Chapter 38 Soul Resonance
Ludwig: Don't move anyone, baby, mine, understand?
Tan Chuwei: Who is this little old man?

When she got to know the little old man, oh no, her dear mentor's status-building achievements in this field, she immediately handed over the tea, and the master asked the apprentice to bow down, and the one who knelt down was called Shun Liu.

Tan Chuwei still continued to follow Ludwig's tutor after the graduate student graduated ahead of schedule and continued to recommend doctoral students.

In this way, year after year passed, and it will be five years in a blink of an eye.


"When are you planning to come back?"

"I'm already back, haven't I?" Tan Chuwei deliberately pretended to be stupid while laughing.

Tan Siwen deliberately followed her words, "Really? You mean you won't go back?"

"I'm not talking nonsense like you." She immediately vetoed, "It's agreed that when I finish my studies, I haven't been studying for a long time."

Year after year, "You just spend it, do you have a post-doctorate after finishing your Ph.D."

"Of course not!" Tan Chuwei hastily retorted, not to mention knowing the son Mo Ruofu, she really intended to do so.

Before coming back, Ludwig’s mentor also said that with her talent, no matter whether it is direct insurance or unified examination, he will take her to finish her postdoctoral studies.

"Hehe." Tan Siwen, who knew her little things very well, heard her guilty conscience, "If you want to study further, I won't stop you, but you must come back after the end. When you were allowed to go abroad for further study, it was because you wanted one day for you. If you dare to stay abroad, if you dare to stay abroad, I will not break your legs."

Ok?Didn't he come back to inherit the family property?The old talk about how big this wave is? "Why, didn't you let me come back to inherit the family property?"

"Is there a conflict? It really can't be done. Sun Quan will take care of it for you. I don't worry. At worst, he will be transferred to the group. If it doesn't work, just recruit a few professional managers. You don't have to be the leader. If you are worried about recruiting people from abroad, Sun Quan and your cousins ​​are enough." The cousins ​​he mentioned were Ms. Chu's nephews, and according to their seniority, they were Tan Chuwei's cousins.

In fact, she has not seen it a few times. The Chu family lives in seclusion and has never been involved in the outside world, or not in the open.

Let her take over the company, isn't it a joke, she has studied medicine alone, and she doesn't know anything except medicine, "Aren't you afraid that if you hand over the company to me, I'll lose you?"

"Just you as a girl, if I don't give it to you, I've worked hard for decades, not all for your future life. It costs a lot of money to do research and experiments. If you want to be happy in the future, build a laboratory by yourself and take Lu Dewei I hope that little old man will take over directly." Tan Siwen became more and more energetic as he talked, and even thought of building a laboratory to take Ludwig over from abroad.

That's right, experimental research is not done there, it's better to keep it by your side.

"Stop, stop!" The more he said, the more outrageous, Tan Chuwei interrupted him with a headache, "I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first, old talk, thank you this time."

"Tell me what to thank, after a few years abroad, it doesn't look good anymore."


After hanging up the phone, Tan Chuwei looked at Sun Quan, "Brother Quan, thank you."

"No, I will work for you in the future. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. It's more practical to increase the money." Sun Quan waved his hand. Hey, capital likes to do such nonsense. Thousands of words can't compare to adding money.

Tan Chuwei who is, not only a miser but also a money addict, when he heard about adding money, how can this be done, he said righteously, "Talking about money hurts feelings."

There is no way, no way, I also want to treat money like dung, but experimental research is a gold-selling cave, and I "sold" it for myself for 10 yuan. How can Sun Quan afford the salary of the president of Shenghuang Entertainment? .

I know, the evil capitalism, Mr. Tan is so generous, why is his daughter so stingy, whether she went abroad for further study or exiled, "Talking about feelings hurts money."


The two chatted for a while, and to be precise, Tan Chuwei asked him something, and she returned to the dormitory not long after.

"Brothers, I, Hu Hansan, am back again~" Tan Chuwei's footsteps were much lighter after finishing this matter.

Sure enough, you will know if there is any capital as soon as it is sold.

Hearing her tone, the two of them knew that it should be done.

"It's done?" Feng Ying couldn't believe it, Wei Wei had only been out for how long, and it was done?Is capital already terrified to such an extent now?

Shen Yue's eyes also widened, "Wei Wei, you are outrageous."

"I'm ready to go, of course it can be done. Yueyue, from now on, all messages, voice calls and interviews that Long Xing sends to you must be recorded. Their reputation is really bad, so be careful. Every day You can perform on stage as usual, and after tomorrow, you will be Shenghuang's man."

"I really entered the Shenghuang? Am I dreaming? Feng Ying, give me a slap and see if it hurts. I can enter the Shenghuang in my lifetime? Even if I show the gate to the Shenghuang, I burned it in my previous life." High fragrance." It is no exaggeration, Shenghuang is domestic entertainment YYDs, but if you can enter Shenghuang, no one will choose to go to a dirty place like Longxing.

"Did you look down on me? Of course I started with the A-level sign. The company said to sign the A-level first, and then consider your ability to upgrade later."

Sign first? "Wei Wei, I love you so much, little girl can't repay you, why not promise with your body." Shen Yue wiped away her tears, as if she wanted to rush forward to "dedicate herself".

The haze was swept away in the dormitory, like the sunrise after the storm, "Hey, I knew you two were having an affair, but I still didn't admit it." Feng Ying squinted her eyes, as if she still wanted to fool me?I have already seen the eyes.

Feng Ying grabbed Shen Yue in a daze and did not let go, Shen Yue was pinned in her arms and couldn't move, that look like a wretched wife grabbing a heartbroken man and trying to speak out.

"I'm wronged, but I guard myself like a jade."


The three of them fought and fought until after nine o'clock before going to bed.

"Good night Makabaka."

"Good night Sidisi."

"Good night, little one."

The three of them said good night to each other, Tan Chuwei turned over and was about to go to sleep, "Ding." A verification message came.

Tan Chuwei turned on the phone, it was wx verification, the verification message was very concise, I am Fu Siyun.

Fu Siyun?Or search by phone number?How does he have my cell phone number?Tan Chuwei felt a little strange, and blocked the opponent with his backhand.

Bah, men only affect the speed at which I make money.

It sounds good to say that I have waited for five years, why, there is no news for five years, and you can get my mobile phone number as soon as I come back?Liar.

Back this time, Tan Chuwei only felt that Fu Siyun was getting farther and farther away from him, or that the two of them were not in the same world at all.

In the past, I could resonate with him in the soul, but now I will only be touched at first sight when I see him, as if the resonance in the past was just her illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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