Apart from the newly bound personal optical brain, the only active ones now are an anonymous card with only [-] star coins, two sets of very ordinary changes of clothes, and a box of nutritional supplements that are only enough for one month.

Norton Heywood understood the reason why his parents did this, just to motivate him not to give up on himself, to live strong and to use his own hands to create his own future.

Of course, those seals were not impossible to break by force. He knew that there was a way to break all the seals directly, and he could get those things now.

But Norton Heywood doesn't want to disappoint his parents, you must know that he used to be the pride of his parents!
So now, in the future, and forever, Norton Heywood will always be their pride!
Norton Heywood rented a [-]-square-meter hut in a residential area in a slum area with his [-]-star unregistered card for ten years, and it became his current "home".

Then, in order to solve the economic problems, Norton Heywood began to apply for a part-time job
However, a month is coming to an end, and today is the third time he has been dismissed for the same reason, that is, his skills are too poor!
Norton Haywood was really getting discouraged.

Originally, Norton Heywood thought that he would not be able to practice even if he had no talent for cultivation now, but with his genius mind, it would be no problem for him to take these simple jobs.

But in fact, the first job was simply to take care of the vegetables in the field, and he was fired after only three days.

The reason was that the vegetables in the vegetable garden wilted a lot inexplicably within three days, although Norton Heywood strictly followed the requirements of the master.

In fact, before he knew it, the pendant was secretly absorbing the free wood energy from the vegetables to heal his body.

The second job was to deliver express mail, and he was fired after only half a day's work because Norton Heywood had no means of transportation and could only walk on foot.

No way, he "has no money" to buy transportation, even the lowest-level solo flyboard!

This third job is as a cleaner in a small repair company, and I have been doing it for fifteen days.

I thought I could keep doing it, but today I was told that I was fired. Even if I paid three months more salary, Norton Haywood was very sad.

Just because Norton Heywood couldn't help it, he modified an inconspicuous defect in an optical brain that was sent with itchy hands. Although the performance of the modified optical brain improved by no less than 70%, the boss didn't understand!
Looking at the optical brain that has changed a lot, I subconsciously think that Norton Heywood's technology is not good, it is just cleaning, and he can actually "break" the optical brain...

The decadent Norton Heywood continued to move slowly, and after another five alleys, he would reach the alley where his den was located. Suddenly, at the corner of the alley, he saw a petite figure curled up.

The moment he saw that figure, Norton Heywood thought of himself now, and out of an impulse to feel sorry for each other, coupled with the inexplicable fluctuations in his blood, he walked over.

When he got closer, he realized that it was just a child who looked like he was only five years old at most. His messy long silver hair was scattered wantonly, and the immature face against it made him even more petite and pitiful.

Norton Heywood stepped forward to pick up the child who was obviously fainted from hunger (Guan Mingxin: Where is the fainted from hunger? He was clearly sleeping!!!), the child’s breathing was so weak (Guan Mingxin: I didn’t! I didn’t !), which forced him to speed up and run towards his den.

That's right, the child discovered by Norton Heywood was none other than Guan Mingxin.

When Norton Heywood approached, Guan Mingxin noticed it, but out of an inexplicable feeling, Guan Mingxin didn't get up, and still pretended to be asleep.

I never thought, but Norton Heywood regarded him as a coma, or the kind of hunger fainting!

Norton Heywood was afraid that the child in his arms would die before he could take out the nutritional supplements and feed it.

After returning to his little den, Norton Heywood carefully placed the child on his little bed.

Turning around, he took out the few nutritional supplements he had left from the simple small refrigerator, and being ruthless, Norton Heywood directly fed three tubes to the child.

Fortunately, the child still has the instinct to swallow, which shows that the problem is not as serious as it seems.

If Guan Mingxin knew what he was thinking, he would definitely go crazy.

If she doesn't swallow it quickly, she will almost be choked to death by that daredevil Norton Heywood, okay? !

At this time, Guan Mingxin already regretted that because of that inexplicable feeling, she pretended to be asleep on the spur of the moment, which led to the embarrassing situation now.

Right now, whether to open his eyes immediately has become a question that Guan Mingxin struggles with.

But Norton Heywood didn't notice anything unusual. After feeding Guan Mingxin the nutritional supplements, he moved a chair in front of him, and waited for Guan Mingxin to wake up while surfing the star network.

Norton Haywood originally wanted to go to Starnet to check if there was any new job recruitment information-information, and browse the forum Starbo or something.

But there was always a restless emotion in his heart, which repeatedly stirred his heartstrings, making him unable to screen the information calmly.

Irritability, entanglement, and an inexplicable and inexplicable traction really disturbed his interest in surfing the star network.

Turning off the virtual interface above the optical brain watch, Norton Heywood felt a little bored. When he got up and wanted to pour a glass of water, he accidentally glanced at the child on the bed, and his heart skipped a beat.

His eyes were in a daze for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had poured a basin of warm water like a ghost, picked up a towel, walked to the bed, and wiped the child.

He carefully scrubbed the child's face, neck, and hands in sequence.

And after finishing these things, his restless mood disappeared inexplicably!

"It's amazing!"

Looking at the child's dirty clothes, Norton Heywood twitched his lips mockingly, since he had already done it, he should simply do it thoroughly.

Just when Norton Heywood was about to take off the child's clothes, his wrist was suddenly grabbed, with a very light force, but strangely made him feel an irresistible force.

Norton Haywood lowered his eyes, looked at the little hand that was holding his wrist, and let go of the child's button.

At the same time, that little hand also dropped down.

Norton Haywood immediately looked up at the child.

There was a moment of amazement and stupefaction, but after his eyes touched the coldness in the child's pair of purple star eyes, he woke up, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth:
"You wake up, just wake up."

It's not that Norton Heywood is not curious about the identity of the child, as the identity of the child can be seen just from the clothes on his body.

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