The audience in the time-space live studio expressed their appreciation for Guan Mingxin's approach.

Guan Mingxin saw it, but didn't take it seriously.

It was Master Xuan's joking words that caught Guan Mingxin's attention.

Are you about to get another big chance?

What kind of opportunity is considered a great opportunity?

Is it the overall opening of Vientiane Space, or is it another mutation of Shenlongling?

After thinking for a while, Guan Mingxin gave up.

No matter what kind of great opportunity it is, cultivation is the most important right now.

Since the four puppets were recognized by Guan Mingxin, the game system actually defaulted that when they picked wild vegetables and fruits and spiritual treasures, they could also gain experience, and it was counted in Guan Ming's heart.

Although the four puppets don't know the game's exclusive skill collection technique, they are very proficient in using the collection technology of the cultivation world. Every wild vegetable, wild fruit and spiritual treasure they collect is intact.

Guan Mingxin, who was immersed in the basics of cultivation, did not know that his game experience value was constantly increasing.

Even if each increase is 1 point or 2 points, the highest is no more than 10 points, but the four puppets have no physical limitations, and do not need to eat, and if they continue to accumulate, the growth rate is not slow.

"Huh? Why did Duoduo grocery store cancel the restrictions today?"

Qiang Yan encountered a first-order zombie today, and the fight took a little longer, which delayed the best time to snap up, and it was almost noon when she logged into the free trading platform.

I thought I couldn't buy it anymore, but I just subconsciously pressed the buy button, but I never thought that a prompt to pay actually popped up!
You must know that Duoduo’s grocery store will be updated at 10 o’clock every day, and the part that is open for purchase will be sold out in less than [-] minutes.

Qiang Yan is one of the loyal customers who rush to buy every day, and she forced the exclamation to her lips. Qiang Yan was afraid that others would find out, so she bought today's share quickly and went offline.

Qiang Yan is a new single mother, her twins are only five months old.

Since the food before the gamification was all spoiled, her breast milk has been continuously reduced due to lack of food, and it is not enough for the two babies to eat.

The chubby little faces of the twins were rapidly diminishing, even if Qiang Yan saved the rations and turned them into a paste to feed the baby, it would not be enough.

Seeing that the baby's hungry spirit was sluggish, Duoduo grocery store suddenly appeared!
Qiang Yan, who was about to despair, immediately used all the copper coins on her body to buy wild vegetables and fruits as if grabbing the last straw.

Unexpectedly, the wild vegetables and fruits in Duoduo grocery store contain so much energy, the two babies are full after just taking a sip of the juice!

Even as an adult herself, she was full after eating only three wild vegetables.

What surprised Qiang Yan even more was that after two hours, she felt the faint pain of engorged breasts again.

Qiang Yan suppressed the excitement in her heart, and hurriedly hugged a baby in one hand and fed them at the same time.

When the babies sucked greedily, the strength was so strong that even Qiang Yan felt pain.

But it is this kind of pain that makes Qiang Yan know that all this is not an illusion.

Tears burst out of my eyes instantly!

On the second day of the gamification of the world, the fiancé who was originally in love with each other never came back when he went out once.

Qiang Yan really wanted to tell herself that the man might have encountered danger and passed away unfortunately, but the strange eyes of the neighbors and the way they discussed in a low voice made it difficult for the sensitive Qiang Yan to deceive herself.

After waiting for a week, Qiang Yan, who used a baby carrier to attach the two babies in front of her, went out to search for supplies. When she witnessed the man hugging a gentle and delicate woman who looked like a lotus in water, all her doubts were answered. answer.

After staring at that person for a long time, until the person's body became obviously stiff, Qiang Yan closed her eyes tightly, turned around and left decisively.

Qiang Yan is a very beautiful woman, she is the magnificent and coquettish type, completely different from the woman that the man is hugging.

It was the man who stalked her so hard that her heart was touched, and the two of them went through the arduous experience of starting a business from scratch together. Qiang Yan thought that the relationship between them was indestructible.

Unexpectedly, the cruel reality broke the self-deception she had been unwilling to face.

Looking back now, in fact, that person's attitude was different as early as after his unexpected pregnancy.

While they were discussing the various matters of the wedding, something happened to the company, and the man used it as an excuse to stay away from home all the time, and Qiang Yan reacted extremely strongly because she was pregnant with twins, so she didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things.

When the pregnancy reaction slowed down, it was more than five months pregnant. At this time, the belly bulge was very obvious, and it was not suitable to wear a wedding dress at all, so the wedding had to be postponed temporarily.

When that person forced Yan to agree to postpone the wedding date, his face obviously relaxed a lot.

Next, that person naturally continued to be "busy" with the company's affairs.

Even if his fiancée gave birth, he didn't let him stay in the hospital for a while.

At that time, Qiang Yan was not sad or disappointed.

But looking at the two babies beside her, Qiang Yan had no choice but to suppress the negative emotions in her heart, and put all her mind on the babies.

Maybe it was out of anger, or if she felt something, Qiang Yan called her confidant on the day she entered the confinement center, and secretly sold her part of the shares to the third shareholder in the company.

With this money, I bought a small hill in my hometown, and urgently built a closed intelligent ecological farm.

Because the price was much higher than the market price, the workers only took 20 days to complete the farm that was forced to be completed in one month.

Most of the remaining money was deposited in the names of the two babies, and a small part was used to purchase various baby products and stored in the underground storage room of the farm.

When doing all this at the beginning, Qiang Yan had a strong sense of urgency.

The man hadn't noticed that Qiang Yan had sold the part of the shares in hand, and he called from time to time to express how busy he was, and he was working hard for the future of their mother three.

Qiang Yan originally planned to take the babies back to their hometown when they were half a year old.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the world has become gamified.

Everything related to electronics has disappeared, and companies are even more in name only.

By now, Qiang Yan was actually relieved.

Although most of the things I stored in my hometown should have decayed and disappeared, the original ecological seeds purchased by the farm should have stayed.

Since the opening of Duoduo Grocery Store, Qiang Yan has been scrambling to buy every day.

Not only did she use her player identity information to buy, she even bought the two babies.

The most user-friendly setting of Miracle Games is the 100% protection mechanism for children under the age of ten.

The child's personal panel is connected to the guardian's personal panel by default by the game, and the guardian can use the three functions of the child's package, mail, and free trading platform.

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