Chapter 86 "Next"

After seeing off the last wave of guests, Tan Chuwei felt a little sore in his feet, and today he chose double low heels, and he was still tired after standing for a long time.

"Go to bed early." The father and daughter returned to the back house, only the two of them were left in the living room, "I'm always talking about you and so on."

She changed into her slippers and entered the elevator, and took down two boxes in a short while.

The small box on the top was a little obvious, Tan Chuwei went next to her, "The one on top is a congratulatory gift from my uncle, I don't know why my uncle took three of them this time. It's really strange."

Tan Siwen didn't seem to be surprised at all, "Then what about the next one."

"The one below is a gift I prepared, a pair of cufflinks. It's not expensive. I have no income. I bought it with my scholarship."

Lao Tan didn't even look at the brocade box above, and picked up the box below, "Wanwan has grown up." He unwrapped the gift in great relief.

I can't tell what brand it is, but judging by the texture and the tan engraved on the back, it should be custom-made, and it doesn't look cheap.

Of course, the price of this pair of cufflinks is just a drop in the bucket to Tan Siwen, but this is bought by my precious daughter with her scholarship, which is of great significance.

"Wanwan, I like it very much."

Seeing that he likes it, Tan Chuwei, who was originally nervous, was slightly relieved, "That's good."

Old Tan is gesturing on a cuff button, the more he looks at it, the more he likes it, she really is my precious daughter, she has really good eyesight.

"Wanwan, I drank wine today, wait until I drink some hangover soup before going to sleep, and get up in the morning to have a bowl of porridge." Tan Siwen put down his cufflinks, held her hand and put it on his lap, "My Wanwan It’s been so long and so old in a blink of an eye. I still remember that you were the little girl who was not as tall as my waist. In two years, we should get married and have a family. By then, we will be farther and farther away. I don’t know if I can be with you again How long have you been together.

Over the years, I have always felt that I owe you a lot. "

I don't know why, today's old talk is rambling, could it be that I drank a little too much?She just sat there quietly and listened to the old talk.

"Which father doesn't want to watch his child grow up, Wanwan, I know I'm sorry for you, and I know that you are uncomfortable facing me, but I hope, I hope that you will walk slowly occasionally, and the old father will not be able to catch up with you." up.

Wanwan, the old talk does not stop you from further studies, nor does it object to your staying abroad, but I still hope that you will return to your motherland as soon as possible.

Lao Tan has already figured it out. If you want to continue your postdoctoral studies, Lao Tan will not stop you, but he hopes that you can return to China to develop after completing your studies.

Whether it is the imperial capital, the magic capital, or Jiangnan, it can be anywhere you like.If you want to continue to do drug research, I support you. As long as you can do it, you can support it. If you can’t do it, you can leave it to Tan Yan and Sun Quan.

At that time, we will build a laboratory and a pharmaceutical research group for you in the place you like. If you are short of money, Tan's money will be your money, and I will never stop you.

I know that my daughter is just as stubborn and assertive as I am. My daughter is not a canary living in a cage but a phoenix soaring in the sky. She should have her own sky.I hope you understand that Tanjia will always be a sycamore tree you can live in. "

Lao Tan just babbled on and on, Tan Chuwei had never seen him like this before, "Don't worry, Lao Tan, after I finish my studies, after this important period, I will definitely come back and never leave again. It's gone." Tan Chuwei patted his hand comfortingly.

"Well, good." Tan Siwen nodded, "Go to rest early, I may have drunk too much today, but I have talked so much, the hangover soup is already heating up, wait for Sister Li to bring it to you. Wan Wan, good night." Saying that, Lao Tan let go of her hand.

"Good night, sweet dreams." Tan Chuwei didn't know what mood she was in right now, some... mixed feelings?
She admitted that what Lao Tan said was right, she had resentment, and she hadn't figured it out for so many years, and asked several times, but never got an answer.

Why did she get divorced, why was she put in Chu's home, why were there only a few times in so many years, why did she feel so far away even though she cared about her so much.

This time, why did he suddenly reveal himself.She couldn't figure out every decision made by Lao Tan, and Lao Tan never gave her an answer.

Tan Chuwei doesn't like this kind of thing, it's like the elders always like to say that it's for your own good. In her opinion, isn't this a kind of moral kidnapping between relatives.

Because it's all for your own good, so you can't refute it.

Because it's all for your own good, so you have to be considerate and understand.

You don't need to know too much, knowing too much will only increase the confusion, you just need to know that it is for your own good.

For your own good, for your own good, these words are layered on top of each other like a curse, making it impossible to refute.

I am not a child anymore, I have the ability to distinguish and choose to be alone, and I also have the responsibility to bear the consequences. I don't need to be protected all the time, I can also protect you.

I don't need you to pay for me blindly. When I grow up, I can stand by your side, and I can even stand in front of you.

Those things have always been a knot in her heart, which can never be untied, and will always be a burden.


"Sister Li, this one is crushed into powder. Today and tomorrow, it will be mixed into Wanwan's diet. Don't let her find out. Remember to take a small amount and use it frequently so that she doesn't find out."

"Ok sir."


Within a few minutes, Sister Li came upstairs with hangover soup, "Doo, toot, toot."

Hearing the knock on the door, Tan Chuwei, who had just finished removing her makeup, came out of the makeup room, "Come in."

"Wanwan, drink the hangover soup while it's hot." Sister Li took the soup out of the tray and put it on the table, "The temperature is just right now."

"Okay." Tan Chuwei walked over obediently and picked up the bowl. Sister Li's hangover soup, which she hadn't had a few times, was her exclusive secret recipe.

The temperature from the palm of the hand is suitable, Sister Li has always been so caring, full of the scent of traditional Chinese medicine, Tan Chuwei took a deep breath, and did not notice that Sister Li was a little nervous.

After going to Chu's house, Tan Chuwei spends the whole day with the medicinal herb fragrance, and thinks it smells delicious.

Feeling a little familiar, she was a little puzzled, but drank it clean.

Seeing that she was not suspicious, Sister Li breathed a sigh of relief, and put away the bowl and tray neatly, "Then Wanwan, go to bed early."

"Well, good night, Sister Li."

After sending Sister Li away, Tan Chu stretched slightly and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Tan Siwen in the living room sat below for a long time, Sister Li came to see and persuade him a few times, but she was really worried, so she insisted on sending him back to the room to get settled before going back to her own room.

Back in the room, she took out the remaining medicine powder in her pocket, thinking about how to let Wanwan finish it silently.

It's not the first time she has done this, Wanwan did it when she was 17 years old, she didn't know what it was, she just knew that the husband would not harm Wanwan.

(End of this chapter)

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