Next came Jiujiu and Wuyou.

The next moment, the main control brain of the frozen sealing cabin activated a certain setting, accompanied by a powerful force of rules, all of Guan Mingxin's memories were temporarily sealed.

At the same time, the puppet clone carrying Guan Mingxin's consciousness was also imprisoned by the sudden surge of transparent liquid energy.

Not long after, all the liquid energy condensed into solid again.

At first glance, it looks like human-shaped amber.

"Your Highness, come back"

"Boss wake up"

"My lord, where are you?"

"My child, my child"

"Master don't die, woo woo woo"

Different titles, different calls, but expressing the same prayer, hope, and expectation, one by one came into Guan Mingxin's consciousness, impacting, longing for
However, what carried Guan Mingxin's consciousness was only half of her consciousness, which was also wrapped and sealed by a huge layer of pure solid energy.

As for the avatar puppet that carries this half of the consciousness, it is a dead thing, and it is motionless. It stops breathing and has no pulse.

Without the support of his body and soul, Guan Mingxin's newly awakened consciousness, after all, was unable to bear the erosion of these sounds, and in desperation, he fell into a coma again.

Just when this wave of calls from the unknown was about to disappear, Guan Mingxin's consciousness suddenly fluctuated inexplicably, making those callers ecstatic, and wanted to convey more words, but the transmission channel was closed. You can only wait for enough energy to be turned on again.
The call disappeared for a long time before a thread of spiritual consciousness separated and directed towards the previous transmission channel:

"Who is it? Calling me"

It's a pity that the transmission channel that has exhausted its energy and cannot be opened blocks the passage of this spiritual consciousness, and finally dissipates helplessly.

And Guan Mingxin's consciousness was forced to quiet down again.

No one noticed that just after Guan Mingxin's spiritual thread was separated, a human figure with a height of only about ten centimeters suddenly appeared in the pure solid energy that imprisoned Guan Mingxin's puppet clone.

The human figure is not solid, showing a semi-illusory pale gold, exuding a faint soft pale golden halo, and the halo extends a thin line of light, passing through the flesh-body, connecting with the sleeping Guan Mingxin's consciousness.

That is the spirit body that Wuji has kept specially, claiming to be the accompanying spirit of the petitioner.

Of course, [-]% of the energy in that Dao Ling's body was also drawn by Wuji to ensure that the other party would not be able to make any trouble.

The gears of fate have turned and no one can stop it.

Time flies, Guan Mingxin and Wuyou are wandering in the ocean of knowledge that Jiujiu forcibly instilled by the main control brain of the frozen sealed cabin.

Just like the original petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, only missing the step of body remodeling.

The continuous special energy was still transmitted to Guan Mingxin's consciousness along the light, and was transmitted back to Wuji by Wuyou through the special transmission channel between himself and Wuji.

After being tested by Wuji, it was poured into Guan Mingxin's real body.

Among them, most entered the Zifu space.

A part of the energy diffused to all parts of Guan Mingxin's body, slowly but continuously purifying the blood vessels, improving the physique, and strengthening the muscles and bones.
What no one noticed was that after Wuyou and Wuji acted as energy transfer stations, under the action of Gongxi Yiyan's original energy, they slowly moved towards the Xinghan World, which was drifting towards the Baizhan Realm, and suddenly accelerated .

And as the distance keeps getting closer, the speed is also increasing synchronously.

The two worlds that originally took decades, or even hundreds of years, to meet each other, judging from the current situation, in at most ten years, the world of Xinghan will inevitably integrate into the world of Baizhan just like the world of Linhe back then.

Besides, at the moment, the phantom spirit body is almost unable to hold on.

"Master, Ling'er is about to dissipate, and you are finally about to recover!

I hope that the master will not repeat the same mistakes again this time, and will not be soft-hearted again.
so tired.
Ling'er can't hold it anymore
everyone is waiting for you
Have that mighty king as your new companion
Linger is very happy.
very happy.
Linger sleeps first
so tired
so tired"

The immature voice was transmitted to Guan Mingxin's consciousness along the light, and as the last words faded away, the half-illusory pale golden figure also began to disappear.

And the dissipated energy quickly entered Guan Mingxin's consciousness.

At the same time, Wuji, who was staying behind in the Baizhan Realm, suddenly changed his expression, and immediately used his original power to appear in the frozen seal cabin, blocking the last very dazzling light that was about to rush into Guan Mingxin's consciousness in time. point.

That is the original core of "Ling'er".

If Wuji hadn't appeared, "Ling'er" would have sacrificed himself to fulfill Guan Mingxin.

While Wuji put it into his original core and cultivated it, he couldn't help but complain. :
"It's really nonsense. Could it be possible that the master can survive without your little energy?"

Although the tone was full of disgust, that gentle movement still revealed Wuji's true emotions.
When Wuji took Guan Mingxin into the frozen seal cabin for the first time, he noticed the existence of "Ling'er".

Originally, Wuji wanted to devour "Ling'er" directly, but when Wuji was about to make a move, a sudden emotion surged into his heart.

Intuition tells Wuji that this "linger" is very important to his little master.

Immediately, after Wuji's careful inspection, it was confirmed that "Ling'er" did not have the slightest malice towards his little master and could help, so Wuji gave up the idea of ​​devouring "Ling'er".

But he never thought that "Ling'er", who had [-]% of his energy drawn, would even use up the remaining energy to assist Guan Mingxin in the following days.

Just when Guan Mingxin's consciousness was about to wake up, "Ling'er" directly dissipated the origin of the spirit body by himself, and completely gave up on himself!
Even though Wuji personally blocked it, he still couldn't keep "Ling'er" in the end.

It is only because "Ling'er"'s only remaining spiritual intelligence, when sensing the energy of Wuji's original core, actively dissipated the spiritual intelligence without waiting for Wuji's reaction, and merged with Wuji's original core.

When Wuji noticed it, it was too late, so he had to let "Ling'er" disappear completely.

Seeing the end of the matter, Wuji could only sigh, and once again used his original power, he returned to the Baizhan Realm in an instant.

As a space spirit of a small world, even though the small world of the body has not been unsealed, Wuji can still travel between the Baizhan World and the Xinghan World in an instant after paying a certain price.

But Wuji doesn't intend to tell his little master about this.

Not long after Wuji went back, when the last bit of knowledge was integrated by Guan Mingxin's consciousness, she remembered the question when she first woke up in a trance:
"who am I?"

The day before yesterday, my mother-in-law came back. Because of gastric cancer surgery, she had to eat at least six meals a day, and had to keep an eye on her health. Now, my coding time was compressed again...

Unexpectedly, when I woke up this morning, I felt unwell, and by 5 pm, I already had a fever.This is really a leak in the house and it rains all night.

No, today's codewords can't go on, I have pre-booked the chapters to be published after 0 o'clock, I have to go to rest, my body can't bear it anymore

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