Chapter 92
Every word he said was heartbreaking, Sun Quan was a little shocked, and his dignity in front of Wei Wei was hit by his words.

"When Wanwan asked me about your past, I understood that she went to the boxing match to see your past.

Sun Quan, I don't understand, you are so beautiful now, why do you want to trap yourself in the past?Sun Quan, Sun Quan, you are no longer Chu Jingzhou. You can change your name, but nothing can change your inner inferiority complex. "

"A cowardly person like you is not worthy of my Wanwan." Of course, Tan Siwen admired Sun Quan, otherwise he would not have turned him into a weapon in his hands, but he couldn't get rid of it. His past has become an iron fence that will trap him in his own world forever.

Regarding this, Tan Siwen mostly hated iron for being weak, and also felt that he was not worthy of her Wanwan, "Sun Quan, since you feel that you are not worthy of my Wanwan, then you should stay away from her." , When you really come out and look directly at the Wanwan who gave me wholeheartedly in the past, then I won't stop you."

The follow-up development was completely beyond his expectation. The sentence "Stay away from my Wanwan" obviously chilled his heart, but the latter seemed to be different.

He is a father who has struggled for half his life and has money, power, status and everything in order to let himself, his family and his own Wanwan have no worries.


Tan Yan was having fun, and the two of them, one watching their daughter and the other going to the toilet, came back together?

He put away his cell phone and sat upright.

The two sat down one by one, and Tan Siwen gave Sun Quan a meaningful look, "What are you doing in a daze, eat vegetables."

Three people, you have one chopstick and I have one chopstick. "Tan Boss, I still think this is very risky. Do we have a more secure way, or wait for the right time to cut the grass and root out the roots." Compared with Sun Quan, Tan Yan pursues safety and does things tightly.

Tan Siwen and Sun Quan have the mentality of occasionally giving it a go.

Tan Siwen took a piece of beef, "Tan Yan, too much pursuit of safety, can only miss the opportunity, this is the first lesson I teach you."

This meal, Sun Quan was taciturn and tasteless. "Wanwan will go back to school tomorrow, I have something to do and I can't leave, Tan Yan, please help me see it off."

Tan Yan:? ? ?what.

I will finally have a day off tomorrow and I want to clear Xiao Xiao Le. You want me to give it away?What's more, it's not because of Sun Quan, they still know each other, so what do I do.

Thinking back, the two came back together just now, could it be that they were beaten after being discovered? "it is good."

Tsk tsk, it seems that this conversation did not intend to let Sun Quan get in touch with his daughter, which is a bit interesting.


On the second day, in the car, Shen Jiangci was driving in the front row, Tan Yan was the co-pilot, and Tan Chuwei was in the back row.

Seeing Tan Yan, she was a little surprised, "Boss Tan? Is this Lao Tan asking him to send her off?
"Tan Zong said that he really couldn't leave today, so let me see you off for him." Sure enough.

"sorry to bother you."

"No trouble."

Two people are more polite than the other.

Shen Jiangci was driving the car. Why are these two weird? It's so embarrassing in the car. I shouldn't be in the car, I should be under the car.

It's really strange, Mr. Tan is such a precious lady, what a big deal today is that he has no time to see her off, and let Mr. Tan come to see her off.

Boss Qin seemed to be cold-tempered at first glance, and the young lady was afraid that she would be very embarrassed.

Sure enough, the other person in the car, Tan Chuwei, just felt uncomfortable. He was such a big person, and it was fine if he didn't have time to send him off. Why did he let him come? He was embarrassed by the car, help, Shall I say something.

If I speak up, will he be more embarrassed, help me, beg me online what to do.

She glanced quietly, and saw that he was looking at the phone with a serious expression, and his fingers were sliding on the screen, as if he was dealing with something important.

Thinking of Lao Tan's absence, could it be that something happened to Tan's?Can't.

Tan Yan sitting in front was probably the only one who didn't feel embarrassed, embarrassing?It's better to play two sets of Xiaoxiaole if you have time to be embarrassed.

Why haven't we arrived yet? Is the airport so far away? I'm irritated. I haven't made it. Who developed this little game is interesting.

His face remained unchanged and he opened another round. I refused to accept it. Today I want to get through!This game is a bit over the top, I didn't take it seriously at first, I thought it was a mentally handicapped game, slowly, hey hey, it didn't seem simple, and then... there was something.Up to now... what the hell is this, I don't accept it.

Emma, ​​Zhengxiang.

After finally arriving at the place, Tan Yan reluctantly terminated the game and put away his phone, very consciously going to help carry the luggage. When he opened the trunk, a tall figure covered him.

Watching Shen Jiangci take out the suitcase from the trunk.

Well, I am a tool person, and I am still a useless tool person, so what is the point of always letting myself come here.

Embarrass the two of them to death?
The three of them were very eye-catching along the way, handsome men and beautiful women with empty hands, and bodyguards with very eye-catching figures dragging suitcases.

The scene became more and more embarrassing, "I'm going to the bathroom." She stood up, and saw Shen Jiangci get up immediately, as if he was going to follow the guard at the door, she was a little scared, good guy, I'm not a political figure Celebrity, you really don't have to worry about me being sneaked.

"Don't follow, I'll be right back." She quickly raised her hand to stop it.

"If you stand at the door of the women's toilet, you will be treated as a hooligan, and you may even be able to make a trending search." Tan Yan, who had been looking down at the phone silently, said.

Embarrassed, he sat down.

Tan Chuwei took a mobile phone and walked towards the bathroom with her small bag in her pocket.

They sat some distance away from the bathroom. Tan Chuwei bought a grilled sausage to eat on the way there. When he reached the door of the bathroom, he just threw the stick of the grilled sausage into the trash can, that is, sideways. At the moment of throwing out the trash, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of a figure standing not far away.

It's him.

The moment their eyes met, something crackled in the air, the two stood there, neither of them took a step forward, seeing him like this again, Tan Chuwei turned and walked to the bathroom.

When she came out again, Tan Chuwei subconsciously looked in that direction. He had disappeared, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She even felt that she had misread it. How could he appear there?If it was to send me off, why did I just stand there and now disappear.

She must have read it wrong, Tan Chuwei comforted herself in her heart, walked towards the seat, and when she got closer, she saw that there seemed to be an extra person there, and that person was standing and facing her with his back to her. Tan Yan, who she was sitting on, was speaking.

He came, and he was still avoiding himself, so why did he come, and said that he came only to find Tan Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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