Chapter 46 Assistant guest
In the last round, it was announced that this round of the program will have guest performers, but I haven't seen it yet.

Tan Chuwei was still talking about it the day before, but the next day he heard that today's assistant guest will join the group.

Liu Wen, who had the fewest words, was the first to inquire, leaving the remaining four people to answer the words.Not long after, she ran back in a hurry, and Tan Chuwei's curiosity was aroused by her face full of spring, "What's the matter, handsome guy?"

Not long after they got along, they had already grasped Liu Wen's attributes completely. She is a sex fan, a big sex fan. The one who can make her so excited must be a handsome guy, and he has to be a big handsome guy.

"Super handsome, blond little milk dog, I love it." Liu Wen came up and sat down cross-legged, very excited, "You don't know, that face, that figure, absolutely amazing." She raised her thumb, which fit her perfectly lsp's aesthetic.

blond?Tan Chuwei subconsciously thought of that little boy he met earlier, Fu Chengnan? "what is it call?"

"It seems to be called Fu Nan. I haven't heard much about it. It shouldn't be an entertainment debut." Liu Wen scratched her head and focused on her face and figure. What is it called?There are impressions, but not many.

Pay what nan?It might have been him, which was a coincidence. "Did you say when to join the group?"

The sooner the supporting guests join the group and rehearse with them, the better.

"They said they would come in the afternoon."

Tan Chuwei nodded, "OK, let's keep in touch, and we'll talk about it when the guest assistants arrive. Cough, cough, cough." As she spoke, she suddenly coughed a few times.

Last night, the temperature suddenly dropped and it was a bit cold. She is a bit dishonest in her sleep, and she is easy to catch a cold when she kicks the quilt.

"Are you okay?"

Sure enough, when she coughed, the members of the same group were concerned, "Have a cold? Is there anything uncomfortable? Do you want to rest?"

Feng Ying, who was closest to her, patted her on the back lightly, and said in a low voice, "May I ask you to kick the quilt?"

She was the first to wake up, so she just slightly slept in that sleeping position, talking about it, very generous, and the small quilt covered her half and the ground.Covering her with her front feet, she turned over and lost half of the quilt on her back feet.

When Zhu Yuan, who was in the same group, heard that the proprietress was not feeling well, she immediately said, "While it's still early days, wait and ask if the program group has any cold medicine, don't wait for it to get serious."

"Thank you." Tan Chu smiled and had a good impression of her.

Unexpectedly, while Tan Chuwei was out to go to the bathroom, just as he was about to ask the program team, an unexpected person came.

"Miss Wei, hi~" The blond-haired little milk dog saw her from a distance and ran all the way here, seeming to be holding something in his hand.

"Here." As soon as he came up, Fu Chengnan handed over a bulging white plastic bag in his hand. "What?" She felt a little strange, looking at the packaging, she couldn't tell what it was.

The other party scratched his head in embarrassment, "This is cold medicine, Brother Yun asked me to help pass it on."

Originally, Tan Chuwei, who had heard it was cold medicine, was about to thank him and take it, but in the second half of the sentence, he heard what he said about Fu Siyun, Fu Siyun didn't need it.

Wait, the point is, she coughed twice in the practice room and asked for cold medicine, and then it was delivered?
Thinking of this, Tan Chuwei didn't feel moved at all, but felt terrified and chilled.

In other words, this person has been watching him from the other side of the monitor?So scary.

She couldn't help shivering, "No need." Tan Chuwei withdrew his hand like an electric shock, "Brother, I know you have a good relationship, I want to say that I hate him very much now, if you want to get along with me normally, then Just don't mention anything related to him, including handing over things."

She was also very straightforward, and they will get along for a few more days in the next one. I don't know why, maybe there will be a second or third time, and she feels that they should get along.

Nineteen to twenty-year-old boy, it's okay for her to call her brother.


After rejecting him, Tan Chuwei covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and went to the program team to ask for cold medicine.

When the program team heard that she had a cold, they immediately brought over a medicine box the size of two palms.Tan Chuwei opened, cold medicine, antipyretic medicine, Qingliangtie throat lozenges, etc., there are all kinds of general medicines. "I don't need so much, just a box of cold medicine."

The staff member scratched his head, "This is Shenghuang Entertainment's right to stay in the program group, and it was originally for you. Our program group does not have such a complete preparation."

"Brother Quan? When?" Listening to the meaning, stay here?More than one day?

The staff thought for a while, "Mr. Sun handed this over to the program team the next day, saying that if you feel unwell, you can use this for mild symptoms. If it is serious, call him as soon as possible. If he can't smoke Let Director Feng arrest you and take you to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you." Tan Chuwei said, Xie carried the medicine box and watched the staff turn back to their posts, and then turned and walked towards the practice room. No wonder Lao Tan always praised Brother Quan every time, saying that he did everything without leaking Eyes see far.

There is nothing to say about the old talk about eyesight.


Fu Chengnan was a sensible child, but after she said that, he never dared to mention another word about Fu Siyun.

Also because of this incident, every time Tan Chuwei looked at the camera in the practice room, he felt terrified, as if someone inside was staring at him intently.

It's outrageous, Fu Siyun will cast a shadow on her.Feng Ying was the first to notice her strangeness, "What's wrong?" Wei Wei seemed to always look at that camera.Strange, isn't this always there?

Tan Chuwei and Feng Ying leaned against the corner to rest, she saw that the rest of them were a little far away from them, and told her the ins and outs with a sideways face.

Hearing these Feng Ying also gasped, and couldn't help but look at the camera just like her.Is it so scary?It turns out that the actor is such an actor, I didn't see it.

"I thought you two had an unusual relationship before and you still didn't admit it." Feng Ying pouted, I don't care, these two have something to do, if I don't listen, I won't listen.

This time Tan Chuwei is still pointing to the end, "The family is a family friend, and they knew each other before going abroad. This time, something unpleasant happened after returning to China. Anyway, I really hate this person now."

She had heard some of the rumors and gossips about Si Yun's tutor before, and Wei Wei's life experience must not be said.

To be family friends with Wei Wei's family, he must be very rich.Strange, now the kids from rich families are starting to enter the entertainment industry?
One or two plunged into the entertainment circle.

Feng Ying, who originally admired Si Yun, resolutely stood on the side of her best friend, and did not hesitate to cast aside each other with her, "I didn't expect him to be such a person, and it sounded scary. You said Si Yun wouldn't be The kind of sickly character in the novel, right? I remember he acted in a movie before, where he played the sickly villain, kidnapped and imprisoned the heroine, and was shot dead by the police in the end. Could it be that he acted in his true colors?"

It's scary to think about it. After the movie was released, countless fans and passers-by praised Si Yun's acting skills for better and better. Now it seems that it's not just about acting skills.

"do not know."

 Stable updates are not bad, and shares are not rushing at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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