Chapter 308 My brother is here
However, even so, no tester is willing to leave the Miracle Trial Space!

Even if the mouths of complaints are flying all over the sky, the testers just won't leave!

Ninety-nine percent of the testers who can now enter the Miracle Trial Space are natives of the original Xinghan world.

And because of the fact that the original Xinghan World's inner heaven and earth vitality concentration is not too high, most of them are divided into the lowest three layers of space in the New Hundred Wars Realm, that is, the Mortal Yuan Realm, Chi Yuan Realm and Orange Yuan Realm .

As a result, the miracle trial space is still spreading in a small area, and it has not attracted the attention of practitioners in high-level spaces.

But there are exceptions to this.

Guan Mingchen was the first person other than the original Xinghan world natives to discover the Miracle Trial Space.

The first time he discovered the Miracle Trial Space, Guan Mingchen had a strong premonition that as long as he entered this trial space, he would be able to meet his sister!
This is an inexplicable feeling, but Guan Mingchen does not reject it.

In normal times, 90.00% of Guan Mingchen would ignore this miracle trial space, because he has other important things to do.

Although he has been reborn, he still doesn't want to let go of those enemies in his previous life.

Coupled with the fact that there are more important people guarding him in this life, Guan Mingchen has no extra time to distract himself from other things.

But this time the premonition is related to his sister who has been dreaming for a long time, so he will definitely change his normal routine and enter the Miracle Trial Space immediately to find out what happened.

Even if it wasn't for meeting his baby sister, he had to ensure the safety of this miracle trial space. If his sister also came to try, he could still provide her with a set of effective and safe trial suggestions, right?

Of course, Guan Mingchen really wanted to complete this plan by himself, but he also knew that time waited for no one, and no one could tell when his sister would enter the Miracle Trial Space.

Maybe my sister has already gone in?
When this thought floated up in his heart, Guan Mingchen couldn't sit still.

He immediately sent a mass message to Guan's family and Guan Mingxin's blood servants about the discovery of the Miracle Trial Space with the Magic Sky Bracelet, and then entered the Miracle Trial Space.

Guan Mingxin, who was wandering around the Minglan Village in the Miracle Trial Space, didn't know that his own brother had already come to the trial space because he was worried about him.

And soon, the Guan family members and blood servants will also play one by one.

She remembered that before entering the Miracle Trial Space today, He Piaojun seemed to have said that all the members of the Mendoya Children's Academy, whether teachers, students, or other staff of the academy, had all become trialists.

This is the charm of the Miracle Trial Space.

No matter how difficult it is and how helpless it is, the testers will not be able to give up.

Unable to leave Xinshou Village, naturally he did not add friends.

Among the phantom stars on Guan Mingxin's left wrist, they belong to the function of the Miracle Trial Space. Currently, only the two functions of [Personal Panel] and [Exit Trial Space] can be used.

Therefore, even if Guan Mingxin wanted to contact other people in the Miracle Trial Space, he couldn't.

Tired of shopping, Guan Mingxin simply took out those inheritances that were regarded as tokens, and checked them one by one.
Guan Mingxin wanted to accept the inheritance knowledge first, and then cultivate and learn the inheritance while farming in Minglan village.

Anyway, Guan Mingxin didn't plan to leave Minglan Village in the short term.

What are you doing out there?

If my small body is seen by other practitioners, even if they don't know that this is their real body, they can guess that they are not very old.

Although so far, all the testers who have entered the test space have been forced into a state of no cultivation, and there should be no problem in terms of safety, but their minds are not restricted together.

At that time, if you encounter such malicious people, it would be bad to cause yourself a lot of unnecessary trouble.

After receiving all the inheritance, the weekend time in reality is also over.

In order not to worry Xuanyuan Yunyan and the others, Guan Mingxin had to suspend the study of inheritance knowledge and exit the Miracle Trial Space.

Guan Mingxin, whose body had fully recovered, washed up seriously, put on brand new clothes, and went to the living room to wait for the food to be served.

Three people in the kitchen are busy together
I don't know when, He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang, the two aristocratic sons, also abandoned the "gentlemen stay away from the kitchen" style, and would help Xuanyuan Yunyan every time they cook.

The euphemistic name is "learn cooking skills and prepare for future experience in wilderness areas".

Xuanyuan Yunyan is also a generous master. Seeing that the two of them want to learn "sincerely and sincerely", he doesn't care about it. He not only teaches them what he knows, but occasionally lets the two of them personally cook.
Guan Mingxin originally wanted to help, but the three of them agreed and disagreed.

Just imagine, a little guy with three heads, not even the height of the kitchen counter, stepping on a stool "tremblingly" picking up a "big knife" relative to her to cut vegetables, using both hands to "feed milk" Son" holds the spoon.
They couldn't help trembling all over their bodies, it was really "horrible"!
Inspired by such fantasies, no matter how "crazy" they were, they would not dare to let Guan Mingxin into the kitchen!

His request was repeatedly rejected, and Guan Mingxin felt very helpless, so he could only sit in the living room and wait "reluctantly".

I was still "indignant" in my heart: "How can I be so unbearable?
You must know that I have been sealed for many years, and the culinary knowledge gained during this period has gone to sea!
There are countless recipes!
And I have practiced each of them several times with my spiritual consciousness!
Hmph, I will show you my hand one day in the future, and then I will give you a taste, and I will not eat the rest, so that you will look down on me! "

With such a naive idea, Guan Ming began to browse the Yuan Energy Illusory Realm boredly.

Yuanneng fantasy domain is divided into world network, sub-area network, and regional network.

The largest world network covers the entire New Hundred Battles World.

There are a total of nine sub-area networks, which manage and control each level of space separately.

As for regional networks and other smaller local networks, they are the networks that different forces apply to create in order to facilitate their own management within each level of space.

Under normal circumstances, the sub-area network in the lower space cannot directly browse the sub-area network and the world network in the higher level.

But Guan Ming has Huan Xing and Jiu Jiu in his heart, so he can naturally browse the entire Yuan Energy Magic Domain.

Perhaps it is because the New Hundred Wars World has just been established, and although other creatures in the non-original Xinghan world have the help of Xin Tiandao to modify their memories, they subconsciously still do not have the habit of using the Yuan Energy Illusory Domain. It's still, and most of the active people are the natives of the original Xinghan world.

Among them, the top topic list should be "Miracle Trial Space"!
At this moment, Guan Mingxin, who was bored, browsed through the information one by one, and one of the posts caught her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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