Chapter 95 Also, you are only a few years old
"First of all, I don't want to scold you because of your age, and I don't know what misunderstandings you have about our Chinese medicine, but it is undeniable that Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years, and the effectiveness of Chinese medicine has been tested for thousands of years. It is a fait accompli. His school is also in the United States. Since the department of Chinese medicine has been established, it proves that your country also recognizes Chinese medicine. And your personal prejudice should not be paid by the patient."

You can question me, but you question Chinese medicine?Sorry, let's battle?
"Traditional Chinese medicine has no scientific evidence, such as yin and yang, the five elements, and what is true or false cannot be falsified." When it comes to Chinese medicine, the old lady seems to be very contemptuous, thinking that it is a mystery.

Know quite a lot?It seems to be a professional Chinese medicine black.Now Tan Chuwei's dissatisfaction became more and more intense.

"What is falsifiability? Falsifiability was proposed by the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, who believed that the criterion for judging whether a theory is scientific or not is falsifiability. Therefore, the object of falsifiability is first a proposition, not a concept! Just How do you falsify terms such as mathematical functions, physical molecules, and chemical heat energy?

Taking a step back, even if Chinese medicine cannot be falsified, it does not mean that it cannot be used to guide practice.Popper emphasized one point in his elaboration of falsifiability: a theory that cannot be falsifiable empirically is not a scientific theory, but non-science is not necessarily incorrect.” For example, mathematics and logic belong to the branch of metaphysics and philosophy, which studies existence and things. In essence, the research object is abstract. The corresponding metaphysics is also a branch of philosophy, the research object is concrete, and the philosophical basis of natural science is metaphysics.

The reason why mathematics and logic are classified as non-science is that they do not need experience to test it and cannot be falsified, but they can be used to guide practical applications.The basic theories of Chinese medicine are of the same nature as mathematics and logic.A scientific theory does not mean that it is a correct theory. Falsifiability is a logical falsification, not a factual falsification. For example, although the "Earth Center Theory" is wrong, it is still a scientific theory.

In Popper's writings, he repeatedly claimed that the boundary between science and non-science is not the boundary between correct theory and wrong theory. The essence of non-science lies not in its correctness but in its unfalsifiability. Experience is needed to test them, which Hume called necessary truths.Science, like non-science, contains both truth and falsehood.

A theory that cannot be empirically falsified is not a scientific theory, but being unscientific is not necessarily incorrect.What science studies is metaphysical laws, which are universal, and the purpose of scientific research is "why".

And medical research is to solve the problem of "how to do". Medicine is a collection of technical means. Its connotation not only includes universal problems, but also needs to consider unique and individual problems, and relies heavily on experience feedback. From this point of view , all clinical medicine is non-science, because science follows falsificationism, while clinical medicine follows positivism.

The most we can say is that the basic theory of Western medicine is natural science, while the basic theory of Chinese medicine is metaphysics and non-science.Science is not necessarily correct, and non-science is not necessarily wrong. It is a superficial and narrow-minded behavior to deny the theory of traditional Chinese medicine with unscientific knowledge, and then to deny the practicability of traditional Chinese medicine! "At the beginning of the talk, there were so many witty remarks that the others had no chance to intervene.

"The millennium practice and perfection of traditional Chinese medicine has historical evidence. The millennium's efforts of the predecessors cannot be denied with a single sentence."

"History can also be fictitious, and you can guarantee that the theoretical knowledge about Chinese medicine discovered by archaeology is not the same as the wild novels you Chinese people like now?" The old lady retorted, Huaxia now likes some wild novels , Maybe those histories are all fabricated in this way.

Tsk tsk, she tsk tsk twice in her heart, "Similarly, is it possible to think that the remarks of your seniors are not babbles in sleep or absurd ideas of insanity."

"You, you are simply unreasonable!" The old lady blushed from her anger, and the crutch in her hand hit the "ground" and made a sound.

"That's right, it's understandable that you can't understand our history. After all, you are only a few years old. Are you still doing archaeology now? You should stop. After all, the history is too short and there is no need for archaeology. Anyway, what you dig out is not My own things may be pointed at and scolded by others." Tan Chu choked slightly.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from behind, and Tan Chu turned his head slightly, only to see a few staff members covered their mouths in disbelief, while the man on the ground had stopped twitching and not foaming at the mouth.

Tan Chuwei cast a dry and beautiful look at the boy, then turned to look at the astonished old lady, "Not to mention anything else, what can you do in the scene just now? And the achievements of our Chinese medicine lie in the In front of you, whether you want to pretend to be deaf or dumb, or think that we have made a mistake, I just want to tell you one thing in the end, neither Chinese medicine nor Huaxia can be slandered by you.

You don’t have to believe that if you don’t touch yourself, you can completely reject it, but without your approval, even if you are prejudiced by you, you can’t erase the thousand-year history of Chinese medicine and China. "

The boy just finished explaining the precautions and stood up, Tan Chuwei also finished speaking, the two of them glanced at each other and passed the old lady.

"So handsome!" Leaving the first-class cabin, the boy couldn't help praising her. Her national pride came directly from her words just now.

"Small scene, small scene, are you from the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" The New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is an institution of higher learning featuring traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and it is also the only one on the east coast of the United States to be named traditional Chinese medicine.

The boy nodded, "Yes, you're going to New York too? Are you here to travel or to study abroad?"

"I'm transiting in New York, and this time I'm going back to school."

"What you said just now, do you also study Chinese medicine? How can Buran understand it so well, but as far as I know there are not many Chinese medicine subjects in the West. Which school did you go to?"

"Harvard, but I'm studying Western medicine."

"Huh?" The boy obviously didn't expect it, and it wasn't that he thought studying Western medicine was bad, but he really didn't expect that a girl who knew so much about Western medicine actually studied Western medicine.

Tan Chuwei Miao understood his thoughts, blinked at him, and smiled very playfully, "Know yourself and your enemy and you can win a hundred battles."

Good guy, is this the undercover agent we sent over?This time the boy was even more astonished.

Nice guy, I'm straight up a nice guy.

The boy who arrived at the seat first asked, "Is it convenient to add a contact information? It's nothing else, I just want to have a chance to discuss medicine."

"No problem." Tan Chuwei took out his phone, and the two added a contact information.

 Some of the remarks come from the Zhihu column "Debate on Chinese and Western Medicine".

  In the last chapter, 91 was locked in a small dark room, and may be released later, humble.

(End of this chapter)

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