Chapter 29 Russian
After returning to the dormitory and confirming that there was no filming, Tan Chuwei asked straight to the point, "Yueyue, is this arranged by the company?"

What she was talking about was Shen Yue's last mistake.

Tan Chuwei has sharp eyes, and she roughly guessed when she made a mistake.

Dragon Star Entertainment had a bad reputation, and it was normal for them to have this kind of operation.

After realizing it, Feng Ying reacted normally, a little unbelievable, "Wei Wei, you mean?"

She thought that Shen Yue's defeat this time was just because she was nervous or it was purely an accident, but there was such a reason, they are too irrelevant.

"Yes, after dinner yesterday, a staff member came and called me over. It was my manager's phone number. She told me that I must make mistakes in this round, but I cannot be eliminated." Must make mistakes is equal to not being able to get it. In terms of grades, not being eliminated means not being at the bottom.

If you can't get good grades and can't be at the bottom, then you can only have smooth sailing in the front and accidents in the back.

"What a shitty manager." Recalling what that manager did before, Feng Ying was about to explode.They used to be in the same group, and naturally they were also in the same manager.

Why is that old pervert still alive, bah!
Their agent is a 34-year-old man.That man was bald at a young age, and he always squinted his eyes when he looked at them, looking lewd, and he had eaten tofu from members before.

Feng Ying chose to leave at the beginning because this old pervert actually put his hand on her body, who is Feng Ying?Swallow your breath?nonexistent.

At that time, she didn't even think about it, and the backhand was a slap.This slap drove him mad, clamoring to block her.

It's a pity that the sky didn't come true, Feng Ying was favored by a big company, although that company was not as good as Shenghuang Entertainment and Longxing Entertainment, it could be ranked in the top five in this circle, not to mention the top three.

The new company managed to sign her with some tricks, and she has been out of misery ever since.

"The reason why you make mistakes is because you are afraid that your performance will be stable or even supernormal, covering the limelight of the princess dress, and you will not be eliminated because you have not fulfilled your obligation to step on the board. I am afraid they are trying to cheat you at a critical moment. It might ruin your reputation then."

Tan Chuwei rationally analyzed them one by one. After a few days of acquaintance, she had indeed regarded these two as good friends.

Shen Yue had roughly guessed these things when she was notified to participate in this program, she was not stupid, she could only pretend to be stupid, "Then what can I do, I still hold my contract in their hands, signed for ten years. With that contract still in place, I can’t find another job, even if I’m not in this circle, what can I do? Being hidden in the snow has no income, and even eating and drinking is a problem.”

"If you want, I can find someone to settle your contract. I have some connections in Shenghuang Entertainment, so there shouldn't be any problem signing you." Tan Chuwei said modestly that Shenghuang Entertainment belongs to me. Shenghuang Entertainment has something to do with it.

Grand Emperor Entertainment?Is it the Shenghuang Entertainment that I know?Shen Yue swallowed, "Sheng, Sheng Huang? That Sheng Huang?"

"Hidden, Wei Wei, Shenghuang, there is something. Is the relationship strong enough? If I am wronged in the future, can Shenghuang sign it for me?" Feng Ying jokingly put his hands on the table behind him.

"It's that Shenghuang Entertainment. I have a tough relationship. It's not a problem to sign your entire team." Tan Chu smiled deliberately and narrowed his eyes.

"Let's forget it, let's take a step first." Unexpectedly, Shen Yue did not accept it readily, but chose to refuse after hesitation.

"So you have real thighs, I want to hug the rich woman's thighs tightly." After saying that, Feng Ying wanted to hug Tan Chuwei's legs exaggeratedly, causing her to dodge left and right in fright.

"Rich woman, don't run away, I will make your leg pendant."

"Rich woman, soft rice, hungry."

A few people were fighting, and they were interrupted by a knock on the door, "Doo beep."

"Who?" Feng Ying's ear tip heard the movement first.

"Здравствуйте, яизсоседнегообщежития. I, I'm next door, the dormitory next door." The young lady's soft voice came from outside the door.The other party subconsciously spoke a foreign language, and then she seemed to react and said in Chinese stumbling.

Tan Chuwei has an impression of her, she should be the only Russian lady in the program group.This time the group just happened to be assigned to their group.

She hurried to open the door. As soon as the door opened, the blond lady was standing at the door. Tan Chuwei looked up at her subconsciously.

I thought that my height of [-] was already considered tall among girls, but it was still a bit short compared to this young lady.

The young lady’s name is Ouya, and she is of Russian-English mixed race. Yes, a mic entertainment trainee is 24 years old this year. Because she lived in Russia since she was a child, she is familiar with Russian.

Maybe it's because of the language barrier. The program team doesn't have the budget to find an interpreter for each foreign lady, so several foreign ladies sent a translator.

It is a thing that looks similar to a recording pen. After setting the translation language, it can be automatically translated when it is started.

"Hi, what's the matter?" Shen Yue also walked over, standing at the side a bit confused, this young lady didn't seem to have any contact with them, and the rehearsal for the performance also started tomorrow.

"My, this, транслятор, him, испортиться." The young lady jumped out word by word mixed with Chinese and Russian.

It could be seen that she was a little anxious, even speaking with strokes. "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

"Umbrella, транслятор, I, changed, испортиться."

Tan Chuwei frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized, "You mean вашпереводчиксломался, is your translator broken?"

Thanks to her senior brother who had lived in Russia for a few years, Tan Chuwei also knew a few words of Russian, which came in handy.

you know me!Ouya's eyes lit up, she was sure that the other party could understand what she was saying, and she babbled instantly.

She didn't babble, Shen Yue who didn't understand at first was even more confused, no, the point is not this, the point is that Wei Wei suddenly speaks French, no, it's Russian.

Good cow!For Shen Yue who didn't even understand Huaxia, her native language, Tan Chuwei's skill was simply a halo.

God, a little girl like Tan Chuwei came to this world to repay her kindness. She is beautiful, has a top family background, and is so outstanding.If only I were a boy.

Forget it, if I were a boy chasing Wei Wei, Wei Wei might not be able to fall in love with me, it's better to be a boy or girl, hehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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