Chapter 301 Fubao, are you okay?
Hearing her little master's voice mixed with fear that she hadn't even noticed, Wuji sighed, and shared the whole process of the accident she perceived with Guan Mingxin in the form of video.

From the time when Guan Mingxin's puppet avatar was practicing in Xinghan World, Wuji brought his real body back in time, to the completion of the rectification in the New Hundred Wars Realm, all the scenes that Wuji perceived at that time were shared with Guan Mingxin without reservation.

Guan Mingxin was so shocked by these scenes that he couldn't recover for a long time.

I was actually the fuse that caused this accident? ! !
It's unbelievable!

She Guan Mingxin, what virtue and ability can she take up this "important position"? !

If it wasn't for Wuji's constant protection of Guan Mingxin, she might really lose her Dao heart because she couldn't bear this kind of cognition.

It's not that Wuji can't hide the truth, but after careful consideration, Wuji still chose to tell the truth.

With his own protection, the little master should be able to accept this truth and greatly improve his mood.

But if you choose to hide it, it is indeed better for the little master at present, but this "good" is very short-lived, and it is uncertain when it will turn into "bad".

You know, there are only five people in the entire New Hundred Wars Realm, oh no, if Wuji is counted, there are six creatures who have not been affected by the new Tiandao's memory modification.

As the direct participants of this incident, Gongxi Yiyan, Gong'an Ran, and Du Xinghai can be exempted from the influence, and naturally they can perfectly hide this from others.

After all, they desperately want to truly integrate into the Baizhan Realm and become complete aborigines, so as not to be captured by the high-latitude space-time enemies in their bodies, or even the high-latitude space-time breath on their soul bodies.

As for another exception, Guan Mingchen, Wuji would not be worried.

Isn't it normal for an ultimate villain who was able to stir up troubles in his previous life and almost wiped out the protagonist group after being reborn, to perfectly hide his abnormality?
As for her Wuji herself, as the companion spirit of the little master, she will not be seen by outsiders most of the time, and coupled with the cover of her own small world, it is even less likely to be exposed.

Then only Guan Mingxin might not be able to hide his abnormality perfectly.

To ask why?
Wasn't it because Guan Mingxin's memory was sealed?
Before the seal, in Guan Mingxin's cognition, she was a god-level pharmacist in the interstellar era, a mature thinking adult who had experienced all kinds of situations in the world, even if she was murdered by someone, she was lucky enough to be pregnant. She can also perfectly hide her anomaly with the complete memory of her previous life, just to survive better in this life.

But due to various reasons, her previous life memories were basically sealed, except for the part related to cultivation, which was deliberately modified.

Without the thinking guidance of an adult in her past life memory, because of the early awakening of the special blood, as a Guan Mingxin whose real age has not passed the five-year-old barrier, her thinking logic will inevitably be affected by the special blood and make her childish.

If Wuji had concealed the truth of this incident, maybe Guan Mingxin would really be exposed in front of others.

Not to mention, just by her side, there is someone who will make her subconsciously defenseless, and that is the elder brother of the petitioner Yu Xiaoxiao, Xuanyuan Yunyan.

It is precisely because of this that Wuji decided to share his memories without reservation after careful consideration.

As for why Wuji could perceive the whole process of the accident, and know exactly who the person who was not affected by the memory modification was, it was due to the friendship between the new Tiandao Pagoda Spirit and Guan Mingxin before the robbery.

In addition, not long ago, there was another clone of the original tower spirit who voluntarily gave up on himself and merged with Wuji, and thus became another original tower spirit clone of the new tower spirit, and regarded it as his own family.

As long as the new tower spirit does not deliberately shield, Wuji can perceive everything that happens to the new tower spirit through this bond.

Of course, this kind of perception consumes infinite energy.

Wuji will not use it easily.

The reason why Wuji perceives the truth this time is because of a sudden change, Xinta Ling forgot to block Wuji's perception for a while.

And Wuji took advantage of the chaotic energy of law during the formation of the New Hundred Wars World to directly absorb the dissipated power and energy of chaotic law, and used it as the energy consumption to perceive the complete process of the new tower spirit's change.

It can be regarded as intentional and unintentional, it was just an accident.

Cannot be copied.

Otherwise, with the support of Wuji's own energy, I am afraid that even if she is exhausted, she can only perceive the beginning.

What no one knows is that the reason why the new Baizhanjie can complete the fusion and transformation so quickly is because Li Yuan, the cosmic will of the new Li Yuan universe, helped him.

The reason is that Li Yuan discovered the evil and charming man who could faintly contend with him, out of the careful thought of destroying the opponent's plan and opportunity.

Of course, most of the time, due to the restrictions of the laws of the universe, Li Yuan cannot directly interfere with that evil man.

This time, it was still a coincidence, with the help of the high-energy level power of the three Gongxi Yiyans from the high-latitude time and space.

When Guan Mingxin finally digested the shock of the truth and came back to his senses, it was already two days later.

Fortunately, the other three roommates in the same villa only thought that she was still in seclusion to stabilize her cultivation, so they cared and didn't come to disturb her, so they didn't realize the fact that Guan Mingxin had been in a daze for two days.

After regaining his senses, Guan Mingxin thanked Wuji for his protection, and immediately plunged into the fantasy realm of primordial energy to explore everything in the New Hundred Wars Realm.

Although the current Baizhan Realm is still called the Baizhan Realm, its overall area is more than a hundred times larger than before.

From bottom to top, according to the difference in energy concentration between the heaven and the earth, the New Hundred Battle Realm is divided into nine domains, namely the Mortal Yuan Domain, the Chi Yuan Domain, the Orange Yuan Domain, the Yellow Yuan Domain, the Green Yuan Domain, the Qing Yuan Domain, Blue Yuan Domain, Zi Yuan Domain, Xian Yuan Domain.

Except for special dimensional spaces such as secret realms, the entire New Hundred Wars Realm can be connected to a virtual fantasy realm of primordial energy.

The medium is all kinds of metaphysical instruments.

What shocked Guan Mingxin the most was that the New Hundred Wars Realm actually used Yuan Wu Dao as its orthodox training system!

Before Guan Mingxin checked the difference between the Yuan Wu Dao of the New Hundred Wars World and the Yuan Wu Dao of the Xinghan World, Jiujiu suddenly reminded:
"Master, someone sent you a text message, do you want to check it?"

"What? Who will send me a message at this time?"

Guan Ming was really confused.

Her memory is still stuck in the fact that she came to the unaccompanied Xinghan World in order to do the small task of Prayer Fish. When she couldn't contact her relatives for a short period of time, how could anyone in Xinghan World send a message when she was in retreat? Woolen cloth.

You must know that no matter in which cultivation-based world you are in, it is extremely immoral to interfere in any way during the retreat of others, and it will be hated by most people, so that it is an act of exclusion or even revenge.

Who is so short-sighted and would send a message at this time?

With this question in mind, Guan Mingxin clicked on the short message:

"Fubao, are you okay? Where are you now? We all miss you."

(End of this chapter)

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