Chapter 24

Sun Zexiang vaguely saw her through the smoke.

She looks pure and harmless, with a pair of golden almond eyes that are charming and delicate, like a white magnolia flower that cannot withstand the wind and rain.

The slender neck seemed to be broken with a pinch.

But she happens to be the complete opposite.

After many cruel experiments, he is still persevering, and the light in his eyes is always shining.

After a long time, Sun Zexiang was very curious when she would be able to bow her head.

It's a pity that Li Yaoyi disturbed the experiment before it was halfway through.

"Then Miss Su's purpose of this trip can't be to catch up with me?" He half joked.

"I have nothing old with you to talk about." Su Xinmu's tone was very light, "You should have guessed my reason for coming."

It's not too long to get along with Sun Zexiang, and I have a [-]% to [-]% understanding of his character.

When he stepped out of the move of catching Su Fenghan as an experimental body, he must have already calculated the next dozen or more moves.

She has always been very accurate in seeing people.

Sun Zexiang smiled suddenly, "Although I can guess it, it's still a bit unexpected."

"I don't want to have a worthless conversation with you." She bit the e-cigarette between her teeth, her posture unrestrained, "There is no need to fight in the science institute, just negotiate the terms."

"But I quite like chatting with you, what should I do?" Sun Zexiang raised his eyebrows and asked her back.

"...Nothing to do." Su Xinmu resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and directly cut to the topic: "Where is Su Fenghan?"

Sun Zexiang kicked her feet, and the swivel chair instantly approached her.

He stared up at Su Xinmu, his eyes were as gentle as clear lake water, "She is experimenting, you should be happy, right?"

He knows the truth about the substitute!In just one second, Su Xinmu made a quick judgment.

"She's innocent," she said against her will.

"She was never innocent." Sun Zexiang stood up and approached her, even the slender eyelashes were magnified, Su Xinmu could see clearly.

She didn't dodge or evade, she looked back calmly, without saying a word.

To deal with a pervert like Sun Zexiang, you have to be even more perverted than him.

Momentum must not be lost.

"Let me think about it." He slowly paced around Su Xinmu, his voice beguiling, "Is it because Li Yaoyi is afraid that I will develop a deadly potion against mermaid spirits? daughter persecuting you a second time?"

are all wrong.

He would never have thought that he came here for Li Yaoyi.

Although the purpose is not so simple.

"It's not important." Su Xinmu held the e-cigarette between his fingertips, and breathed out a puff of smoke at Sun Zexiang. The spicy mint made him cough lightly.

She laughed recklessly, bright and bright, "Tell me, how can I put Su Fenghan back."

"Are you serious?" Sun Zexiang wiped the corners of his eyes with pale fingertips, wiped away the choked tears, and his eyes were dizzy and red, "Then I want you to come back and continue to be my experimental subject. How about it? Do you want to change it?" ?”

Negotiating conditions with Sun Zexiang, saving a person who has a grudge against him, this feeling is quite sour.

But who told her not to see the crazy little mermaid suffer.

"It can be changed." Su Xinmu raised his brows, "It's nothing to be a pain in the mere experiment."

A look of astonishment flashed across Sun Zexiang's eyes, and he stared at her for two seconds, "Yes, I'll take you to see her."

This time it was Su Xinmu who was surprised.

Sun Zexiang's promise was too straightforward to be true, and it was hard not to suspect what was going on in his mind.

"Then let's go." Su Xinmu pushed the boat along.

Of course she didn't intend to come back as a test subject.

It is an expedient measure to agree to Sun Zexiang, and in the end, no matter how bad it is, you can still sell it to Party A.

Sun Zexiang walked in front, and Su Xinmu followed behind at a distance of one meter. All the spiritual power in his body was ready to be released, and it was impossible to overturn the car again.

Through one level after another, the distant laboratory is also approaching.

Different from the glass laboratory that Su Xinmu used to stay in, this one is almost completely enclosed, and it is impossible to peek into the interior from the outside.

"Professor Sun, didn't you just dig a hole in front of me and wait for me to jump?" She put one hand in her pocket, stopped, and said casually.

Sun Zexiang looked at her with gentle eyes, "Miss Su also thinks too bad of me."

Su Xinmu didn't deny it, when Sun Zexiang opened the door, she saw Su Fenghan lying on the experimental bed at a glance.

His face was pale, his hands were bound, and the silver spirit ring shone brightly under the light.

"Unshackle." She raised her finger.

Sun Zexiang untied it as she said, and nodded to her: "It's okay, you can take her away."

Su Xinmu took out a needle, pierced Su Fenghan's arm without changing his face, and pushed the medicinal liquid in.

Then, he grabbed the back of her neck like a chicken, and dragged her forward.

"What did you inject her with?" Sun Zexiang's eyes lit up, and he followed up with interest to ask.

"Tranquilizer." Su Xinmu didn't stop walking.

Sun Zexiang: "Miss Su is the most suitable person to participate in the experiment I have ever seen in my scientific research career. I sincerely invite you to cooperate with me again."

"Didn't you agree?" She asked back.

"I suggest you stay away from Su's house and Commander Li." Sun Zexiang avoided answering, but made a suggestion, "Especially the latter, he is more terrifying than the rumors."

Su Xinmu didn't give him half a look, "Oh."

Stay away from Party A, who will provide her with a large amount of nutrient solution.

"Bon voyage." Sun Zexiang finally stopped.

Su Xinmu didn't look back, he quickened his pace, and left the Imperial Science Institute all the way without being stopped in the slightest.

"Professor Sun, why did you let her go? She will definitely not go to the appointment to participate in the experiment, will she?" The assistant came out from the shadows, very puzzled.

"In the next game of chess, you can't just look at your eyes." Sun Zexiang raised the corners of his lips, and the smile in his eyes was almost crazy.

The assistant stared thoughtfully at the direction Su Xinmu left, and suddenly realized.


Su Xinmu threw Su Fenghan to the door of Su's house, and drove the starship back to Alpha Star.

Sun Zexiang's words still linger in his ears.

Is Li Yaoyi more terrifying than rumored?
Isn't that crap?

It's no wonder that the commander who firmly holds the power of the empire is not scary.

What's more, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

To sow discord between her and Party A, Sun Zexiang's trick is vulgar and old-fashioned, and it is useless.

"Miss Su, welcome home."

The housekeeper's emotionless voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Su Xinmu almost reflexively punched him.

"Miss Su, the commander is waiting for you upstairs." The housekeeper shook his head and continued.

wait for her?

Su Xinmu raised his wrist, the hour hand on the watch passed twelve, it was already late at night.

Shouldn't he be waiting for her specially?Maybe he just finished his official business and he just came back.

"Okay, is it in the study?" She turned around and walked up the stairs.

The butler quickly replied, "No, the commander is waiting for you in the bedroom."

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(End of this chapter)

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