lure pear

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

She took the lighter, flicked the switch a few times, handed the burning lighter to Qiao Lingxuan, and lit the cigarette.

Qiao Lingxuan raised her eyebrows in surprise, and let out a puff of smoke. "I can't see that you are quite skilled, it really is a little white flower that can hide."

"Student Qiao, I'm going home first."

Xuan Li clenched her phone tightly, bypassing her and leaving at a faster speed.

Qiao Lingxuan didn't stop her anymore and leaned against the tree.

" that the Xuan family? But the Xuan family only has one daughter, Xuan Ran, and she has never had any contact with Xuan Li."

She threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. "The surname is Xuan, probably a coincidence. Just because I say I won't do it myself, doesn't mean I won't do it."

The cigarette butt that hadn't been extinguished was still flickering, Qiao Lingxuan touched it up again, and the last bit of scarlet was completely dimmed.

"She should be completely extinguished like this fire."

Just after the May Day holiday, senior high school students in Kyoto No. [-] Middle School are about to face a new monthly exam.

When Zhang Lin returned to the classroom with the bad news, the classroom was full of wailing.

Students always like to indulge and play during the hard-won vacation. On the day of returning to school, they worked harder than usual to make up their homework, and the students in Class [-] were no exception.

Among the people who were busy doing their homework, Xuanli seemed very calm. She rejected Yu Tingxuan's invitation to the amusement park and kept doing her homework in the room.

Although she has basically mastered the knowledge points of each subject, she still feels a little nervous about tomorrow's exam. After all, it has been three years since the last major exam.

The classroom is filled with the sound of flipping test papers due to making up homework, and there are many voices of people discussing topics.

Zhang Lin warned many times, but they were still discussing how to complete the homework of six subjects within three classes as if they hadn't heard it.

Xiao Yizhi didn't come to the evening self-study tonight, but the teachers went to the meeting as usual, so they made more noise without scruple.

Zhang Lin simply stood up and made them quiet one by one from the first group.

Xuan Li lay on the table and took out her mobile phone from the rabbit's satchel, intending to send a message to Jiang Cheng.

Yu Tingxuan's WeChat account was added to her address book, but there were still only three people in the list.

Xuanli clicked on the chat box at the top of the list.

【Tomorrow is the monthly exam, I'm a little nervous】

In the student union office of Western University, Jiang Cheng sat in the middle, listening to the secretary's report on the work progress of the week with a stern look.

Suddenly there was a violent vibration in the silent room.

One of the officers was the first to pat the table: "Didn't the president say that the phone should be muted during the meeting? According to the rules, you will be fined [-]!"

However, the person sitting in the chairman's seat said calmly: "Two hundred."

The officer didn't understand whose cell phone rang, so he echoed: "Okay! Two hundred!"

The person opposite winked at him, motioning him to look in Jiang Cheng's direction.

He didn't know why, but he still followed her line of sight, Jiang Cheng typed with his eyes downcast.

Jiang Cheng didn't even lift his eyelids, "See what I do, then report."

"Oh, good." The officer quickly looked away, cleared his throat, suppressed the shock in his heart, and continued to report to work.

Jiang Cheng: [If it is Xuan Xiaoli, I believe it will be fine]

Xuanli's heart stopped beating, and the nervousness that lingered in her heart dissipated in an instant.

【I will work hard】

Jiang Cheng: [If you get the first place in the grade, I will promise you a request]

She asked cautiously and expectantly: [Is everything okay? 】

He smiled and replied: [Purchasing is not selling oneself]

Xuan Li blushed from his blunt words.

[I don't want your... body, but I want to know about your past]

Jiang Cheng was taken aback, his brows softened.

[If you want to know, I can tell you right now, the reward can be exchanged for another one]

He didn't realize that the people in the office had quieted down at this time, and they all looked in surprise at the person who was focused on replying to the message.

Is this person with gentle brows and eyelids slightly twitching the corners of his lips, the president who never smiles in their eyes?

Xuan Li: 【No, I have to rely on myself!Struggle.jpg]

Looking at the bunny emoji with a red string tied on its head, Jiang Cheng thought it looked like Xuan Li, so he clicked Save.

【Okay, waiting for your good news】

He turned off his phone, and when he raised his eyes, he realized that they were all staring at him with wide-open eyes, and the tails of their eyes drooped.

"Are you dumb? No one can tell that there is something wrong with the data that Zhu Yang made just now? Didn't you all say that you are proficient in Office when you were interviewing, and you can't even use Excel to import data? Have you left your brains at home?"

A series of questioning caused the office to fall into a dead silence, and the rest of the people bowed their heads guiltily.

They were lucky enough to think that Jiang Cheng would not pay attention to the specific content of the report, but they didn't expect that even a mistake in the data was heard.

Just now Zhu Yang just patted the table to flatter Jiang Cheng, but who knew he slapped it on his thigh. He didn't expect the chairman to be the one who violated discipline!

But what can he do? Although they are often scolded, they have indeed improved themselves under Jiang Cheng's strict requirements.

"I'm sorry, President!"

Zhu Yang is well versed in the ways of the student union, and he must immediately admit his mistakes and apologize if he is pointed out to be wrong.

Jiang Cheng tapped the table with his index finger and looked at him coldly. "Tell me how to change the data."

Zhu Yang was stunned. He didn't even notice that there was a problem with the data, let alone how to modify it. He turned to Luo Yuxia who was facing him for help.

She pretended not to see, and lowered her head to sort out the minutes of the meeting.

Zhu Yang suddenly felt a huge pressure on his shoulders, and slowly turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng.

"...President, I will not change."

Jiang Cheng smiled, but Zhu Yang felt that the smile was a little penetrating, and couldn't help swallowing nervously.

"Tonight, I will receive the data without any problems. I will take it back and change it. The meeting will be adjourned."

Zhu Yang thought that Jiang Cheng would say some more accusations without profanity, but he picked up the documents on the table, got up and left the office, leaving the rest of the people looking at each other in blank dismay.

The invisible pressure disappeared in an instant.

He was still in a daze, "The president just left?"

Luo Yuxia knocked him on the head as she passed by his seat, "Aren't you mean, do you like to be scolded? The president is in a good mood and doesn't want to talk to you anymore, or I'll put you down to doubt your life!"

Others chatted excitedly.

"Tsk tsk, the president must be chatting with some younger sister, with that gentle expression... We will never enjoy this kind of treatment in this life."

"The president set up a strong reminder for the sister who sent the message. I also set this for my girlfriend. It will vibrate even in the mute state."

"Last time I called the president to say that there was a flaw in the plan. I was prepared to be scolded by him for at least 5 minutes, but he hung up after answering the phone halfway! I now seriously suspect that the person who called The sister who sent a message from the president!"

Luo Yuxia saw that the discussion among them became more and more heated, and she was afraid that Jiang Cheng would come back again, so she reminded: "Don't talk about the president behind your back, be careful of being..."

As she spoke, she made a gesture of wiping her neck.

They had also seen Jiang Cheng's power, and they all consciously shut their mouths.

 When I typed Jiang Cheng’s name today, I always accidentally typed it as methyl orange, hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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