Chapter 31 Missed
After going to bed, Tan Chuwei lay flat and stared at the ceiling in a daze, and began to miss Mentor Ludwig a little bit, and was not used to hearing him talk for several days.

I don't know what happened to Lao Tan and Ms. Chu, Lao Tan should be dying, he came out one by one and lost one, Sun Quan is still in the group now, having a good time every day.

Ms. Chu should have gotten the news by now. Is she in the group working day and night to catch up with the progress of the new drama?

Hey... people start to think about strange things as soon as they are free.Tan Chuwei closed her eyes, it was time to go to bed, and she had to get up early tomorrow.


About a minute later, the originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and Tan Chuwei turned on the phone resignedly, forget it, don't do unnecessary struggles, who can go to bed at nine o'clock on the phone at work, can you?I can't anyway, Ulla!

She turned over while groaning in her heart.


On the other side, Fu Siyun in a deluxe single room was sitting on a hanging chair in front of the window in pajamas, watching the moonlight outside.

After he came back, he kept thinking about what Tan Chuwei said today, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became, what kind of man and woman were ambiguous, and what kind of chocolate refused marriage for love, what were they all about.

It seemed that his perception of Tan Chuwei had diverged from that of Tan Chuwei.He, who was always meek, became a little anxious. Wanwan was well protected, and he had been looking for her for a long time without hearing from her.

Also, how could his power compare to the mysterious family behind his uncle and aunt.If they really wanted to erase Wanwan's whereabouts, no one would be able to find out.

Uncle is in China, Wanwan will come back.He thought so, and this was also his hope.

In this way, one day or two days, one year or two years, almost five years, a full 1718 days, they finally met.

God knows how excited he was when he found out that his future friendship partner was Wanwan and that Wanwan was coming back to attend his uncle's birthday banquet soon.

Always desperate, he quit all the jobs within three months, including the jobs that he signed the contract before.

He waited for her to come back full of joy. Unexpectedly, before he saw her, the first thing he heard was that she ran away from home on the day she refused to marry.

At that moment, the blazing heat was frozen in place by a basin of ice water on the spot.

Fu Siyun knew that Tan Chuwei was using this method to get his uncle to compromise. Slowly, hour by hour, he began to be afraid, and began to worry that Wanwan would be in danger if she went out at night. She hadn't come back for five years. There are no friends here. Does she have enough money at night?

Until Director Feng refused to give up, he still came to him, hoping that the contract would not be terminated, saying that these newcomers are very capable, and this show will definitely become a hit.

As he spoke, he also took out the materials of several students he was optimistic about. Fu Siyun wanted to refuse, but his eyes were suddenly caught by a photo, it was Wanwan!
She was here, so he came.


On the day we met, he was standing on the stage and she was sitting in the banquet. His eyes passed through countless people and he fell on her at the first sight. I haven't seen you for five years. Are you okay?

Fu Siyun really wanted to ask this question, but when he saw her shocked reaction and her alienation of pretending not to know her, he also retreated.

That's right, in what capacity do I want to face her, the fiancé I don't like arranged by the family?

In order not to marry her, she would rather run away from home, no matter how dare she would force her.

Sometimes, Fu Siyun only hated herself for not being more selfish, using any means, as long as she kept him by her side.

He can't, he doesn't want to.

In order to relieve her pressure and for her to return home as soon as possible, Fu Siyun raised objections to her family, and her attitude was very strong and resolute.

As expected, the family went mad with anger, and the old man was so angry that he made him kneel in the ancestral hall all night.He rushed back to the program group at dawn the next day.

When playing a game with Fu Chengnan, I heard Wanwan's voice suddenly coming from the opposite side. At that moment, Fu Siyun didn't dare to open his mouth. Hearing her aggressiveness, she won three big victories, and those clamoring people surrendered one by one. For her, such a lively and lovely Wanwan appeared in front of him again.

It's a pity that the game is too short, and Wanwan left. When I heard that she was lost, my heart skipped a beat. What's the use of that guy Fu Chengnan just giving a map? Get lost.

Fu Siyun was in a hurry, and asked about the general sharing, he turned off the phone screen and looked for it.

In the cafeteria, the moment he recognized Sun Quan, he panicked, and then he was lucky. In order to stay with her for a while, Fu Siyun proposed to order some troublesome dishes.

Later, he wanted to explain, but before he could say it, it was the sticky coffee book, her disgusted eyes and determined back.

Those words made Fu Siyun completely unresponsive.

That Valentine's Day five years ago... Fu Siyun carefully recalled the original scene.

On that Valentine's Day, I ordered signature chocolates with Wan Wan's mother two days in advance.

Wan Wan's mother, Aunt Chu, is the most famous dessert master in this area. She made an order for the chocolate two days in advance because of her face.

In order to ensure freshness, You Wanwan brought it for herself that day.

On that day, I received a lot of chocolates like in previous years, including expensive ones, cheap ones, and handmade ones.

For these things, Fu Siyun has long been used to them. His direct refusal at the beginning has led to the fact that now others do not give these things to him directly, but put them on his desk while he is away.

There was a lot of chocolate on the table that day.

Wanwan seemed to see the bottom box of them at a glance.

Although it was pressed down, it was packaged in a large package. Wanwan seemed to recognize this brand of chocolate, and she saw it at a glance.

Seeing that she was interested and that he owed her a favor, Fu Siyun took it out.

Wan Wan laughed like something, saying that this brand is not available in China, and it needs to be booked one month in advance, and it will be shipped by air.

Fu Siyun thought, if it is so expensive, then he will give her the money (the person who gave the chocolates) at that time. After all, he has already disassembled and ate it, and he plans to put the rest on the desk without taking a box with him like in previous years. superior.

Most of them will be taken back by themselves, and some left here will be cleaned up the next day.

But he searched and found that this box of chocolates didn't seem to be signed, and there was no greeting card.

Could it be that... the sudden idea startled her, combined with what Wanwan said in the coffee shop, this box of chocolates was given by... Wanwan?

And she witnessed the whole process of unpacking and tasting every night?

Wanwan was sent out to participate in the competition that day, and she didn't come back until after school, and she didn't seem to come in the morning, how could she have this time...

Chocolate for Valentine's Day... Fu Siyun understood everything at this moment.

So, I was the one who missed Wanwan for five full years.Thinking of this, Fu Siyun felt a little out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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