Chapter 317 Crazy move
If one wants to learn all these inheritances according to Master's instructions, even if one does not master all of them, mastering the basics is necessary, but in this way, time is far from enough.

Even if he saves a lot of time in active cultivation by relying on spontaneous operation of exercises, it is still not enough!

How to solve this problem?
Either give up most of them, and only choose one or two, at most three or four.

Either the consciousness is divided, and different consciousnesses learn different skills, and finally the main consciousness summarizes and sorts them out.

And Guan Mingxin, who regards Master's words as his standard, undoubtedly chose the second option!

It's not because she is greedy to master more skills so as to improve combat effectiveness and survivability.

Guan Mingxin forced himself like this, just because he didn't want to disappoint Master Dongfang Yingdai.

In Guan Mingxin's cognition, since Master Master has left all the inheritance, it is implying that he wants to learn.

So no matter how troublesome and difficult it is, she hopes that she can fulfill Master's final request.

If Master Master knew that he only wanted to delay his young disciple's return to the sect as much as possible, and then came up with the request for her to learn all the inheritance of the Wanxiang sect, but caused the young disciple to go to a dangerous extreme, would he regret it?

In the distant Wanxiang Sect, Master Dongfang Yingdai shuddered suddenly, as if something bad about her was about to happen.

Having mastered some calculation methods, she immediately began to calculate, and the conclusion she got made her so angry that she just wanted to vomit three liters of blood:

"Oh my god, when did this deity say that I want my apprentice to learn all the inheritance words?

You little greedy child, how dare you let this deity take the blame! "

However, no matter how angry Dongfang Yingdai was, she couldn't help worrying about Guan Mingxin:


If the deity does not recite this pot, he has to recite it...

I just hope that when the young disciple chooses such an extreme way to learn inheritance, nothing will go wrong...

Who made her the chief direct disciple personally recognized by the deity?
Why!You can only bear the sins you have done yourself!
I hope you are doing well, little boy..."

Guan Mingxin didn't know that his master had great supernatural powers, and he had already guessed his plan to a good degree by calculating the secrets.

Now that he has made a decision, Guan Mingxin immediately put it into action.

Moreover, in the full version of "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art", there is a secret technique of splitting the soul, and Guan Mingxin's soul is far stronger than ordinary practitioners because of the strange experience.

In this way, both prerequisites are met, why would Guan Mingxin wait a little longer?

After returning to the villa, Guan Ming hurried back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed without thinking about dinner.

Before logging into the Miracle Trial Space, Guan Mingxin also activated the defense system that came with the bedroom, and added a few layers of defense restrictions from the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" that he had just learned.

Even the bed is no exception, it has been added layer after layer of protective measures.

After all, this secret technique of splitting the soul is very dangerous and requires an absolutely safe environment.

Although the Minglan village in the miracle trial space was the safest place for Guan Mingxin, it was in the world of the miracle trial space.

Not necessarily in reality.

It's just because she can't stay in the Miracle Trial Space forever.

Guan Mingxin has experimented, even if he enters the Miracle Trial Space with his real body, the longest time he can stay each time is only 30 days in the trial space, only three days in reality.

Maybe when her cultivation base improves, she can stay for a longer time.

But at least for now, Guan Mingxin couldn't do it.

With everything ready, Guan Mingxin still habitually came to the backyard of the original small shop of Master Shizun in Minglan Village, with his five hearts facing upwards, assuming the most standard meditation posture.

Concentrate on the soul consciousness sea, and see the consciousness body condensed by the translucent consciousness floating above the lake of spiritual power.

That is his soul, which has exactly the same appearance as his real body without any cover.

Guan Mingxin observed carefully for a while, but found nothing unusual, and then began to silently recite the secret formula.

Gradually, a transparent sword rises from the lake of mental power, from virtual to real, until it condenses into a sharp blade.

At this time, Guan Mingxin gritted his teeth, controlled the big knife, and quickly swung the knife towards the soul!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!……"

As the blade of the mental power sword was swung out, Guan Ming's heart hit the gun in pain. The unspeakable pain caused her to bleed instantly, and her expression was extremely distorted!
And her soul consciousness was like a storm in the sea, it was difficult to calm down, and the body of soul consciousness also turned into an invisible cloud, churning and rolling...

But even with such pain, when Guan Mingxin found that the split small group of souls showed signs of re-merging with the main soul, in order not to endure a knife, she had to mobilize her spiritual sense to control the small group of souls.

And urge the "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation Art" to speed up, and at the same time actively mobilize the energy particles that escape from the chaotic holy beads in the dantian and enter the sea of ​​​​soul and consciousness.

Let these energy particles heal the wounds on the soul, help condense the small group of souls, and prevent it from actively merging with the main soul.

During this process, the cloud fantasy world in the core of the soul's origin also releases colored energy particles to speed up the recovery of the soul's trauma.

After the pain eased a little, Guan Mingxin simply kept on doing nothing, and once again gathered his mental strength to make a big sword.

This time, it was even more crazy and directly condensed eleven!
Immediately afterwards, he desperately mobilized the chaotic holy bead in his dantian, and finally pulled out a thread of energy that was only one-tenth the thickness of a hair from it, and sent it into the sea of ​​consciousness along the meridians.

This milky white energy thread, fused together with the colorful energy particles from the cloud illusion world, is entangled in the main spirit cloud, firmly protecting the most central source of spirit.

Taking precautions and having no worries, Guan Ming suppressed the involuntary fear in his heart, clenched his teeth, and slashed at the different positions of the Lord's soul with eleven spiritual knives at the same time!

The pain was ten times stronger than before, and it instantly overwhelmed Guan Mingxin's psychological defenses, causing her to pass out directly.

But even in a coma, the body is still twitching and trembling, which shows how intense the pain is!
Fortunately, Guan Mingxin's subconscious mind was tenacious enough, even if he fainted from the pain, he firmly controlled the energy thread wrapped around the source of the soul and did not let go.

It is because of the protection of the energy thread that the source of the soul has not been damaged at all, and the newly split eleven groups of souls have not merged with the main soul.

Afterwards, the energy threads turned into countless energy particles, wrapping towards the separated main body and thirteen separate groups of souls, helping them slowly condense, solidify, and heal the injuries at the same time...

But with such an injury, if one is not good, it will become a permanent hidden injury, cutting off the way of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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