After inheriting billions of dollars, I became popular by showing off

Chapter 22 The Crown Prince Reached the Top of the Entertainment Circle, the Crown Princess Studying

Chapter 22 The Crown Prince Reached the Top of the Entertainment Circle, the Crown Princess Studying Medicine Overseas

Isn't this the Shura field in the novel?
There were three men and three women present, Shen Yue, Feng Ying and the others were eating melons, and the gossip fire was crackling in the eyes of the crowd.

So the scene changed to six people eating together.

Fortunately, several people ate in the tutor's private room, otherwise it would be impossible for them not to be surrounded by this combination of meals.

And Sun Quan, who came up from behind Tan Chuwei, was also taken aback when he saw Fu Siyun and Fu Chengnan opposite them.

Mainly because he was taken aback when he saw Fu Chengnan, "Chengnan?"

"Brother Quan?"

How many people do you know?

Feng Ying: Isn't this the Shura Field?
Shen Yue: Ahhhhh, I feel like I've already made up a hundred thousand words of love and hatred.

Tan Chuwei: Why do I feel guilty for no reason? I didn't do anything wrong.

"Brother Quan, you and Sister Wei also know each other?" It was Little Golden Retriever who spoke first, oh no, it was Fu Chengnan.

He has only three idols in his life, he never thought that these three could sit at the same table?
Received Tan Chuwei's warning eyes, Sun Quan smiled but not a smile, "Yes, Weiwei is me..." He paused, glanced at Fu Siyun next to him from the corner of his eye, thinking of the things he had heard from President Tan, Swallowing down the friend on the edge of his mouth, he said, "Childhood sweetheart, isn't it Wei Wei?"

I didn't expect this person to make a living for me. Tan Chuwei knifed his heart, "Yes." She gritted her teeth, "Childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart. Brother Quan, I haven't seen you for so long and I don't know how to bring a gift for my sister, yes?" It's not that the feelings have faded."

Take advantage of me?See if I don't bleed you.

Childhood sweetheart?Fu Siyun frowned seeing the two people whose eyes were passing back and forth, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I want to take you home and you're not happy."

This sentence was like a thunderbolt on the ground. Except for the words, all the six people present were blown up by themselves.

What do you mean, what do you mean, you have to go home to see your parents?

No, is this something I can listen to?

"Sun Quan..." Tan Chu gritted his teeth slightly, the words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, full of threats.

"Okay, okay, I know you don't want others to know, so I won't say anything." The man promised repeatedly.

Who are these people?

Fu Siyun suddenly remembered why he thought this man was familiar before, Sun Quan, isn't this the president of Shenghuang Entertainment, Mr. Tan's apprentice?

To say that, it is not impossible for childhood sweethearts.

There were rumors before that Mr. Tan cultivated Sun Quan to cultivate his future son-in-law. After all, he only has one daughter under his knees. In the future, it is better to hand over the company to his daughter than to his own people.

Tan Chuwei, I have you all the time, I'm having a great time playing, and there are people around me after each other.

If it wasn't for someone here, Tan Chuwei really wanted to jump up and kill Sun Quan.

Still a childhood sweetheart, and brought it home, I am!
Where are you sending me home? You are clearly arresting me. If you don’t know your plausible words, you might think there is something wrong between us.

"Sun Quan, I have something to tell you, come out."

The atmosphere on the court was really awkward. Tan Chuwei wanted to lower his head to eat food to relieve it, but found that the food was not served just like that.

The instructor's food was cooked in a small stove, not so fast, not to mention that Fu Siyun also ordered a few troublesome dishes.

Unable to bear it, Tan Chuwei stood up directly, and this time Brother Quan stopped screaming, and it was Sun Quan directly, and his eyes seemed to say, come out, we will fight each other.

Fu Siyun: These two people still want to go out alone to have a romantic relationship?This look is almost drawn.

Sun Quan was not afraid either, showing a helpless pampering look, "I'll do whatever I want, I'll listen to you."

That posture resembled a domineering president who doted on his wife.

Ah ah ah ah ah!Tan Chuwei was going crazy in his heart.Who will accept this person, I can't stand it.

Thinking that his movements were slow, Tan Chuwei directly pulled up his sleeves and pulled them out, but Sun Quan still acted like everyone was laughing at him.

As soon as he went out: "Sun, Quan! What are you going to do?"

"Is that person the grandson of Fu's parents?" Unexpectedly, Sun Quan asked, not so much as a question, but more like a confirmation.

"you know?"

"Don't you know, I'm your childhood sweetheart."

"speak politely."

"Back then you were declined, and you went back and cried for two days. Mr. Tan mentioned it to me."

"You know this as well?"

"Well, let me tell you, you two are a good match, crouching dragon and phoenix chick."

"Huh?" That's not a good word these days.

"In this circle, an emperor's grandson is at the top of the entertainment industry, and an emperor's daughter is studying medicine overseas. You two are recognized as crouching dragons and phoenixes. As soon as there are rumors of a marriage, the circle explodes."

Compared with everyone in Fu Siyun's circle, Tan Chuwei was so well protected by Mr. Tan that everyone only knew that there was a very good little girl in the Tan family, and only knew that she had single-handedly pulled her up. The "princelings" average knowledge.

The "princelings" are the heirs of the top dignitaries in the imperial capital, that is, Tan Chuwei and Fu Siyun's class.

This circle is exclusive and never joins outsiders. If you want to join this circle, you must have family and personal abilities.

They are not a bunch of playboys who only know how to live on their laurels.

This is the difference between the princelings and the rich second generation. They are both blooming in their own fields.It can be said to be a new generation of business cards for every family.

Of course, the business card belongs to the business card, not the definite heir, the big family is prosperous, and not everyone has the idea of ​​​​inheriting the family property.

Among them, the most mysterious is the Tan family. The Tan family is rich and has many properties. The identity of the former wife of the Tan family is a mystery. On the surface, it is a myth in the entertainment industry, but no one can find out the actual identity.

Coupled with the fact that Tan's family was strangled by many forces when he first got up in those years, and Ms. Chu brought tens of billions of money to rescue him at a critical moment. In this battle, Tan's family directly reached the top.

Outsiders don't know how strong Ms. Chu's background is, but everyone in their circle is very jealous.It's ridiculous that there are still some mediocre people in the entertainment industry posting them to die.

It is said that the daughter of the Tan family was raised by Ms. Chu's mother's house in the past few years, and then returned to the Tan family when she was a little older.

Later, she concealed her identity and didn't know where she was studying. She belonged to the princeling party because she was added.

How should I put it, even Tan Chuwei himself didn't know about it, but everyone in the circle acquiesced.

"But it's outrageous. You left home to enter the entertainment industry because you didn't want to marry him, and when you looked up, he became your mentor?" Sun Quan leaned lazily against the wall facing him, and said in a playful tone.

Tan Chuwei scolded him angrily, this person is very bad. "You don't mind my business."

"You guys are indeed similar. You have exactly the same temper. One refused to marry and ran away from home, and the other didn't want to get married and was almost expelled from the Fu family." Sun Quan muttered a few words. If these two really get together, their future life will be really lively.

(End of this chapter)

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