Standing on the stage for the last time, maybe because of being infected by everyone, Tan Chuwei, who had been tense all the time, could faintly lose his tension.

"You said a mechanical heart would dream of an electronic butterfly—"

"Peach Blossom Fairy is like a phantom bell hanging under your roof."

"Whether it's the wind or the emotion, it's true or false, I'm too lazy to tell."

"When you think about it, it's a passing cloud that can't be destroyed."

As the lights dimmed, Tan Chu lowered his head slightly, the tears swirling in his eyes pattering on the ground.

No matter what the reason I came to this stage, it is undeniable that I also fell in love with this stage, and the fans who waved for me off the stage.

After adjusting their status, everyone returned to the stage to wait for the announcement of the results.

Fu Siyun, whom I hadn't seen for a few days, also appeared. After all, as a mentor and host, Fu Siyun was wearing the suit he wore on the first day.

It was obviously the same set of clothes, but Tan Chuwei looked at the man in front of him with his back turned to him, feeling nothing in his heart, something had changed unknowingly.

The voting has ended, and the result is in Fu Siyun's hands. Today's hosts are Fu Siyun and Feng Jingjing.The two stood at the front. Compared with Feng Anjing's eyes full of tears, Fu Siyun looked very calm.

The moment he got the result, he casually glanced at the content, his expression remained unchanged, as if everything was under control.

"Today is the debut night of the National Idol, contestants..." As usual, there was a long paragraph of eloquence. For some reason, Tan Chu subconsciously searched for a figure among the many staff members in the audience.

Because this is an online concert, there are no audiences in the audience, but busy staff and cameras.

After a long time, she looked away.At this time, Fu Siyun also started to announce the rankings.

The ranking is announced from the back to the front of the 20 people.

There are only nine debut positions, plus Tan Chuwei who is not included in the debut, only the top ten can make a successful debut.

Ten out of twenty, does it sound like a high probability?But the 20 of them were all selected through layers of selection all the way up, and there wasn't a single stubble.

Moreover, even if they enter the debut position, the ranking directly determines their traffic and exposure in the later stage.

"No. 14: Shen Yue. 1585685 votes." Everyone had guessed it a long time ago, but when the result actually came out, they couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.


"No. 11: Zhu Yuan. 1755359 votes." Tan Chuwei suddenly heard a very familiar name. Isn't this the young lady of Sheng Huang who was in the same group as him before?What if the card is 11?

Zhu Yuan also didn't expect that after debuting in the top ten, he got eleventh?She was about to cry, and had no choice but to hold back a smile in front of the big screen to deliver her testimonials.

Zhu Yuan: "Thank you fans, thank you..."

In my heart: I'm fucked!
When the eleventh comes out, it means that everyone else is stable, and then it is nothing more than a matter of ranking.

"No.10: Wu Xi. He is in charge of the national style and has a unique opera style."

"No.9: Ouya. Internationally responsible, the hot girl Ben Hot."


"No.5: Feng Annan. Elegant and responsible, a classical princess."

"Pfft." When the host announced this point, whoever couldn't help laughing, everyone didn't dare to make a big move, and they all scanned the volume from the corner of their eyes out of curiosity.

Elegant and responsible?Just say that you don't want to forget anything, just her?This money is really a lot.

"No.4, Xu Shen, lead vocalist, high-pitched god."

Tan Chuwei has a slight impression of this, it is the amazing young lady who was grilling Bi Gaoyin before.

"No.3, Wu Xinyi, 3526535 votes. Responsible for creation, unlimited creation."


"No.2, 4056835 votes, rap role, boyfriend power max."


The next No.1, everyone has guessed it a long time ago, but it is still very much looking forward to the number of votes when it is nearing the announcement.

""National Idol" won the No.1 vote in the online voting, Chuwei, with a total of 11568535 votes, the first fault!"

Before the words fell, the fireworks and guns exploded.

At this moment, on this stage, Tan Chuwei is the only queen, taking first place with 150 votes.

She is the brightest star at this moment.

"I am very grateful for everyone's love for me, and I am really surprised that I can have this number of votes. At the same time, I am also very guilty, I am sorry, I have failed everyone's love by choosing to give up my debut.

No matter what reason I came to this stage, it is undeniable that I also fell in love with this stage in the process, and you who waved your arms and shouted for me off the stage.

..." After finishing her acceptance speech, Tan Chuwei quietly withdrew, followed by the stage of the other nine debut sisters.

Tan Chuwei held Fu Siyun and handed over flowers on behalf of the program group and retreated to the backstage.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." As soon as they got backstage, a group of younger sisters surrounded them, and the most excited one was old acquaintance Ms Song Jiajia.


"Yes." With tears in Tan Chuwei's eyes, he held the bouquet in one hand, and took out a few from the bouquet with the other hand, gave one to each of the young ladies, and hugged and signed for a group photo.

Walking out of the studio ahead of time, Tan Chuwei slowly walked back to the dormitory with flowers in her arms. She received a call from Lao Tan within 2 minutes of leaving the studio. He first congratulated her and told her that all her cards had been restored. and someone has been sent to pick her up.

"Where's Sun Quan?" It's quite a distance from the dormitory, and it takes about half an hour to walk.

Hearing that someone else would pick her up, and that she hadn't seen Sun Quan since yesterday, she felt a little bitter, but she still couldn't help asking.

Tan Siwen felt a little baffled when she asked her, "Didn't he tell you? Shenghuang came out to do something in the morning, and he rushed back to deal with it."

That's right, she almost forgot that he is the president of Shenghuang, and there are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

"Old Tan, can you tell me about Sun Quan's past?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I just feel that he is not simple." Tan Chuwei said vaguely.

"He, how many years ago did I see him for the first time. At that time, he was probably around twenty. Your Uncle Liu said to take me to see a fun place. Only after we went did he realize that it was a place where black boxing was played."

Fighting black boxing is to participate in illegal boxing matches with gambling nature.It basically has no rules.Moreover, there will be a lot of cruel ways in the process of fighting black boxing, so it is defined as black boxing.

"At that time he was the youngest among them but he was the hardest puncher.

The second time I saw him was not long ago, it was still you Uncle Liu, we went to that place again, he had already become the highest winning percentage in the game, but he let go of that game, which is the so-called fake punch.

The opponent didn't want to let him go and beat him badly.He couldn't fight back, so he was beaten.

After the end, I saw him limping backstage with money, and I found out later that his family was complicated, his illegitimate son lived in a small alley with his mother, and the mother and son had no stable income. He wanted to use the money to give Pay the tuition yourself.

I said I could sponsor him, he declined, but I still left him a business card.I admired him a lot at the time.

Later, something happened to his mother, and you should know about it.It was okay at first, after he left school, he went to the construction site during the day to move sand during the day and boxed at night to barely cover the medical expenses, but then his condition suddenly started to deteriorate, and he could only come to me if he wanted the best hospital, best doctor and best medicine.

I also took advantage of the opportunity to sign him. In his words, he sold himself to me.I sent him to continue his studies. After graduation, he started from the grass-roots level in Shenghuang. In just a few years, he made a name for himself.

Then, just two years ago, his mother was dying at that time, and no one in China dared to perform this operation. He asked for leave and begged to go to your mentor.

I know the character of that little old man, and depending on him, it may not matter until he dies, so I guess you may have helped.

This person, from the very beginning, I knew that the golden scales were not a thing in the pool, and when it came into the water, it would turn into a dragon, and I was the one who made him turn into a dragon.Sure enough, I feel relieved to hand over the huge Shenghuang to him. "

"Then his name."

"Sun Quan, Sun Quan, it's easy to understand. He followed his mother's surname and longed for power. He chose it himself. He said that the previous name was too polite to suppress those old foxes." The footsteps of the people on this side became slower and slower until they stopped on the road.

"I'm a little tired, let's talk when I come back." The flowers she was holding were held by the straps of the packaging with one hand, and the buds were hanging down.


When the phone was hung up, Tan Chuwei looked back, and on the way she came, a few petals fell here and there.

That sentence, "You don't know me well enough. You don't know my past, you don't know what kind of person I am, Wei Wei, you are the rose in Mr. Tan's palm, and I am the gun in Mr. Tan's hand." Now She seemed to understand something.

She also knew that Lao Tan must have concealed something from herself, such as how he quickly gained a foothold in Shenghuang, and how he developed Shenghuang to the current leader in the past few years.These seemingly light words are not half as simple as the previous boxing.

Tan Chuwei really wanted to see his past life.If this hadn't been said out of the blue, she couldn't believe that this was the past of that gentle, elegant and dignified Sun Quan.

An illegitimate child, black punches, false punches, moving sand, maybe even this is just part of his experience. When she walked to the dormitory downstairs in a daze, the bouquet of flowers was already in disrepair. She took a look and took out a few that were still in good condition , Throw the rest of the brain into the trash can.


This was the last night of the show, when Shen Yue Feng Ying came back, Tan Chuwei, the champion, was "leisurely" lying on the bed, with a few red roses on the table.

"Wei Wei?" Feng Ying called softly first, but got no response, "Are you asleep?" She lowered her voice.

At this moment, Shen Yue came up and got closer only to realize that something was wrong. The person on the bed blushed and looked sickly. She touched it with the back of her hand, "It's so hot!"

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