Shi Jiajia asked others to help pass a necklace in a regular manner. The pendant was a black star with stars wrapped in a bloody crescent moon, which had a kind of evil allure.

After the eight people were introduced, Guan Mingxin couldn't hold all the greeting gifts he received.

She had no choice but to smile at the eight people apologetically, and put them all into the storage bracelet on her right wrist.

Guan Mingxin just collected it conveniently, but didn't see clearly that after leaving the Miracle Trial Space, according to Guan Mingxin's subconscious idea, the storage bracelet turned into a simple purple wooden hollow bracelet, just like the purple lotus bracelet he got in Linhejie back then. like a bracelet.

Regarding Guan Mingxin's display of obviously unusual storage utensils in public, the other nine people all took it for granted.

Guan Ming thought to himself: It seems that the eight classmates of Brother Cheap are not ordinary!

Guan Mingxin was meant to be tempting.

In the Mortal Realm of the New Hundred Wars Realm, high-end storage devices are still very rare.

Generally, the storage bags and storage stones that can be easily identified with blood are used. Although these storage devices are small in size, they can be carried around, and even the storage stones can be directly embedded in the Yuanxun Dharma Tool.

However, this type of storage device has a certain service life.

When the time is up, the internal storage space will be closed, and enough energy must be provided to start it again, and the largest internal space is no more than ten cubic meters.

Low-level storage devices such as storage backpacks, storage boxes, and storage cabinets that do not need to be identified are bulky.

There is also no service life, as long as it is not deliberately damaged, it can be used forever.

However, the safety is not as good as the previous storage device that needs to be recognized.

As for the storage utensils that must use spiritual knowledge or mental power to cooperate with blood to identify the owner, for example, the worst storage bag has the smallest internal space of [-] cubic meters, and the safety is quite high. Even if it is lost or taken away, As long as the other party's spiritual knowledge or mental strength is not higher than his own, the things in the storage bag will not be taken away by the other party.

Correspondingly, storage rings, storage bracelets and other storage devices with higher security are naturally more advanced, and they are almost invisible in the Mortal Realm.

This is also the reason why Xuanyuan Yunyan kept hiding his amulet so that no one would notice it.

After all, his amulet itself is a special storage jade pendant with its own invisibility, defense, and body nourishing functions, so its preciousness can be imagined.

In order to better cover up, he even secretly bought a nawu stone as soon as he had money.

Xuanyuan Yunyan thought he was hiding it well, but he didn't know that Guan Mingxin had noticed it as early as the day he brought the Nawu Stone back.

He even witnessed the whole process of him embedding the Nawu stone in the hidden button of the Yuanxun magic weapon.

Of course, Xuanyuan Yunyan gave Guan Mingxin the customized version of Yuanxun magic weapon, which came with a Nawu stone, which saved him from buying a Nawu stone separately.

But now Xuanyuan Yunyan can also enter the Miracle Trial Space with his real body.

This was the conclusion Guan Mingxin drew from sensing the residual space energy on his bed when he was packing his personal belongings.

However, it seems that Xuanyuan Yunyan has not yet found a way to completely integrate the trial characters.

Otherwise, the storage bracelet on the right wrist of the trial character will inevitably appear in the same position on his real body.

Yes, at this time, Guan Mingxin realized belatedly that he had actually brought the things in the Miracle Trial Space into reality.

Even the storage bracelet that was originally a trial character in the virtual illusion has materialized, appearing on the right wrist of his real body, but with a different appearance, it has become the former purple lotus bracelet.

While Guan Ming was shocked in his heart, he also felt that it should be taken for granted.

After all, the Miracle Trial Space is a real world, isn't it?
At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the private room, interrupting Guan Mingxin's thoughts.

Guo Xinlang, who was sitting at the door, pressed a button on the dining table and said, "Please come in."

After getting permission, the service puppet who pushed the door in delivered a sumptuous meal, which was packed to the brim and set up a table.

"Quick grab!"

Following someone's yelling, a "dining table war" broke out.

The light of the knife and the shadow of the fork, the flying spoon and the chopsticks flashed, and the hands were raised, and the battle was fierce.

But even though the "war" was fierce, the cups, dishes, and basins on the table were not affected and remained intact.

Only the food in it is rapidly decreasing.

Guan Ming was stunned by their actions, a little dumbfounded, and forgot that he was hungry.

When I came back to my senses, I found that the plates in front of me were full, and there were every kind of dish. One bowl contained broth that exudes a tempting aroma, and the other bowl was piled high with Fried rice, and there is juice and fruit pulp that is about to overflow in the cup...

This meal was the happiest Guan Mingxin had eaten since he was forced to perform the small task of praying fish.

These classmates and new friends of Xuanyuan Yunyan won Guan Mingxin's favor just by their actions at the dinner table.

Naturally, there are quite a few impressions.

Their unintentional actions completely wiped away the negative emotions in Guan Ming's heart because of He Piaojun and Kong Qinglang.

After the pleasant dinner, Guan Mingxin followed the nine members of Class [-] and [-] to the public training ground of Manduya Children's College.

Guan Mingxin was quite curious about the building in front of him, which exuded a fierce fighting spirit from afar.

This is the first time she has seen the training place of Yuan Wushi in Yuan Xinghan World with her own eyes.

Although, this is just a crude training ground for minors in a children's academy in a remote star field.

But for a "bumpkin" like Guan Mingxin, the sharpness he showed still shocked her mind.

This is how many battles with surging fighting spirit and the blood and sweat of many students are needed to build such a powerful training ground!
You must know that among the materials that can be used to build the training ground, among the three basic elements of solidity, sound insulation, and breath isolation, although breath isolation is the least important, it is also essential.

Even if the grades of materials that can be used by Mandoya Children's Academy are limited due to remoteness and poverty, with the assistance of formation runes, it is enough to meet the training needs of most minors.

Logically speaking, even at the entrance of the training ground, you wouldn't feel any breath inside.

But now, at the training ground of Mandoya Children's College, you can feel the fighting spirit escaping from its interior as far as [-] meters away.

As the distance got closer, Guan Ming could clearly feel the oncoming fighting spirit getting stronger.

Gradually, even began to feel oppressive.

When they were only five meters away from the gate of the training ground, the practitioners in the quenching stage whose cultivation had not yet reached the Qi training stage couldn't bear the continuous and heavy fighting intent!
Woooo... so uncomfortable╯﹏╰I vomited after drinking plain water, Longjue can’t move anymore now, and the code words have also been changed from a computer to a mobile phone

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