This set of "Basic Martial Skills" is more complicated and difficult to practice than the most basic and most effective "Nine Sets of Mass Body Tempering Technique", which is widely circulated today and recognized by all practitioners, but the effect is also more obvious.

Cooperating with the meditative formula in "Nine Turns of Chaos Creation", Guan Mingxin could clearly feel that the body of a Li Wushi, whose strength was already comparable to that of a divine stage, had been slightly improved and tempered!

Guan Mingxin was pleasantly surprised by this discovery.

She originally thought that in the Miracle Trial Space, her body had been beaten to the extreme at this stage, but she didn't expect that there was still room for improvement!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Guan Mingxin was completely immersed in the practice of "Basic Martial Skills", unable to extricate himself.

In the eyes of outsiders, it's just that a little child can't control his body due to the coercion of the fighting spirit, so the body tempering technique is not up to standard, so that it looks a bit weird.

From the first set to the ninth set of "Public Body Tempering Technique Basics", it happens to be the nine steps of physical body refining, muscle refining, tendon refining, bone refining, visceral refining, and body refining for practitioners in the body tempering period. Blood, marrow refining, pulse refining, and pulse opening are one-to-one correspondence.

It is also the best choice to boil the body without the help of drugs, animal blood and other auxiliary means.

The most intuitive way to test the effect of hardening the body during the body tempering period is the amount of power and speed generated when attacking with pure physical body.

Therefore, the dynamometer and speedometer are the standard tools for every intelligent being who starts to practice, just like the Yuanxun magic weapon.

Even if one breaks through and enters the Qi refining stage and becomes a real Yuan martial artist, the force measuring device and the speed measuring device are always needed instruments.

It's just that different levels of cultivation, the test limits of the supporting dynamometer and speedometer are different, and the test methods have also changed.

Of course, there are also particularly advanced dynamometers and speedometers that can be used from the beginning of skin refining until breaking through the tribulation stage and ascending to the fairy world.

However, due to various reasons, Guan Mingxin did not have a personal dynamometer and speedometer.

Even the free dynamometer and speedometer have not been used.

Because of this, Guan Mingxin has never had the most intuitive concept of how strong his physical body is.

Even the conclusions that have been judged so far are just a rough result based on the conversion of the vast amount of knowledge I have.

As a result, when she felt that her physical body could no longer improve in the Miracle Trial Space, Guan Mingxin subconsciously believed that she had reached the limit, and thus relaxed her cultivation in this area.

Thinking about it now, it really shouldn't be!

Guan Mingxin hastily adjusted his mentality and began to reflect on himself.

I thought that with so many special experiences, I would not be as easy to be complacent as ordinary minors, and I could look at everything about myself more objectively.

However, after the memory is sealed, Guan Mingxin, who has too little real life experience, is actually just an ordinary four-year-old child.

At most, it's just early wisdom.

She will also be pleasantly surprised by the big opportunities she has.

I will also be proud and proud of being in front of most of my peers.

He was even a little bit flustered, almost unable to recognize his real situation.

Now that he realized the problem, Guan Mingxin immediately started to adjust.

First, she tries to behave like a normal four-year-old.

All kinds of awkwardness at first.

But as time passed, gradually, Guan Mingxin's aura changed.

The complacency and indifference to everything that had been hidden before all subsided, and finally disappeared.

While the demeanor around her became more calm and introverted, it also showed the innocence and innocence of a child, making her no longer out of tune with her peers.

Moreover, the completely restrained aura also made it difficult for Guan Mingxin to be noticed when others did not pay attention...

When Guan Mingxin was exhausted and unable to continue practicing "Basic Martial Skills" and had to stop, the nine people on the challenge stage had already formed a melee.

Guan Ming didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, so he took a few steps back, chose a suitable place for him to sit and watch, and sat cross-legged.

While exercising his skills and adjusting his breath, he watched the melee of the nine people intently.

On the challenge stage, the nine people came and went, it was very lively.

Looking at it, Guan Mingxin couldn't help but smile.

It turned out that the nine people who challenged the scuffle on the stage unknowingly turned into a situation where Xuanyuan Yunyan was surrounded by the other eight people.

When the encircling circle was completely formed, the eight people's attacking moves suddenly changed direction very tacitly, and they attacked Xuanyuan Yunyan one after another.

I saw Yan Zhiqi slammed the sword that was attacking Shi Jiajia to the left when it was about to reach Shi Jiajia!
Turning his palm into a fist, he blasted at Xuanyuan Yunyan's right waist and eye.

It can be said that he is merciless and very spicy, which is extremely inconsistent with his appearance.

While avoiding Yan Zhiqi's palm knife sideways, Shi Jiajia flew a leg whip towards the front left, and then quickly turned into a backward horizontal kick, hitting Xuanyuan Yunyan's knee directly.

Shi Shalan jumped up, kicked towards Zhongsun Lexing's chest with both feet, changed the angle in mid-air, and moved up a little.

And withdrew some strength, and borrowed strength from Zhongsun Lexing's shoulders to perform a backflip.

This time, Shi Shalan's feet were still aimed at the opponent's chest.

However, this opponent turned into Xuanyuan Yunyan.

At the same time, Zhongsun Lexing squatted down with the strength of Shi Shalan's kick, his upper body fell forward, and the direction of his fists was clearly Xuanyuan Yunyan's thigh.

Min Yuchen's straight fist towards Guo Xinlang suddenly slashed obliquely, turning the fist into a palm, and quickly hit Xuanyuan Yunyan's back.

Guo Xinlang's sweeping leg didn't stop, but his left foot, which was used as support, spun violently.

This made the attack of Sweeping Legs even stronger, and it came straight towards Xuanyuan Yunyan's ankle.

Ou Lu ruthlessly inserted his fingers into Shao Qian's eyes, retracted one finger, and stabbed Xuanyuan Yunyan's neck obliquely.

Shao Qian's body, which was originally leaning back to avoid Ou Lu's attack, was originally facing in the direction of Xuanyuan Yunyan.

So he stomped his feet hard on the ground without changing his posture, and with this stomp force, he slid backwards, clenched his fists with both hands, and hit Xuanyuan Yunyan's left rib...

Facing the sudden encirclement and attack of eight people, Xuanyuan Yunyan did not panic.

As if he had predicted that they would sneak attack, his calm body swayed slightly to the right, avoiding Yan Zhiqi's fist.

Immediately after, he fell down forcefully and kicked the platform of the challenge platform with both feet, so that his body was almost attached to the platform, and he quickly slid out of the encirclement.

Then his right elbow was placed on the ground as a support to buffer the force, his body twisted, and he abruptly avoided the two attacks with a strange posture, and took the opportunity to stand up.

Xuanyuan Yunyan, who had already left the encirclement, completely gave up wandering and fighting.

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