did the director tell me what he wanted from me?"

She opened her mouth to inquire about the news.

Song Jiajia shook her head, "I didn't say anything, I just said that I would take you there, and that I needed to find you."

No good no good, this is definitely not a good thing.Tan Chuwei looked hopeless, could it be that he was really going to sell himself because of the food.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have competed with that princess dress for the limelight. I was so happy, and now I really regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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