Chapter 9
The first one to wake up was Feng Ying. She opened her eyes half asleep and half awake. The scene in front of her was so frightening that she almost jumped into a laser rain, "This, this, this."

Xin Shangfeng Crying Family: Look, it scares the child, hahahahaha.

Xintan: Feng Ying: I am alive but I am dead. If you ask me why, I say she died.

Xiaoshu Mung Bean Sprout: Miss sister, if you look at the two next to you, you will find that you are not too dead, and the two CP fans next to you have passed the previous year.

Only then did Feng Ying react and hurriedly looked to the side, it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, he was speechless.

I saw Tan Chuwei beside her hugging Shen Yue who was smaller than her and wearing a lo skirt, it was like hugging a huge doll that was comparable to a human being.

Let's live on another planet, there is no room for us here.

Feng Ying looked at the people in the circle smacking their mouths in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand to push the person closest to her, "Wei Wei, wake up." She lowered her voice, not sure if it was too embarrassing or afraid of being overwhelmed suddenly. She was terrified.

"Abaa, snail noodles are really delicious."

Shen Yue who was at the farthest side suddenly smacked her mouth and said vaguely.

Little Aidou talked about snail noodles in her dreams. At first, she thought that this was enough to catch the horse, but who knew that more catches were yet to come.

"I will answer this question, Rocephine, the name of the drug
Ceftriaxone Sodium, also known as Ceftriaxone Sodium, is mainly used for the treatment of respiratory tract infection, urinary system infection, gonorrhea, hehe. "I don't know why, the dream talk between the two is still connected.

Hua Hua Hua:? ? ?

Good things take time 09 Lin:? ? ?

Love my lover: I can't solve this question.Are they chatting?

Donghai Genhua: No way, no way, can someone really talk in their sleep?
Su Ma: I propose a bold possibility. If Feng Ying hadn't been woken up, there would have to be another person in this group chat.

About 10 minutes passed, and at this time, 5 minutes had passed since the two dead people woke up.

Listening to Feng Ying and the staff's report, Tan Chuwei wished she could bury her face in Shen Yue's skirt.

Shen Yue didn't get any better, this time she was ashamed and humiliated, woo woo woo.Let’s continue living on another planet. This place can’t accommodate me anymore, no, it can’t accommodate us anymore.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She scratched her head in despair, and then asked with a bit of luck, "Actually, our show...should not be watched by many people, right?"

Now Song Jiajia (the filming staff) was dissatisfied, and immediately retorted, "What are you talking about, nonsense. Our show is now number one in ratings!"

I always feel like I hear something weird.

Immortal Ziwei: Hahaha, she is in a hurry, she is in a hurry.

This person is handsome and scumbag: Chu Chuzi is like me back then, dreaming of a bunch of nouns explaining a bunch of drug names chasing me.

Orange Lip Balm: Help, dead memories are attacking me.

February spring returns to rainy days: Physiology and biochemistry must have a link, pathological diseases are close to death, and there are two big pits that separate growth and fineness.Psychology and ethics are unclear, so if pathology and pharmacology can't kill you, it's strange if you can't die inside and outside.

Talk about An An: Convinced, this is starting to fuck our An Nan's character design again?

Melody: The first time you see anyone, you have to stand up.

Precious world: What's the matter, so much nonsense, only your master can study medicine in the entertainment industry?

The Feng Annan they were talking about was also one of the contestants in this draft.Different from others, Feng Annan made his debut once before, and already has some fan base.

Later, because of the other two girls in the group, one retired in a car accident and the other got into a scandal, the whole group was abolished.

At that time, many people sympathized with her, because this incident was a blessing in disguise and attracted a lot of fans.

She was in a certain medical school before her debut, but she chose to drop out of school for her career and resolutely plunged into the entertainment circle.

"Yueyuezi, if it doesn't work, let's just reincarnate. We can't live on this planet anymore." Emma was really fragrant, and Tan Chuwei nestled in her arms and didn't want to get up.

This time it was embarrassing and humiliating, who would have thought.As soon as he entered the medical school, it was as deep as the sea, and his spirit was a passerby from then on.

More or less medical students are a little bit abnormal now, don't ask, it means that they are mentally abnormal.

There is no other way to die, Feng Ying persuaded the two of them to find the main force because of his good words and hard words.

It was 03:30 in a blink of an eye, and the scattered ladies and sisters came to this lawn one after another.

After getting along today, many people have begun to form groups.

As the No.1 in online betting, there are not a few people who come to say hello to Tan Chuwei.

But what impressed her the most was the one in front of her. Tan Chuwei sat cross-legged on the lawn and looked up at the person standing in front of her.

This person looked about the same age as him, and he was also wearing a lo skirt. It seemed that he was from the same family as Shen Yue, except that one was Snow White and the other was Little Red Riding Hood.

There's something about it.

For some reason, Tan Chuwei suddenly remembered what Shen Yue said in the bathroom that she was a green leaf pedal for others.

I thought she meant that she was here to run with her, but now it seems that she didn't mean that.

No, isn't Shen Yue the one representing Yueran Company to participate in the draft?Since it is the only seedling of the company, how can it be used as a pedal for other companies.Tan Chuwei looked at the person in front of him calmly, "Hello, I'm Chuwei."

"I'm Feng Annan, nice to meet you. I just found out that you are in the same major after hearing about your deeds. It feels like a fate. There are not many people who study medicine in the entertainment industry." Feng Annan covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

It smells like tea.Knowing that she was ashamed before, but now she deliberately came here to mention this matter, she glanced at Shen Yue next to her, who looked like she didn't want to talk to her, Tan Chuwei knew it in her heart, and she guessed right.

Shen Yue is this Feng Annan's stepping stone.

Rather than risk competing with another complete stranger, arrange a green leaf.

There are not many people who take their route in talent shows.Deliberately arranging one green leaf will make the other more smooth sailing.

Seeing that the other party's attitude was neither cold nor indifferent, Feng Annan looked down on her very much in her heart, but she was still smiling on the surface, it seemed that she only saw Shen Yue at the side at this moment.

"Yeah, Yueyue, I was surprised when I saw you on the first stage, but I forgot about it when I wanted to find you. You too, why didn't you take the initiative to come to me? Maybe I was born because of the previous incident Are you angry?"

Shen Yue: @#$^&%!$#...*&%¥&@34%#!
Tan Chuwei: This man is so annoying.

Feng Ying: I will die for you.

The three looked at each other, and sure enough, they all had a bad impression of this person.

"No need, I'm not familiar." I don't know if it was because of the company's request or Shen Yue really didn't have any good intentions for her, so he just choked her up.

Sure enough, the other party was not only not embarrassed, but also smiled more, "Oh, then I won't bother you for now." Saying that, she left in a daze.

Is this disgusting and run away?

 Two chapters are updated on a stable day, one chapter is 2000+. Except for black fans, the screen names used by all passer-by fans, true love fans, cp fans are quoted from the screen names of the comment areas and the girls who voted for recommendations.


(End of this chapter)

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