Chapter 10 Interstellar Hot Discussion
A night without dreams.

The next day, just as Su Xinmu stepped out of the room, the housekeeper's cordial greetings sounded.

"Miss Su, did you sleep well? Breakfast is ready, do you want to eat now?"

Still thinking about Li Yaoyi's words, she looked around but couldn't find him, so she asked, "Where's the commander?"

"There is a meeting at the headquarters today, so I left early." The butler shook his head, as if he was very satisfied with her reaction.

"Oh." Su Xinmu muffled in reply.

"In view of its high risk factor, the subordinates suggest that the commander keep a distance from the experimental subject Su Xinmu, and keep a close watch on his actions. If there is any abnormality, he can consider killing it at any time."

The words of Li Yaoyi's subordinates were still faintly echoing in her ears yesterday, she couldn't help but clenched her fingers, so...

Is the commander keeping a distance from her?

Could it be that her words and deeds yesterday caused Li Yaoyi to doubt himself even more?

"Miss Su, this is for you."

The dark green velvet gift box was suddenly handed to him, Su Xinmu was slightly startled, took it and opened it.

Inside lay an exquisitely crafted silver-white watch, the make of which was almost exactly the same as Li Yaoyi's, so it should be the same model.

She shook her head and said hesitantly, "This watch..."

"The commander said you would like it." The butler squinted his eyes, and his voice, which was clearly calm, sounded to Su Xinmu's ears, but it was a little more inexplicable.

Su Xinmu brushed the watch lightly with his fingertips, and it felt cold to the touch. Li Yaoyi said she would like it?
After thinking for a few seconds, she suddenly remembered that Li Yaoyi asked her yesterday: "Do you like the watch I'm wearing?"

And she gave a similarly affirmative answer.

She was silent for too long, and the butler waited for a while without getting a response, and then explained: "The watch is from Alpha Star Factory [-], limited edition, except for the one in Miss Su's hand, the only one in the commander's hand."

According to the housekeeper, Li Yaoyi was very careful.

But is there an ulterior motive?

It is not clear yet.

"I see." Su Xinmu smiled, "Thank Commander for me, I like it very much."

"Miss Su, please don't pay attention to the news on Interstellar Internet today." The housekeeper suddenly spoke, and the topic was very abrupt.

Su Xinmu paused as he walked towards the restaurant, looking back at it, the appearance of the machine was bare, the electronic screen was cold, without any emotion.

Can't see anything.

It is even harder to observe than the zombies in the doomsday.

"What did the commander say?" She simply cut into the topic without going around in circles.


Its eyes changed from lines to dots, from dots to ellipses, and finally, to the original squinting eyes.

It's like going through a complex psychological thinking process.

"Yes, this is an order." It finally came to the answer.


I've never seen a company where Party A has to control whether people watch the news.

Although she is an unusual Party A.

Is there anything in Interstellar News that she cannot see?Su Xinmu frowned. If she had to say something, all she could think of was - "The commander of the Alliance Empire insisted on taking away a rare experimental subject from the Institute of Science despite the obstruction."

"Okay, got it." She casually perfunctory the robot butler.

After breakfast, the hostess returned to the room alone, without locking the door, nor turning on the privacy mode and do not disturb mode.

Avoid being too "deceptive".

Open the Interstellar Internet search page, and the hot search words highlighted in the sidebar also come into view, and the first few are related to what happened yesterday.

#Commander forcibly takes away the experimental body of the Science Institute#
#What happened to Commander Li#
#Commander and a certain experimental subject suspected honey love#
#Who is the experimental body#
Inside the entry, the discussions and exchanges in each post were intense.

[I was so curious, what happened? 】

[I heard that Commander Li has taken a fancy to a rare experimental subject from the Imperial Institute of Science, and insists on taking it away. No matter how the professor of the Institute of Science stops it, it will be useless! 】

[No matter what happens, as long as it happens to him, it won't look strange, right? 】

[That's true, regardless of his personality for the time being, let's talk about his loyalty to the Alliance Empire, and the fact that he robbed the experimental subjects must be for the Empire. 】

As the commander of the Alliance Empire, although Li Yaoyi was crazily criticized for being paranoid, his contribution to the Empire was undeniable in the entire galaxy.

Su Xinmu pursed her lips and continued to look down.

[Although, Commander Li has been abstaining from desires for 27 years...I heard that the experimental subject is very beautiful, maybe——]

[Cold ice block enlightened?Anyway, I don't believe it.In the eyes of the commander, he only cares about whether his career is good or not! 】

[I fell in love on the spot, who wouldn't love Commander Li's ascetic and cold face? 】

[I hope he is not really in a daze...otherwise this behavior is too capricious. 】

[You all pay attention to the commander, but I am different. I am more curious about the origin of that experimental subject. 】

[Who is not curious?But where is the information related to the experimental subject on the Internet, it seems to be deliberately hidden...]

[Maybe what is the scourge? ps: It's just malicious speculation, it doesn't represent my position. 】

Su Xinmu was amused by the last line, since he has never seen anyone who speculates maliciously, it does not represent a position.

But she felt nothing.

She was born in the last days, and she has seen the most filthy and smelly people's hearts, and the most despicable methods.

Such remarks have no effect on her at all.

What's more, the people who scolded her were always a minority, and most of them were discussing and speculating on Li Yaoyi.

I don't understand why Li Yaoyi specially asks the housekeeper to tell her: don't browse the interstellar news.

If you don't understand, just don't want to.

She was never one to make things difficult for herself.

Su Xinmu squeezed his sore neck, casually fetched the unfinished medical books, and leaned against the bedside to read them.

At that time, the conference room of the Alliance Empire Command.

"Commander, do you have anything to add to this meeting?" Secretary Shen Dong handed over the prepared meeting materials.

The man was sitting loosely in the main seat, fingers clasped, his brows and eyes were light, and he had no emotion.

There was no point in answering either.

Shen Dong swallowed, no one else could see it, but from where he was standing, he could clearly see a layer of streamer floating on Li Yaoyi's watch.

It is the performance of optical brain operation.

The commander didn't listen to the meeting at all!
"Commander?" He tentatively whispered again.

The streamer of the watch dimmed suddenly, Li Yaoyi raised his eyes slowly, his indifferent and sharp eyes fell on him, as if he was asking him why he interrupted himself.

Shen Dong has put on a pain mask, and it is very difficult for him to do it!

Meetings involving important matters of the empire cannot be concluded without the approval of the commander.


He summoned up the courage to speak, but was interrupted slowly by Li Yaoyi: "No."

Co-authoring is heard.

"Then this summary material?" He handed over the material in his hand again.

Li Yaoyi prefers paper materials, so the documents of the Imperial Conference will be submitted to him in paper version.

"En." Li Yaoyi responded lightly, without looking at it, pulled off the cap of the pen with his slender fingers, and slowly signed his name at the end of the document.

(End of this chapter)

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