Chapter 48
Within a few minutes, Tan Chuwei, who was sitting next to the dressing table applying a mask, heard some noise. She looked out of the window, and saw two figures under the streetlight walking towards her.

No, really come?This is a group dormitory, all [-] students live here, if there is a commotion, how can it be explained clearly.

Feng Ying, who just came out of the toilet after taking a shower, wiped her hair with a towel tilted, "Wei Wei, I heard your movements a little loudly just now, what happened?"

"Something's wrong, it's a little troublesome."

"what's up?"


Feng Ying looked in the direction of her finger. Through the window glass, the two stumbling figures were getting closer and closer. They lived on the second floor, so they could see very clearly, especially since there were street lights outside, "Fu Siyun, Chu Wanwan ?”

What the hell is this, these two come here for a date at night?Something is wrong, this doesn't look right.

She walked to the bed, this walking posture, this is not much, "What's the situation."

"Drank too much."

"Come to look for you?" Feng Ying couldn't believe it, this is not something to do.

Tan Chu slightly shrugged his shoulders, wondering if it was possible.

Get affirmation, "I'll go, what the hell is this?" While the two were talking, they got closer and closer.

"Buzzing buzzing buzzing" the phone rang again, it was Chu Wanwan again, Tan Chuwei was very irritable, and even planned to go down and beat the people below with a stick to knock them unconscious.

"That's not okay. There is no surveillance inside the dormitory, and there is one outside the dormitory. Besides, so many people haven't slept so early. If there is a trouble, it will be a big deal."

A top idol, a first-line actress, and a three-gold actor, this combination has exploded in traffic.

If it really spreads out, Wei Wei will be the first to suffer.

Tan Chu frowned slightly, "Damn it, it's a disaster, why didn't God accept him, it's so annoying.

Just when she was hesitating about how to solve it, Feng Ying suddenly said, "Look, there's someone here."

Tan Chuwei looked over and saw a tall man trotting over, it was Brother Quan.

Thanks to the fact that there is a street light and they are close to each other on the second floor, otherwise they wouldn't be able to see so clearly. Brother Quan's clothes are, um, a bit messy.

This is the first time that Brother Quan, who has been dressed very decently, is so messy and a little embarrassed.

I saw the man trotting all the way to stop in front of the two of them, as if no one would even think about passing by today. "Mr. Sun is so manly, what do you think?"

"Yes." Tan Chuwei nodded, staring at the two people downstairs, she was afraid that Brother Quan would suffer.

What's more, there is a drunk maniac.

Sure enough, after a while, the two got entangled together. I didn't know what they said, but Fu Siyun suddenly grabbed Brother Quan by his collar, looking like he was about to fight.

Chu Wanwan next to him tried his best to stop him, but it seemed useless.

"It's over, it won't be a fight." Feng Ying was a little anxious.

In the next second, Wei Wei went straight to the bathroom, picked up the mop and walked outside, "Wei."


Tan Chuwei, who was afraid that Sun Quan would be at a disadvantage, became anxious when he saw this posture. He just walked out and turned a corner, just in time to see Fu Siyun punching hard and being stopped by Brother Quan, who then punched him with a backhand. The opponent staggered and almost fell to the ground.Really hit it off.

Tan Chuwei took three steps and made two steps, picked up the mop and rushed up, "Brother Quan."

Sun Quan looked towards the source of the sound, "I didn't tell you not to come down, you."


It turned out that Fu Siyun planned to sneak attack while he was turning around, can this be tolerated?Let your daddy's mop teach you how to be a man.

Seeing Tan Chuwei throwing a mop up, Fu Siyun was stunned and sat down on the ground.

She stopped in front of Sun Quan and said coldly to the people sitting on the ground, "Fu Siyun, I have already warned you. I haven't gone to you about the fact that you used the camera in the training room to monitor me, but you sent it to my door. I finally I warn you once, stay away from me and don't disgust me, otherwise, you'll just wait for the Tan family's revenge." After speaking, Tan Chuwei took Sun Quan's hand and left.

And the person who was slapped to the ground couldn't stand up before he recovered, and could only watch helplessly as he walked away, "Wei." As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Wanwan's hands and eyes were covering him tightly. "Ancestor, you can calm down for a while, I really convinced you."


The windows of their dormitory faced the streetlight, but the door when they came down was on the other side.

Tan Chuwei grabbed him and walked to the door before stopping. She turned sideways and they stood facing each other. It was dark here, only dim moonlight.

The two stood very close, thumping, not knowing whose heart was beating so hard, suddenly realized that she was still holding his hand, Tan Chuwei hurriedly let go.

"Brother Quan, I'm sorry." She lowered her head and apologized in a low voice. It was the first time she had said too many words of thanks. "Trouble for you."

"Why did you come down, didn't you promise well?" Unlike her, the other party's focus was a little strange.

Sun Quan looked at the little girl who was about to "bury her in the soil" with her head down, and felt a little cute and a little angry.

The man might be able to do something if he started drinking madly. What if he tried to mess with her? He had promised her well on the phone, so why was he so disobedient.

"I, I saw him grabbing your collar. I was afraid that you would suffer in a fight, so..." The little girl was a little guilty, and she did agree, but it's not...worried.

Is Brother Quan angry?That's right, he was almost beaten at night, so it's normal to be angry.

After a long time, the man sighed helplessly, and then she raised her head slightly, and the man's hand was on her small head, and he rubbed it, which was very similar to rubbing her mentor Ludwig himself. The fat cat at home.

"Next time, keep yourself safe. Believe me, I won't suffer, and even if I suffer, I won't let you suffer."

Plop, plop, the sound of the heartbeat became more and more obvious, Tan Chu raised his head slightly, and couldn't really see his expression at this time.

This time he went out in a hurry and didn't have time to put on the glasses. Without the blessing of the glasses, he was still very mad.It was the first time for the two to be so close. Although they couldn't see it clearly, this "hazy beauty" was more perceptible.

At this moment, Tan Chuwei admitted that she was a bit over the top. "Brother Quan."

"Huh?" The man put down his hand.The next second, Wen Yu was full of arms, even Sun Quan, who had seen the "big world", was stunned for a moment, only to realize later that he was hugged by the person in front of him.

The little girl is delicate and soft, she should have just washed her hair and took a shower, her hair is not completely dry, and there is a faint fragrance lingering on her body.

"Thank you, Brother Quan." After a while, the little girl let him go, feeling a little empty somewhere.

The past two nights have been a bit chilly. Although it is not night yet, she said that she has caught a cold, and now that she is wearing such thin clothes, Sun Quan is a little worried, "Go up early, it's cold outside, and it's easy to get a headache if you don't dry your hair."

"Okay." Tan Chuwei nodded, "Brother Quan, good night."

"Good night."

(End of this chapter)

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