lure pear

Chapter 49

"If it were Jiang Cheng when he was a child, I might still agree to him and Xiaoli, but now..." Xuan Zhiyuan said with a sigh, "He has never had a good relationship with his parents, and I am afraid that Xiaoli will be wronged by marrying him."

Xuan Ran poured him a glass of water, "Grandpa, you like to fuck needlessly. Brother Jiang Cheng doesn't care about Xuan Li that much, he treats us like a younger sister."

The joy that Xuanli had just risen stopped again.

Jiang Cheng did take good care of her, but that was because she was Xuan Zhu's younger sister.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can be by his side.

Xuanli struggled for a moment, then said: "Grandpa, I want to go back to Jiangnan for a while during the summer vacation."

As soon as these words came out, the two who were still talking fell silent instantly.

Xuan Zhiyuan looked at her with a complicated expression for a while, then sighed, "Okay, you can go back if you want, but you will be back in a month."

Xuan Li suppressed the surging joy, but her face remained calm. "Thank you grandpa."

Xuan Zhiyuan was exhausted immediately, "I will ask Cheng Ming to take you back."

After leaving the hospital, Xuan Ran looked at her contemptuously, "You mentioned your adoptive parents in front of grandpa, isn't that hurting his old man's heart?"

Xuanli wrung her hands uneasily, "But they raised me for 15 years, and I promised them to go back and have a look."

"They were supposed to let you come back when you were 16," Xuan Ran sneered, crossing his arms, "but they insisted on using you as an excuse for an extra two years, I think they were reluctant to part with the child support .”

"Cousin!" It was the first time that Xuan Li raised her voice and got angry at Xuan Ran, the corners of her eyes turned red with annoyance, "They are not like that."

Xuan Ran was also taken aback by her voice. Seeing her earnestness, she reluctantly apologized: "Okay, it's me who treats a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain."

Although they are very strict with themselves, Xuanli can really feel that they really take care of her from the gaps in life.

When Xuan Li got into the car and went back to Yanyu Town, Yu Tingxuan's eyes were red with the car window open.

"Can't you look like you're about to cry?" Xuan Ran tried to pull him away in disgust, but to no avail, "It's not like she won't come back."

"But when I think that I won't see Sister Xuan Li for a month, my heart hurts!"

As he spoke, he covered his chest in pain.

Xuan Li smiled and comforted him, "It's okay Ting Xuan, I'll be back."

Yu Tingxuan took a step back and opened his hands, "You give me a hug, and I won't be sad."

She was helpless, but she got out of the car and hugged him gently.

"Aren't you sad? Obediently wait for me to come back."

Xuan Li stopped while rubbing his head, thinking that Jiang Cheng also liked to rub her hair like this.

Is it really because he treats her as a younger sister?

The loss only filled her eyes for a moment before dissipating.

She returned to the car and waved them goodbye.

Huo Lishen and Qiu Xin had been waiting at the entrance of the town early on when they heard the news that Xuanli would be back.

When they saw the black Rolls Royce stop in front of them, the two watched Xuan Li get out of the car with tears in their eyes.

When Qiuxin saw her, she couldn't hold back anymore, and hugged her while crying. "Xiao Li is finally back."

After Xuanli returned to Yanyu Town, she was as usual, helping Qiuxin to wash clothes during the day and delivering meals to Huo Lishen at night. The days were plain but warm.

But she has one more activity than before, sending messages with Jiang Cheng.

He always listened tirelessly to her talking about trivial things, and then lazily commented that the life there was quite colorful.

When it came time to check the scores, Huo Lishen and Qiu Xin nervously surrounded Xuan Li, watching her calmly enter the test admission ticket number, and then press the query button.

"715?" Qiu Xin was a little dazed when she saw the total score, and asked Huo Lishen beside her, "Is this more or less?"

Huo Lishen's expression changed from shock to surprise, "A full score of 750, 715 must be a lot! This score is more than enough for Qingbei!"

As soon as the results were announced, the reporters and the media rang up the phone number of the Academic Affairs Office of No. [-] Middle School to ask for Xuanli's address.

But Xie Duan knew that Xuan Li didn't like to be disturbed, so he replied one by one that she was not in Kyoto now.

Xuan Ran's grades have always been poor, and he can only get a score of [-] in the exam.

"You don't even get half of Xiaoli's grades," Xuan Zhiyuan said with a headache, "Fortunately, you can still go to college."

Xuan Ran didn't take it seriously, "Does grades matter? Obviously, Grandpa, you said before that even if we don't study, the assets of the Xuan family are enough to support us for several lifetimes."

"This is not the reason for you to dawdle!" The Xuan family has always been a scholarly family, but there is someone like Xuan Ran who doesn't like reading, which makes Xuan Zhiyuan very angry but helpless.

Jiang Cheng was not surprised when he found out about Xuan Li's grades, so he transferred [-] yuan to her casually.

She looked at the transfer, but didn't answer it for a long time.

"This is my brother rewarding you, take it."

Xuan Li looked at the seven-digit balance of the bank card, "Jiang Cheng, I don't need money."

His chuckle sounded from the other side of the phone, "Why, Grandpa Xuan opened your own card for you and paid 200 million in it, so you feel rich?"

She asked carefully: "Isn't 200 million too much?"

"Compared to my [-], it's indeed a lot. If you don't accept it, my brother will be unhappy."

Xuanli had no choice but to click accept.

She lived in Misty Rain Town for a month, and soon it was time to return to the capital.

Jiang Cheng also happened to return to Kyoto from City A during the summer vacation, and said he would come to pick her up personally.

Xuanli packed her luggage in the morning and waited for him to arrive in the afternoon.

But I didn't expect that the weather was still sunny during the day, and it rained heavily in the afternoon.

She stood anxiously at the intersection with an umbrella waiting for him, but it was three o'clock as agreed before, but she didn't see the familiar Lamborghini for a long time.

Qiu Xin waited at home for a long time, worried that she was alone, so she came out to look for her in a raincoat.

"Little pear, go back first. You are not in good health, and it is raining heavily, and you will get wet easily even if you hold an umbrella."

Xuan Li stood stubbornly under the street sign, shook her head, "Aunt Qiu, but he hasn't come yet..."

"It's raining so heavily now, maybe he has slowed down." Qiu Xin pulled her wrist and persuaded, "Go back first, he will definitely come to your house to look for you when he arrives."

She couldn't resist Qiu Xin, so she could only walk back to No. 28 Xiaoyu Hutong.

Xuanli didn't know how many times she turned on her phone to check the news, the latest conversation with Jiang Cheng was at eleven o'clock in the morning.

【Okay, let me pick you up in the afternoon】

Every minute that passed, her heart became more tormented.

Until there was a rush of footsteps outside, Xuanli got up and went out.

It was Huo Li who rushed back in the rain. He looked at Xuanli for a while, and finally opened his mouth.

"A landslide occurred on Zixuan Road leading to the town, and now the road is completely blocked."

Xuan Li's heart was half cold, and she held Huo Lishen's hand tightly, with a pleading tone. "Uncle Huo, can you take me there?"

"Nonsense!" He said with a sullen face and tone of voice, "You don't know what's going on outside? You're going to die if you go out!"

Seeing her pale face, Huo Lishen slowed down his tone, "Now a search and rescue team has been sent to clear the road, so you can just wait at home with peace of mind."

Xuan Li has never felt so flustered, "But Jiang Cheng may have an accident, I don't worry about it."

"What's the use of you going? You can't even move a rock." Qiu Xin persuaded from the side, "Jiang Cheng is an auspicious man, so he will be fine."

Huo Lishen sighed, "If you're really worried, I'll go over there to see the situation."

Qiu Xin could only advise: "Be careful on the road."

Xuan Li stared at the door without blinking, but after an hour, there was still no one at the door.

If something happened to Jiang Cheng on the way because he came to pick her up, she thought she would never forgive herself in this life.

After more than an hour, Huo Li came back drenched.

Xuan Li stood up full of hope, then sat back disappointed.

"Xiaoli, I still want to tell you something," he said in a heavy tone, "the search and rescue personnel did find a car over there, it was an orange Lamborghini. The body was deformed by the big rocks, as for the people... "

She couldn't believe it and asked: "Where are people?"

"I haven't found anyone, but I'm afraid it's a bad luck."

Huo Lishen patted her on the shoulder, trying to comfort her, "Xiao Li, maybe he threw the car out a long time ago."

Xuanli can't hear anything now, there is a buzzing sound like radio waves in her ears, and her eyes are pitch black.

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