After being dressed as the villain's sister, I just want to farm

Chapter 315 The Full Name of Cloud Fantasy Realm

The former not only lacks refining elemental power, but also does not have that special silver-gray energy particle, just ordinary elemental force.

In this way, no matter how difficult it is to practice the full version of "Nine Turns of Chaos Jue", Guan Mingxin's cultivation speed will not be much slower than that of his peers.

Even, those silver-gray energy particles are very likely to improve Guan Mingxin's combat effectiveness.

When Guan Mingxin was "trapped" by Wuji again, her three roommates were also having a hard time.

After knowing that they were very likely to enter the Miracle Trial Space with their real bodies, they unanimously accelerated the training speed of the trial characters and tried their best to speed up their cultivation.

As for fighting monsters to obtain trial points, finding aborigines to pick up tasks, and so on, they were all forgotten.

But the luck of the three of them in the Miracle Trial Space seems to be not good, and the vitality of the world in the Novice Village where they are located is not high.

At the same time, the cultivation speed is only less than one-third of the reality.

Fortunately, there was still time to make up for the time difference, so the three had no choice but to endure.

It's not that there is no way to increase the concentration of heaven and earth vitality.

But all three of them prefer not to draw attention to themselves.

No one will care about finding a corner to meditate anywhere, but if you come up with a special method to enhance the concentration of the vitality of the world to assist in cultivation, then you will be in the early stage!
In order to achieve the goal of entering the Miracle Trial Space with their real bodies as soon as possible, the three of them were so resilient that they practiced without eating, drinking, or sleeping.
It will not stop for a while until the trial character is so hungry that the body becomes weak, so that the trial bracelet issues a warning.

From the storage bracelet, he took out the barbecue that he had handled after fighting monsters a while ago, had a few mouthfuls of barbecue, and drank a sip of the stream water he found outside Novice Village.

After filling their stomachs and recuperating for a while, they started to practice crazily again, practice, practice...

Xuanyuan Yunyan was the second of the group of four in the villa to enter the Miracle Trial Space with his real body.

After all, his previous cultivation base was destroyed, and his cultivation base after re-cultivation was still too low, so after practicing with all his strength, it only took a short time to meet the conditions.

By the time Guan Mingxin woke up, it was already dawn.

This time, her spiritual consciousness was consumed too much. Now, the small lake of spiritual consciousness, which was originally one meter deep, only had a shallow layer of bottom.

This is still the result of practicing and improving a little during the period of deep sleep.

Fortunately, there is still a large amount of mental power. In the short term, if necessary, Guan Mingxin decided to use the mental power first.

But now Guan Mingxin can't care about his spiritual consciousness anymore.

She immediately used her mental power to observe the bright ball in the core of the soul.

As soon as the mental power touched the bright ball, he received a sound transmission without any emotional fluctuations:

"Welcome to the Mysterious Realm of Mysterious Spiritual Realm of Myriad Phrases and Promises. Since this world is being promoted, I cannot enter it temporarily. Please forgive me."

The sound is infinite.

But this kind of strangeness, the mechanical pronunciation without emotional fluctuations, never appeared even when he met Wuji for the first time.

Moreover, Guan Mingxin hadn't thought of the full name of Yunhuanjie for some time.

At first glance, this sounds a little strange.

Subconsciously chewing carefully the full name of Yunfanjie:

"Vientiane Promise of the Cloud Heart Mysterious Spirit Illusionary Realm, Vientiane... Wuji...

"Wanxiang Jue"... Wanxiang sect..."

"This is really an established fate!"

At this moment, a burst of familiar emotions came from the channel of the symbiotic contract that had never been broken with Wuji, so clear and refreshing, it immediately made Guan Mingxin pull back the slipping thoughts and forget the strangeness in his heart before.

But, have you really forgotten?

Only Guan Mingxin knows this.

And is that familiar emotion really infinite?
Guan Ming had doubts in his heart, but he still ignored it subconsciously.

Since the space of the Cloud Illusion Realm cannot be entered, Guan Mingxin did not force it.

As for the changes in his dantian, Guan Mingxin didn't pay much attention at all.

Anyway, it's not a bad thing.

What's more, Guan Mingxin also got the answer from Wuji about where did the Chaos Holy Orb come from.

Regarding the baby destined to belong to him, Guan Mingxin expressed that he was still very kind and pleasant.

God is so kind, God is so pleasant!
Sensing the psychological fluctuations of her master Guan Mingxin, the chaotic holy bead that has given birth to spiritual wisdom wants to cry but has no tears.
This weekend, the four of them passed away quietly while immersed in the Miracle Trial Space.

Stepping into the classroom of class 999999999 again, Guan Mingxin found that the attitude of the students towards him had obviously softened a lot.

Although no one was willing to speak to her, there was obvious recognition, curiosity, admiration and other emotions in the eyes that looked at her.

Seeing this, Guan Mingxin nodded politely to the students, then took out an exquisitely packaged gift box from his pocket.

The gift box is not big, and with her small hands, she can fully control it with one hand.

Guan Mingxin carried the gift box up to the podium, placed it on the podium, and lightly covered the gift box with his spiritual power, then turned around and returned to his seat, and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Focusing on not hearing anything outside the window, Guan Mingxin soon entered a state of ecstasy and immersion in cultivation.
Teacher Lan, who stepped on the class bell, saw the small gift box on the desk at a glance.

Wei Wei pays close attention to perceive it, but the spiritual power on the gift box dissipates at the touch of a touch.

However, Teacher Lan already knew the source of the gift box through the fluctuation of mental power.

Teacher Lan suddenly felt amused, and also felt a little interest in his heart.

I want to know what kind of apology that little guy will offer himself to replace the thousands of green energy raw stones he consumed.

But when Teacher Lan wanted to open the gift box, he keenly caught a series of hidden sights, looked up and looked around, and saw the students who were not shy about staring at the gift box in their hands.

The anticipation and curiosity in those eyes almost overflowed!
Teacher Lan grinned at everyone in a wicked way, and made a fake gesture of opening the gift box in his hands. After firmly seizing the students' attention, he quickly put away the gift box and put it in the storage utensil inside.

Immediately it caused a group of students to complain endlessly, and they cursed inwardly in disappointment, they are really too stingy!

Teacher Lan didn't care how strong their disappointment was, and with the good mood of teasing the students for a while, he went straight to the desk, chose a comfortable position, and went to the Miracle Trial Space to wander.

Now, in the reorganized New Hundred Wars World, the grades of energy minerals that have been discovered are different. In the process of forming the new law of heaven, the items related to cultivation are also given a clear grade division.

Just like energy raw stones, according to the energy level of the ore, it is divided into five major levels, from low to high, they are mortal level, spiritual level, immortal level, god level, and holy level.

Each major level is subdivided into four grades according to the amount of energy and purity. From low to high, they are lower, middle, upper, and extreme. The exchange ratio between adjacent grades is 1000.

The division of primordial energy stones is the same as that of raw energy stones.

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