What surprised Yuyang Universe's cosmic will the most was that this "system" could release a power of rules that suppressed itself.

Within the scope covered by the power of this rule, the control of the will of the universe is minimal.

Before the will of the universe could react, the alien visitor asked the "system" to make a batch of low-profile imitations of the "system", also called the system, and numbered them.

This batch of imitations of the low-profile version of the system was selected by the extraterrestrial visitor to bind some resentful souls into contracts and become "taskers".

After that, I don’t know how that person fooled me. These souls who called themselves “taskers” began to travel to various small worlds, receiving commissions from souls, obsessions, or remnants who accidentally bumped into them. , the "taskers" will let their own system pass the entruster's appeal to the "system" of the extraterrestrial visitor.

After a certain judgment, the "system" feels that the entruster's request can be agreed, and then backtracks the time of the entruster's world, and then allows the "tasker" who accepted the entrustment to possess the entruster at that time point, Help clients achieve their demands.

When to go back specifically depends on the client's own requirements and the amount of remuneration paid to make a comprehensive decision.

Every time a commission is completed, the client's grievance will be automatically eliminated, and the negative impact on the small world will also be reduced simultaneously.

And the negative impact of each small world has been reduced, and the burden on the original core of Yuyang universe has also been correspondingly reduced.

After Yuyang Universe's cosmic will realized this, although its vigilance had not completely disappeared, it silently opened all kinds of back doors for that visitor from space.

But as the extraterrestrial visitor recovers from his injuries, Cosmic Will feels that the final battle between them is imminent.

It's a pity that the hidden danger of that visitor from space has always existed, and it is the second biggest crisis that Yuyang Universe is facing after the period of extinction of reincarnation.

And as the organization grows it is pushed back further and further.

Ever since, the Yanyi Divine Realm was born out of nowhere.

No, the ability accumulated by that alien visitor through countless years is still eating away at the original core of Yuyang Universe bit by bit.

Originally, they planned to help the two of them after the variable had grown up, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

But with the help of good neighbors and the existence of that variable, there is still a half chance of surviving. The price is that I can only become the contractor of that variable in the form of a spirit body, and I am no longer free under the control of that variable; The Yuyang universe will be integrated with the Liyuan universe.

Strong resentment and remorse hit her heart, completely annihilating the last sliver of rationality of the alien!
"Ah! I can't get it, so don't think about it! Since you don't want to be controlled by me, then die together! Hahaha!"

Compared with the organization formed by visitors from beyond the sky, the rules of Yanyi Shenjing are more stringent, and the various systems are more complete, and the results achieved are naturally better.

There is a problem here first.

In order to make the period of extinction of reincarnation come later, the will of the universe wanted to imitate the method of that visitor from space, and also created an organization to continue to deal with the negative effects of grievances and evil forces in various small worlds.

Seeing this, the extraterrestrial visitors who had already imprinted their own origin into the core of the universe’s origin had no choice but to kill the goose and take the eggs, destroying the organization with their own hands, and using the imitation of the low-profile system to forcibly devour all taskers.

The energy that can be devoured and recovered did not achieve his purpose.

Fortunately, the Yan Yihuan of a similar system that I made was obtained by a variable in the great universe next door, Li Yuan. Get rid of the crisis of the period of extinction.

Since the emergence of the organization, the cosmic will of Yuyang Universe has noticed that the period of extinction of reincarnation seems to be delayed.

The cosmic will of Yuyang Universe naturally does not want its original core to be devoured by aliens, so as to completely control Yuyang Universe.

As a last resort, Yuyang Universe's cosmic will had to temporarily put this matter aside.

If he is suppressed by the aliens again this time, the original core of Yuyang universe will be completely swallowed!

The will of the universe was overjoyed, and just wanted to get in touch with the leader of the organization—the alien visitor to express his gratitude, when that person actually tried to steal the original core of Yuyang universe!
Fortunately, the vigilance of the will of the universe has not let go, and it responds immediately when it detects something wrong, controlling the original core of the universe and launching a riot.

Even, he himself was seriously injured by the riot at the core of the universe, and had to fall into a deep sleep.

But the counterattack of Yuyang Universe's will was too powerful, and the energy of the original essence and blood was exhausted in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the "system" of that visitor from space is powerful enough, even if the will of the universe tries every means, it cannot break through the protection of the "system" and directly kill that visitor from space.

This cry of grief resounded through all the small worlds of the Yuyang universe, and all creatures, whether enlightened or not, could clearly feel the unwillingness, remorse, despair, and even a trace of nostalgia mixed in this cry of grief...

The crisis brought about by that alien visitor forced Yuyang Universe's cosmic will to fight desperately!
The worst result of oneself is to collapse early.

Seeing that cracks appeared in the forbidden network, the alien finally understood that today either you die or I die!
Even, with the cosmic will of Yuyang Universe's counterattack, the one who died is very likely to be himself!

A mouthful of original essence and blood was spurted out by the alien, trying to use his original essence and blood to strengthen the restraint.

And the previous actions of the aliens also had an impact on Yuyang Universe.

It didn't take long for that visitor from space to create a mysterious organization called "Organization", which specializes in dealing with grievances in various small worlds inside the Yuyang universe, in order to obtain the soul power, power of faith, and merit of the client. Wait for energy.

With a decision, Yuyang Universe's cosmic will took advantage of the extraterrestrial visitor's unpreparedness, and suddenly did not hesitate to self-mutilate, directly releasing all the energy of the original core of Yuyang Universe that he could control, and impacted the restriction set by the extraterrestrial visitor's "system".

The originally delayed reincarnation period has been brought forward a bit. Although it is still delayed compared to before the appearance of the alien, the delay is not much.

"Not good! It's the voice of the mysterious man!"

"Why isn't he dead yet? This deity feels a strong crisis!"

"Is it possible?"


The top powers in the Yuyang universe who can communicate with the core of the original universe realized that something was wrong, but they had no time to react, and the small world in the Yuyang universe began to shake violently.

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