lure pear

Chapter 121 My Everything is Yours

Xuan Yifeng and his wife are engaged in food business, and they hardly care about Xuan's original business.

But Xuan Zhiyuan left in a hurry, and the will had not yet been drafted, so the couple took over half of the property division, and Xuan Ran and Xuan Li divided the rest in half.

Most of the aristocratic circle in Kyoto attended the funeral. Everyone who saw Xuanli showed different expressions, and most of them were gloating.

She knew that the Xuan family no longer had the same status in the capital as before, and many people coveted the position of the four major families.Now with Xuan Zhiyuan's death, he can easily defeat the Xuan family without deliberately targeting them.

This burden was handed over to Xuan Yifeng and his wife.

Xuan Ran asked worriedly: "Mom and Dad, can you really take on the heavy responsibility?"

The couple looked at each other with a bitter smile in their eyes.

Xuan Yifeng sighed softly, "After all, we were not born in the financial industry, so we can only try our best to be stable."

"So don't waste money like before," Gu Ping patted Xuan Ran on the head, "I'm afraid we won't be able to support you in the future."

She didn't worry at all that she would be penniless, "Hmph, it's okay, Ouyang will be willing to support me."

Xuan Yifeng cheered up: "I knew Xiao Tao was reliable."

Xuan Li stood aside, quietly looking at the happy family of three, lowering her eyes sadly.

Jiang Cheng seems to be very busy recently, and only occasionally comes back to help with the funeral.

He arrived late at the end of the funeral, but the clothes he saw yesterday were still the same.

After seeing off the guests, Xuanli saw him walking straight, and stepped forward worriedly.

"Jiang Cheng, what's the matter with you recently?"

His brows and eyes were full of fatigue, and he only relaxed when he saw her.

Jiang Cheng embraced her, almost hanging on her body, and let out a long breath.

"Let me rest for a while."

Xuan Li let him lean on him, Xuan Yifeng and Gu Ping hadn't left the stage yet, they froze in surprise when they saw this scene.

Gu Ping opened her mouth in surprise, "Ran Ran, what's the situation with Xiao Cheng and Xiao Li?"

Xuan Ran's face was complicated, "It's what you saw, they are together."

"Well, Jiang Yuan has a high vision," Xuan Yifeng said regretfully, "In the current situation of our Xuan family, he is afraid that he will disagree with them even more."

"So I don't really want them to be together," Xuan Ran looked away, even though she felt that the two were a good match, "With Xuan Li's well-behaved temperament, she must have suffered a lot of grievances when she followed Brother Jiang Cheng to Country B."

Gu Ping touched her face in relief, "Our family has grown up and will care about the family."

"Grandpa is gone, and now I am the oldest in this family, so of course I have to shoulder the responsibility of the elder sister," she pouted proudly, "They say that the elder sister is like a mother, and now I am Xuanli's mother!"

Gu Ping smiled and nodded her forehead, "You girl."

"Xuan Xiaoli, I have nothing now," Jiang Cheng rubbed his chin against the top of her hair, "Although Jiang Yuan promised me not to do anything to my uncle, he still borrowed the power of others to suppress him."

Xuanli understood what he meant, and thought to herself that Jiang Yuan really didn't care about the relationship between father and son.

She proudly threatened: "It's okay, I will support you."

He let out a chuckle from his throat, "Okay, I'll have to rely on Boss Xuan in the future."

The headquarters building of the Jiang Group in Country B.

The assistant asked the person sitting at the table embarrassingly: "Boss Jiang, do you really want to treat the young master like this?"

"Hmph, he is used to rich clothes and fine food, and he will come back and beg me when he can't stand this kind of poverty." Jiang Yuan looked at the city like ants outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a winning expression, "Mr. Xuan died of illness, the Xuan family I will not let my son marry a woman whose family is in trouble."

Yang Shichang lost face at the banquet, coupled with Jiang Yuan's suppression, he naturally no longer agreed to Jiang Cheng's participation in the high-altitude elevator project.

Jiang Cheng didn't intend to work under him at first, but just to gain experience, it was not surprising to be told to fire, and decided to start his own business.

Knowing that Jiang Cheng would not sit still, Xuan Li returned the gold card that had been kept for a long time to him.

"There are 200 million in it, save some money."

Jiang Cheng stared at the shiny gold card and didn't pick it up, "Isn't it 20?"

"Starting a business requires capital, how can 20 be enough?" She imitated the way he handed the card to her at the beginning, snapped his five fingers and forced it to him, "Besides, I don't need that much money, wait until you make money Give it back to me."

"Okay," he put the card that was still warm in her palm into his pocket, "Aren't you afraid of my defeat?"

"It's okay, I still have money," Xuan Li smiled nonchalantly, bending her eyes, "I will keep my money for you until you succeed."

Jiang Cheng quickly kissed her on the lips, "This is a reward for Xuan Xiaoli."

"Is your reward that simple?" She blushed, but glared at him pretending to be dissatisfied.

He simply leaned back on the sofa, "Then take me to you, you can eat whatever you want."

Xuan Li shouted his name angrily, "Jiang Cheng!"

"I'm serious, Xuan Xiaoli," Jiang Cheng gently hooked her into his arms, "Everything about me is yours."

School started in September, and Jiang Cheng, who entered his senior year, became completely busy.

Luo Yuxia and Zhu Yang were entrusted with the task of running for the next president of the student union.

Zhu Yang sat in the exclusive seat of the president, crossed his legs and said triumphantly: "There is no need to campaign, I will directly open the back door and let Xueli Xuanli become her!"

"Stop insulting the elementary school girl, why would she go through the back door when she can rely on her own ability?" Luo Yuxia rolled her eyes at him, "Hurry up and get down from the position of president!"

"It's a rare opportunity to sit in this position," Zhu Yang didn't bother to talk to her, and turned the chair leisurely, "The president has retired, and I've coveted this position for a long time, what's the matter with sitting?"

"The process still has to go through." Luo Yuxia browsed the list of candidates, "Others are indeed not as capable as Xiaoxiaomei."

Zhu Yang tutted his head and shook his head, "This wave is the inheritance of the mantle."

Although both of them told Xuanli that she was sure to win the position of president, she still worked hard to prepare the speech.

The people in the audience were moved by her emotional speech, and they all said that she deserved the election.

Xuan Li told Jiang Cheng the news that she was successfully elected as the president of the student union.

He was personally inspecting the situation on the project, and the mobile phone in his pocket sounded a special notification tone.

Jiang Cheng stopped talking with the workers, opened the message and saw Xuan Li begging for praise, his brows and eyes warmed up.

【Xuan Xiaoli is amazing】

When the workers saw the rare gentle expression on the normally serious boss, they immediately understood.

"Is it the boss's wife?"

Speaking of Xuan Li, his voice was filled with warmth, "Well, she has been supporting me."

The worker grinned: "I believe the boss will succeed if he puts so much effort into it."

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