Tan Chu slightly nodded at the two of them and did not go up, "Old Tan, I'll go upstairs first."

With that said, she walked towards the elevator.

Unexpectedly, the elevator entrance.Tanzhai occupies an area of ​​thousands of square meters in this place where every inch of land is expensive, and it is divided into the front house and the back house.Talking about the family sleeping and living in the back house, and the usual guest rooms in the front house.

The restaurant kitchen is front and back.The back house has six floors, and it can be said that the entire six floors are her rooms.

As soon as the elevator door opened, it was the small living room in her room, and the sixth floor included her daily life.Study room, yoga gym, master bedroom, guest bedroom, cloakroom, etc.


Tan Chuwei paused, only to hear Lao Tan continue, "Do you need me to accompany you to choose a dress tomorrow?"

"No need, I can do it myself." Tan Chu smiled and shook his head to refuse.It's not her birthday, just pick one that doesn't stand out.

Tan Siwen who was rejected seemed to be used to it. Because of some past events and not getting along enough, Wanwan always felt alienated from him.

In fact it is.From everyone's point of view, the daughter of the Tan family is a collection of thousands of pets, especially Tan Siwen, who treats him with care and love.

In fact, no one knew that the father and daughter had always had a very strange atmosphere, as if... unfamiliar?
Sounds outrageous, but it's the truth.

When Tan Chuwei was very young, Lao Tan and Ms. Chu divorced due to some reasons. Later, for unknown reasons, Lao Tan actually agreed with Ms. Chu to take her back to Chu's family to raise her.

It wasn't until she was 15 that she left Chu's house and officially returned to Tan's house.During the period, she would be sent back regularly to spend a few days with Lao Tan.

After the age of 15, it didn't take long for her to go abroad for further studies, year after year, until now.

For Tan Chuwei, he probably complained and didn't understand.

Blaming Lao Tan for not taking on the responsibilities of being a father as a father, and not understanding why he didn't pick her up for so many years, but put her in Chu's home.

It wasn't because she thought the Chu family was bad. As a child at that time, she only thought that a family should be parents or children living together. This is a family.

The former Tan Chuwei didn't understand, and the current Tan Chuwei still doesn't understand.

As the elevator door opened and closed, Tan Chuwei returned to her room.

Even though she doesn't live there a few times a year, the place is still so clean and tidy, it seems to be about the same as when she left.

The only thing that may change is the cloakroom, which is full of the latest models of the season and some private customization.Bags and shoes are measured one wall at a time.

The jewelry area was even more amazing. Those jewelry and diamonds that only seemed bright and exaggerated at first glance made Tan Chuwei feel that she was a wealthy man.

In Chujia, I have never seen such exaggerated jewelry.

Tan Chuwei, who didn't know much about luxury goods, glanced at the logos and was a little confused. He sat on the sofa beside him and took a photo of a bag in position C in the bag area with his mobile phone.

Well, seven figures.Yes, but not necessary.Tan Chu clicked his tongue slightly, just such a bag, seven figures?So scary.

Look at another one, emmmmm, this one is cheaper, six figures.Check out another piece of jewelry.

Tan Chuwei was a little confused looking at the string of zeros on the screen of the phone. Is this thing so expensive?How dare you.

She put down her phone, and if she encounters insufficient funds for the experiment next time, she will sell a wall, that's all right.

The old talk about mining or printing money in the past few years?Didn't do any illegal business?In the past few years, there has been a tendency to catch up with the Chu family.

If you have a chance, you still have to talk to the old man, we are three good citizens of China, and we must never do anything that violates the law and evades taxes in the national minefield.Thinking about it in her mind, she stood up after stretching and walked to her master bedroom.

A little sleepy, after washing, she changed into her pajamas, lit the incense to help sleep, and got into bed.

Needless to say, the 3x2.5 bed at home is comfortable, so she chose a comfortable posture to brush v-bo.She promised her fans not to lose contact, and she kept her word.


It was news from the group, Tan Chuwei clicked in, and the group name was "Loving Mother Keeping the Middle Line".

As soon as he entered, he saw Shen Yue's link to form a team. The three of them who went their separate ways in the past two days were playing black and white without stopping.

Most of the time, it was Shen Yue and Tan Chuwei who played in duo, Feng Ying, as a player who had just made his debut and had to catch up with the announcement, was so busy that it was difficult for him to have time to play games together.

Shen Yue looked immersed in it.

Playing matchmaking but not ranking today?Entering the team, "Sister, I got a new way to play." As soon as she entered, she heard Shen Yue's voice.

Tan Chuwei also turned on the microphone, "I find that you are very happy every day now."

"That must be." Even the voice was full of joy, and Tan Chu smiled slightly.

Now Shen Yue has completely left her original company and entered Shenghuang, and it is said that she plans to transform into a web drama.

Tan Chuwei originally thought she would reject the suggestion given by her manager, but she did not expect her to agree.

Maybe for her, as an idol, she has very good business ability, and it is really difficult to rely on this to make a living.

She was even more unwilling to be forcibly arranged to debut in some popular groups because of Tan Chuwei.

Instead of fooling around, try your agent's offer.

Of the original draft trio, now only Feng Ying is still struggling. "I just got a gameplay by watching the video today, let's try the entertainment game first."

Every time Shen Yue learned something new, she would be dragged to the Entertainment Bureau to try it out first.

"Okay, how about playing like this?"

"I'll take Haiyue and you take Nuwa. When you meet after the fourth level, I'll pull people in. You build a courtyard in front of the black hole to surround them. I drag and beat them inside. When people come out, you directly pick them up." Fuck people to death." Shen Yue happily described this newly learned way of playing.

It was the first time I heard about this game, and Tan Chuwei also became interested, "Fine!"

The two developed separately first, and the teammates and opponents didn't realize that Nuwa and Haiyue were not serious.


Zhuge, who was sucked in by Haiyue and escaped by chance, just came out of the black hole when he found himself blocked by four squares.

Zhuge Liang:? ? ?I think Haiyue and Nuwa are not serious.

Seeing this line of words, Shen Yue and Tan Chuwei laughed like crazy.

Li Bai: What are you barking at?If the technology is not good enough, it will not work, so don't work hard.


3 minutes later... Li Bai: This Haiyue nuwa is really not serious.

Zhuge Liang: Let me just say, after I was sucked in by Haiyue, that Nuwa Kuku built a house for me outside, and as soon as I came out, oh, three rooms and one living room, and a big one was sent home for me directly.

Li Bai: What the hell kind of play is this? I’ve never seen it before. It’s something.

A few minutes later, Zhong Kui also joined the team, and the three of them were Kukuzao in the middle.

One hook, one suction, one teleportation, Tan Chuwei was in charge of building Kuku's house diligently, and then sent the opponent home to Sayunara.

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