Chapter 26 Feng Shui takes turns

After hesitating for a while, Tan Chuwei finally didn't have the courage to walk over as if nothing had happened, turned around and was about to walk in another direction.

"and many more."

She paused subconsciously, and then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

From the moment he and Sun Quan looked at each other at the lunch table, Fu Siyun knew that the other party recognized him, and there was something he couldn't hide.

In addition, her eyes that seemed to fall on him only made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. What didn't Fu Siyun understand?What should be said and what should not be said, what he wants Jean to know, what he doesn't want her to know, she knows it all.

In the afternoon, he wanted to come to her.On the way to her dormitory, she came out and walked straight in that direction. They seemed to be together again. After hesitating for a moment, Fu Siyun chose to stand outside and wait.

Seeing that the other party kept walking, Fu Siyun chased after him, "Wanwan!"

Hearing this familiar address, she finally stopped, and turned around with a stern expression on her face, why, is she not pretending anymore? "Fu Siyun."

It's not the actor Si Yun and the draft student Chu Wei who are facing each other now, but Fu Siyun and Tan Chuwei.


The two stood relatively silent for a while, and neither of them spoke first.


After a long time, "Fu Siyun, you should call me Tan Chuwei."

The small print is only called by those close to you.While calling out his own small print, he was having a hot fight with another woman.

"Talk... Chuwei." Fu Siyun was stunned, as if realizing something was wrong, "Can I buy you a cup of milk tea?"

"Coffee." A few years later, she is no longer the little girl who can be coaxed with a cup of milk tea, and she has never had a sip of milk tea for so many years.

How good the coffee is, bitter and sobering.

"it is good."


"I haven't seen you for so many years, why didn't you contact me when you returned home?"

Tan Chuwei stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, "I often see you on the cover of magazines."

Before Fu Siyun had time to be happy, she continued, "There is a little girl next to me who is your fan. Before returning to China, she showed me your magazine cover of Aisha. The actress who took the cover with you is Let her, Chu Wanwan."

Chu Wanwan, Fu Siyun's Xiao Qingmei, was at the same table when she was in school.The person in Fu Siyun's heart.

"Yes, it's her. We have cooperated recently, so..."

"Haven't you thought about giving her a title? It's been so many years." She asked suddenly, as if she didn't realize the sourness in this sentence.

name?What name?Fu Siyun put down his cup and looked at the person opposite very seriously, "She's just my sister."

"She's just my younger sister. My younger sister said that purple is very charming? Is this my younger sister?" Once upon a time, when the word "sister" came out of a boy's mouth, it became an object of ambiguity.

She is like my own sister, she is like my love sister.Tan Chuwei was noncommittal, "I understand."


"What are your plans next?" Fu Siyun asked.

Tan Chuwei put two small cubes of sugar into the cup, "I'll go back when I finish talking about my birthday."

I thought she might stay for a while, but I didn't expect that next month... "Then will you come back again?" Fu Siyun asked hesitantly.

"Maybe." Tan Chuwei looked casual, and what he said would not be heard in his ears.

Seeing the person on the opposite side throwing sugar cubes into the coffee in her cup again and again, stirring it again and again, until now she didn't even take a sip, Fu Siyun frowned and stopped her movement, "If you don't want to drink, just change it."

Tan Chuwei looked up at him, "Whether I want to drink or not, only I can decide."

It seems to be talking about this cup of coffee, but it is actually talking about her marriage.

How I want my coffee has nothing to do with you. My marriage is my own decision, and it has nothing to do with you.

"Can you please don't go, Wan, Chuwei, it's been almost five years, and I've been waiting for you to come back."

Tan Chuwei stopped his movements, as if he didn't expect him to say such words, "Wait for me?"

"I don't know why you resolutely chose to leave without saying a word, me." Before Fu Siyun finished speaking, Tan Chu stood up slightly, and then, the cup of warm coffee slowly passed from the top of Fu Siyun's head. Pour slowly.

The other party was obviously stunned, and sat there without moving. Tan Chuwei stopped his movements only when a few unmelted sugar cubes at the bottom of the cup appeared.

"Crack." The coffee cup was put back on the table, and Tan Chuwei stood there looking down at him, "Fu Siyun, isn't it good to pretend that you don't know the well water and don't violate the river water? You must be disgusting, right? Wait for me? What? , What are you waiting for me to come back? Are you insulting me face to face when I come back?
It's a pity that your wishful thinking was wrong.The word let bygones be bygones is too false for me, I just want to see you guys not living as well as me, miserable, humble and poor.

Since you didn't like me back then, why did you come to provoke me?

You actually came to provoke me, why are you being ambiguous with other girls, are you waiting for me?Gossip photo press release?Thanks to my junior sister who is your big fan, otherwise I would not know how right you and that Chu Wanwan are, and how ruthless you are in not giving each other a name. "

"I can explain."

"Can you explain? How do you explain, explain how that chocolate was thrown aside by you, or even eaten by Chu Wanwan? Or explain how precious you are to Chu Wanwan's box of chocolates. Is it to explain that you have overcome all difficulties for her to enter the entertainment industry just to be side by side with her, to be as talented as she is? Or even to explain that you have come to this point in order not to marry me, and you are almost rejected by the family?"

"Fu Siyun, don't provoke me again, otherwise, you and your Chu Wanwan will be pulled down from the altar by me."

After she finished speaking, she walked out without looking at the other party's reaction.

She wanted to spill this cup of coffee a long time ago.Her good upbringing five years ago kept her from kicking in the door and throwing that box of chocolates in their faces.

Five years later, this cup of coffee with ten sugar cubes will be her late revenge.

Ten sugar cubes, that sticky taste is as disgusting as what they do.

That's right, she didn't intend to drink this cup of coffee from the very beginning, she put sugar cubes in it just to wait for this moment.

The moment he walked out the door, Tan Chuwei only felt a lot more relaxed, and the air seemed to have become extraordinarily fresh.

If it wasn't the other party's sentence, I've been waiting for you to come back, Tan Chuwei wouldn't say those words.

The Fu Siyun who once made her heart flutter has died 5 years ago.

let bygones be bygonesNo, compared to the hypocrisy and hypocrisy of letting go of the past, I prefer feng shui to turn around and turn to death.

(End of this chapter)

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